Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 854: Taken away

Listening to Tang Xiaolong's words, Li Tian thought for a while, too, after all, so many of them are here...Are you still afraid of this person?

Maybe I think too much! Li Tian secretly lined up.

So Tang Xiaolong slowly walked towards the weird figure curled up.

As he walked forward, Tang Xiaolong was still there and said to the weird guy: "Hey, did you hear me talking? What are you doing? Why are you lying here?"

Tang Xiaolong, who was talking like this, had gradually approached the weird figure in front.

At this time, the brothers also looked at that with curious eyes, and no one knew what was going on.

"Hey, did you hear me talking?" Tang Xiaolong couldn't help saying again after approaching.

Just as he said this sentence, the trembling weird guy suddenly let out a weird laugh.

"You" Tang Xiaolong just uttered a word.

Suddenly the weirdly nestled figure moved suddenly, the speed was so fast, it was so fast that Tang Xiaolong could hardly see clearly.

Then, when Tang Xiaolong did not react at all, a hand that was as cold as a ghost, suddenly reached Tang Xiaolong’s chest, and with a bang, Tang Xiaolong’s body was directly hit and flew backwards. Get up... With a strong and domineering palm, Tang Xiaolong's blood spurted out of his mouth, and at the same time, his body flew back like a cannonball.

Faced with this weird surprise, the brothers were completely stunned.

"Little Dragon..."

How could he not be shocked when he saw that his brother was suddenly seriously injured by that weird guy? At this moment, desperately ran towards the fallen body of Tang Xiaolong.

And Duguxie and the ghost servant also suddenly shot at that moment, rushing towards the weird guy.

I saw that weird guy saw his face clearly at the moment his body suddenly jumped.

It was an extremely ugly face, with a collapsed nose, a pair of vicious and stern eyes, and many pockmarked pits on his thin, dry face.

The moment he saw Duguxie and the ghost servant suddenly rushing towards him, a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then the body quickly rotated, swish, swish, and shoot a vicious and deadly hidden weapon from the five fingers at the Duguxie and the ghost servant in terror, even though the Duguxie and the ghost servant were so powerful, but faced With such a deadly hidden weapon in the sky, the two of them had to retreat sharply.

Just as Duguxie and the ghost servant were forced to retreat by that vicious hidden weapon, the weird man with his nose collapsed and extremely ugly suddenly screamed and shot Li Tian suddenly and quickly.


So his goal turned out to be Li Tian?

"Young Master..." When Du Guxie and the ghost servants saw the weird guy suddenly rushing towards Li Tian, ​​they suddenly exclaimed, desperately past to save!

"Li Tian..." When the brothers at this moment saw this shocking scene, they were completely stunned.

The two women Situ Ningbing and Duanmuying also desperately went to rescue Li Tian.

But how can their speed match that weird guy?

The strange man swayed to Li Tian's side. Li Tian was shocked, but it was too late for him to escape.

A ghost-like hand suddenly grabbed Li Tian’s wrist pulse. The moment he grabbed it, Li Tian only felt that his whole body suddenly became stiff...the whole body was suddenly numb, and it felt all right. No more.

Then Li Tian was shocked to see his extremely ugly face, and looked at him with a grin.

"Boy, come with me!" he said in a nasty voice.

Then his body suddenly turned backward, clutching Li Tian as if holding something that could be easily lifted, and rushing backwards suddenly.

That ugly weird man is going to take Li Tian away?

The Duguxie and the ghost servants were stunned when they saw Li Tian suddenly taken away by that weird guy!

At this moment, desperately rushing towards the ugly weird, Situ Ningbing and his brothers also hurriedly chased him.

But just when they were about to chase wildly, the strange man suddenly shot two small bullets from the skeleton's dry fingers!

Bang bang

The strange thing like a projectile, when it fell on the ground, suddenly exploded with an explosion, and then the surrounding dust was flying and thick smoke was everywhere.

The Duguxie and the brothers who wanted to save Li Tian were completely obscured by the smoke.

"Duguxie, ghost servant, if you want this kid's life, let the evil **** come to the old man...haha!"

Suddenly, the whistling voice came from a distant place, and it was from the mouth of that weird ugly man. Then he saw several ups and downs of his figure already far away.

After the Duguxie and the ghost servants struggled to get out of the thick smoke, they only saw a little black shadow in the distance in front of them, leaping towards the mountain forest with a swift and unparalleled body...

"Young Master!" Seeing Li Tian being taken away, the ghost servant cried out in surprise, his eyes red and desperate to chase forward!

However, Duguxie grabbed his arm all at once!

"Ghost servant, calm down, we can't catch up..." Duguxie said in an unpleasant voice.

"Second brother...Aren't we chasing it? Do you just watch the young master being taken away by the thief?" The ghost servant in front of him said with red eyes as if he was about to kill.

Duguxie stood coldly in the wilderness, looking at the weird figures that had disappeared in the distance and the shadows of Li Tian and others, sighed helplessly, without words!

He knew that he could not catch up, even if he used all the strength of his body, he might not be able to catch up!

"Li Tian..." Situ Ningbing, Duanmuying and the brothers ran over in shock.

Looking at the trail of being taken away far away...They were stunned for a moment.

"I'm going to find him!" Situ Ningbing said suddenly, running forward with red eyes.

How could she watch her beloved be taken away by bad guys?

"No! You can't go!"

"Now we don't even know who the other party is, let alone where Li Tian was taken into captivity...Where are you looking for?" Then Chen Qiaozhi quickly grabbed Situ Ningbing.

Duanmuying also stood there blankly, and muttered: How could this be? How could this be? Who? Who is that guy?

In this way, Li Tian was taken away by the weird and ugly guy!

No way, this incident is too unexpected, it is beyond the imagination of the brothers!

Who can imagine that such a weird villain would burst out on such a road? And the skill is so high? Even the ghost servants and Duguxie can't stop him for a while!

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