Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 8613: You can

"According to the situation I have at this time, these things you said, even Leiyou, the **** of thunder, did not grasp the real thunder. You want to describe this thing like this, right. Right?" Li Tian smiled and followed Lei Duo. They had already left the postgraduate entrance examination site at this time, but the expressions on their faces were still very solemn at this time.

It is true that it may be very relaxed when I said it before, but when this happens, if you continue to toss like this, the problem will become completely different.

They are all worried about whether this matter can be as easy as before.

Although it is true that he is slowly gaining confidence in himself, Li Tian must be truly rigorous about the matter in front of him. It is really not easy for him to pass such a test in his current state, but if it is It is definitely impossible to give up like this. My heart is still quite resistant to this kind of thing. No matter what, this time I hope that I can solve this matter well.

"Of course, I may not have made it clear to you before, so that you really think that such a test seems to be very easy, but in fact, these things cannot be done so easily. The whole process is far better than What we imagined is much more complicated. Even the original Lei You couldn't be as relaxed as you think in your heart. Lei You gave up at the last level!"

"give up?"

"Yes, in his own opinion, such a thing is simply impossible to do. The series of troubles he will face afterwards are already beyond what you imagined. It is not natural to complete such a test. It's that simple." Lei Duo said solemnly: "I know you are quite confident in your own strength, but you must also know that the problems we are facing this time are not so easy, you know?"

"I didn't expect that the problem this time turned out to be like this. It really makes me feel a little bit unimaginable. With such a terrifying strength as Lei You, there is no way to deal with this kind of thing?" Looking at Lei Duo in front of him, Li Tian still couldn't imagine at this time. It really was something like this that happened to them. Of course it is not easy to deal with such an important issue. Problem.

Lei Duo said: "Of course, don't say that such a so-called test is as easy as you think. This kind of situation is not so easy, and it is not as easy as they think to deal with such problems. Yes, if it is the same as before, the problem will become more serious. Only when the real one has 100% of his strength and really deal with these things seriously can he handle these things properly."

"I know that such things may seem tricky to you, but I will not really underestimate these things now. I also know what kind of opponents I am facing, so I Of course I will be more careful." Li Tian said with a smile. According to his current methods, of course, he can handle the matter in front of him well. After a long period of time, he may not be able to handle the matter before him. These troublesome things have been dealt with.

"The front is the settlement. You have to rest here for a while, so that you can better deal with these troublesome things in front of you later. Now you must keep your calm. Only in this way can you let My own affairs became easier."

Li Tian and Lei Duo then went to another area in the center. You can see all kinds of races gathered here. Everyone is not as tense as Li Tian imagined. On the contrary, Even some races that were supposed to be very hostile started to cooperate here, and they looked very harmonious. At this point, even Li Tian himself was a little surprised.

It's really not as easy as they thought to deal with these things right now.

In particular, some humans here have a very good relationship with alien creatures. They help each other. It is this place that really makes Li Tian follow him, even dare not even imagine what he sees. These are the real things that happened. It was supposed to be two races that were in strong conflict with each other. At this time, they started to cooperate. Such things would feel a little weird no matter when they were. Who would dare to imagine? Such things happen in real.

"How could this place become like this? I didn't expect the environment here to be like this at all. These alien creatures and these guys here seem to be completely out of the same level. The situation in front of me is more or less impressive. It's a bit strange." Li Tian frowned. At this time, there are really two concepts that are completely different from the previous thoughts. At this time, it is difficult for him to handle the matter in front of him.

"In such a situation, if you are outside, of course you can't believe it, right?"

"Of course, the relationship between humans and alien creatures has always been bad. Under such a state, how could they get along so harmoniously here? Look at these people here. They interact with each other. Thinking about it as a close friend, of course, this situation will make people feel a little bit unimaginable. This kind of thing is really completely different from what they imagined before. Outside they are between each other. It may really be an opponent and an enemy, but it's different now." Lei Duo said with a smile. Such a situation can be considered reasonable. In other words, everyone will be slowly assimilated in this way.

If you really want to be maverick here, it is impossible to handle such things.

Therefore, if you want to survive here well, the situation like this is a must, so everything in this state is under their control, and it will not be anything like what they had imagined before. Such a difference, if you want to deal with the immediate matter, you must allow the current situation to progress smoothly.

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