Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 8665: Leave aside

"Is there any better way? I know now that this place cannot stop me, but I also know that you guy is a bit capable. So I will use my other way to defeat you, this is right For me, it’s the best choice!” The opponent in front of them seemed to be two completely different concepts from what they had imagined before, so naturally he would have nothing in this situation. A better choice.

No matter what aspect of the opponent in front of me, it is more difficult than I thought, and a lot more difficult, so how can I better accomplish these things that I should do at this time? , This has become a thing they are curious about now.

Although the surrounding attacks said that he could easily dodge in the past, he couldn't really watch this guy in front of him.

So no matter what it is, since the current situation has become what it is today, the only thing left to wait for them to be saved is a battle in the circle.

Who is the real winner depends on what the outcome of a battle will look like.

No matter it is Li Tian or anyone here, they will work very hard for such a battle. This is a gamble. If it succeeds, it will be the best result for them, but if this If you really fail like this once, the consequences of waiting for them will be unimaginable. What's more, for Li Tian at this time, regardless of the reason, he cannot fail. of.

He directly rushed over by stepping on the z-shape. The opponent is very cunning, and he is still an opponent capable of long-range combat, so that only a small amount of mistakes on his side may bring them countless. The trouble, in this situation, they have to do things very simple, nothing more than to use their own methods to get things done as much as possible.

With the power displayed by them at this stage, it is obvious that many things that have happened before are not as easy as they imagined, and no one can easily say what they are facing. . ,

"Hehe, I want to defeat me in this way. I really underestimated me. You guy really didn't take our opponents to heart. If you really succeeded this time, it won't work. Right." All of the surrounding lasers were activated for a while, as if they had been locked a long time ago. At this time, their goal was also very simple, and that was Li Tian here.

Almost in an instant, countless lasers were already shooting towards Li Tian. Under such a situation, they could understand that Li Tian could be shot through in an instant. Maybe they could really treat these things as before. Some small things, but the situation we are seeing now is obviously two concepts that are completely different from before. My own defense was able to resist barely before, but now what

The laser speed is very fast. Of course, Li Tian’s reaction cannot be slowed down. Under this kind of situation, he only needs to make a little mistake on his side, and then it will be able to bring himself very terrible essence. Sexual injuries, in the current situation, of course, they are most worried about seeing such things. No matter what their opponents are thinking about at this time, what is their conspiracy, this moment is true. It can only make such a choice.

"Look at it. This is the situation you most want to see before. You even hope that you can defeat me in this way, but the situation in front of you is also a very realistic situation. You are indeed some powerful. Guys, but you are not my opponents, here I am the real king, here I can do whatever I want." Ye Xiao said excitedly. ,

With a wave of his hand, a strong wind came directly towards him like this. Li Tian, ​​who was not prepared for anything, was directly attacked by this trick. The whole person flew out so quickly, and then smashed heavily. On the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out immediately, and then waited to see the opponent in front of him. After this battle, he really made himself aware that this was a difficult opponent in front of him.

Maybe it was possible to make things simpler before, but when they really reached the level they are today, they will naturally understand and realize that this is not a good guy to deal with.

As the body flickered, the very awkward degrading light also dodged. Although it was said that it was the best possible level, but the body was still touched by these lasers, and a lot of them were left behind. Of course, for their battle at this time, such a trace obviously has no obvious effect.

What Ye Xiao wanted was certainly not the result. This young man’s case is very strong. For them or the people on Breaking Wind Island, he is a very important young man. If he can let him If such a young man dies in his own hands, this is the best, but it is clear that such a situation is not as easy as they imagined, and there is no way to accomplish such a thing.

At this moment, when they face this young man, they can only put such a young man in a very important position.

"You can see it. You are in this state. Obviously, there are two concepts that are completely different from mine. I can say things very simply before.

Li Tian stared at the guy in front of him. It was true that this battle was very different from what he had imagined before. He really didn't expect that the final offense would be like this. It seems that he had organized before. This kind of offense really didn't produce any effective results. It can only be said that one's opponent has really learned how to fight with oneself from many aspects.

"Young man, you understand now. Although you are a very good boy, your strength is really nothing in front of me. If I want to, I can easily treat you. It was defeated. Under such a situation, do you think what I said before was false? I said, you will die here today!"

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