Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 8715: Evolution frenzy (1)

During the next period of time, Li Tianhe's dispatch team continued to move forward according to their previous plan.

But obviously, although their previous plan was considered good, it was a pity after all. They were not able to act according to Li Tianshuo's first time. As the saying goes, they are very fast, especially in their current situation. Under such a situation, they are no longer able to find any clues as quickly as before, and they have become like this. They have now missed a lot of mobile phone meetings.

In this way, the final situation will of course be different.

There are a lot of fighters on this road. Although these fighters are brave, they face such opponents, so it’s hard to say at this time. All kinds of troubles on this road are constantly making They reduced the number of people. In this way, when they really started to pass the second floor, there were already seven people left.

"Down this road..."

"This is our last choice. I can only say that it is to protect you as much as possible, but in many cases even I cannot detect the enemy the first time. We are huge in number, so I want to protect everyone. It's impossible to get up." Frowning, Li Tian didn't know what he should say at this time. Becoming this way can only mean that he feels a little headache, and in the end he just hopes Under such a situation, he can really figure out all the secrets here. ,

Of course, many times it is necessary to understand that some things are completely different from what they imagined.

"The loss along the way is heavy." Ye Qiongyu also said on the side. They don't want to see such a thing happen now. They are already here. Who can hope that their companions will die like this, but this After all the way down, they really made such a loss and paid such a price. What else do they have to say now, facing such an opponent, will they really be able to explore all the problems afterwards? Clearly, this is something that no one can figure out.

"As it is now, for us, it is already a bit of a headache. If we really follow this situation, we may drastically reduce more people in the future, although I do not want it, and do not want to see this. But we have to admit that this kind of thing has really begun to happen. Just as I said before, the opponent is very strong, far from being able to compete with us now." Helplessly smiled, Things have developed to the way they are today, and for Li Tian at this time, a little trouble occurred in many aspects.

However, since it has become like this, in the current situation, naturally there is nothing to worry about. Even if these opponents are really strong, I won't worry about it at this time.

At this time they have come to the center of an empty square. Although it is said that no one can see the surrounding area, it is a complete palace, but it is a pity that there is no living body activity here. It seems that everything here has disappeared and disappeared. At this moment, in such a situation, can they still investigate all the problems as easily as before?

"Being like this, I believe you can already understand it."

"Yes, when we become like this, we all understand what kind of trouble we will face in the future, but even if it is really like this, there is nothing to worry about. We still believe that we can finally be truly What’s the best way to change these things?” said with a smile. At this moment, Li Tian can really relax a lot, even if his opponent is really strong, but At this moment, I still have nothing to worry about.

"Look at what it looks like now, we can really fix the problem here."

"Of course, we are like this. Of course, we can quickly find out everything we should know. If this is the case, I believe we can really solve these problems." Li Tian said with a smile. , And then patted the dispatch captain on the shoulder, and said, "This is not the time to be immersed in such grief. Our opponents are still staring at us. At this time, we don’t have much time to waste. Hurry up and start taking action. If you can't defeat such an opponent, it will be more trouble waiting for us."

"We don’t have much choice now, don’t we? Since we are all in this way, we can only believe it now. After that, we can really figure out these things, right? This look makes people feel a little helpless, but since it is already like this, there is no other way at the moment." For Li Tian at this time, the problem at this moment has become completely different from before. Two concepts.

"So, since they have all become like this, we don't have any way to resist now. The best way is to endure it silently, and hope that we can really solve all these troubles." With a helpless smile, Li Tian said like this. They are standing here now, and they don’t know how many companions died behind them. Even Li Tian can’t say that they can still be the same as before. There is nothing to do. happened before.

This situation seems to them the same as before, which is very troublesome.

"So, it's already like this. Of course, we don't have much to say now. We can only hide our grief temporarily, and then hurry up and move forward like this. This time, no matter what. The opponent understands what we are going to do, and we must also let the opponents we face know what kind of opponent we are." Such a solemnly said, the way we are today, it really makes Li Tian realized that they had no extra choice.

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