Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 8787: Opportunity

"Now is not the time for you to be sad!" A familiar voice sounded at this time, and then, the mysterious Li Tian from the future appeared here.

Familiar mask, familiar look.

When he saw this guy in front of him, Li Tian flashed countless images in his mind, but he couldn't really remember it for a while. He just knew in his mind that something like this had happened. , But it seems that there is no way to clarify what kind of thing it is, which is very strange.

"I know what your feelings are like now, and I also understand how great the shock that so many things have happened to you is, but you have to understand one thing. When people live in this world, they have to Constantly making choices and making your own choices, the problem in front of you seems to be very heavy and difficult to solve, but in fact you still have to step through this chop. After all, you are not a saint and cannot solve everything!" Li Tian, ​​who was in chaotic time and space, said, and then slowly stepped forward, looking at Situ Ningbing who fell in his arms, and said: "You did a good job, you have completed the link you should complete!"

"Is this all right?" Situ Ningbing smiled and looked at Li Tian in the chaotic time and space. All she could feel in Li Tian's body was the endless silence!

"Yes, that's all right. During the next period of time, I will bother you to take a good rest." Li Tian said in the chaotic time and space, and then took out a golden bell and read the mantra. I actually saw him slowly pulling out Situ Ningbing's seven souls and six souls.

"What are you doing?"

"Quiet, quiet!" Seeing Li Tian who was struggling, Li Tian, ​​who was in chaotic time and space, said disdainfully. Then he raised his hand and directly suppressed Li Tian to the ground. Then, he completed his soul absorption work: "If If you continue to let Ningbing stay in such a body, the final result will be a loss of soul. You should be very clear about this. I also know that you definitely want to save him now!"

"Is there a way?" Hearing the rescue, Li Tian instantly saw hope in his eyes. He looked at the guy in front of him and asked curiously.

"I hope this kind of thing is very slim, it may be, or it may not be. There are many mysterious things in this world that we can't explain. Even if I know this thing, I only have a little knowledge, but the rumor is There is a Huangquan clan, and they have some means to renew their marriage! It's just that the Huangquan clan's whereabouts are mysterious and it is not so easy to find, let alone with your current strength, it is completely impossible to do such a thing! "Li Tian said in the chaotic time and space.

"Is my strength still not strong enough?...":

"This is natural. The most important thing at the moment is to stop the invasion of the dark world. If you can't defeat these guys, what is waiting for you at that time will be a complete nightmare. The whole world will be because of You made such a choice and fell into passivity and chaos. I still want to believe you. You guy definitely doesn't want to see such a thing happen, so you will make a little change at this time, right? He smiled like this, looked at Li Tian in front of him and said, "Well, you understand what I mean."

"what do you want to say?"

"In fact, between us, I have experienced things that are much crueler than you. I have designed so many and so many, I hope you will grow up amidst such constant twists and turns, and constantly temper your willpower. Only in this way can you face the next troubles. When you really face the dark world, you will discover that all the troubles you have encountered before are just a piece of cake." Chaos Time and Space Li Tian slowly took off the mask on his face, then looked at Li Tian calmly, and said: “Because you are me and I am you. I have experienced more than you. many."

"This...this..." Seeing Li Tian in the chaotic time and space in front of him, Li Tian didn't know what to say for a while. Although he said he also had the ability to travel through time and space, he did not expect to be here. I was able to see another son: "You never came here, want to..."

"I came here from a long time and space. At that time, the universe was completely destroyed. In the hands of the dark world, we could not resist. Their power was so powerful that we could not compete with them. Although I would fight But in the end it failed. I watched everything around me with my own eyes. Everything that I cherished around me slowly disappeared like this. Watching Ningbing die in front of me, I felt the same pain as you, but After that I went through endless years just to arrange a plan for revenge."

"A destroyed universe..."

"Yes, but I don’t know where I have been teleported to. In this world, there is a parallel space. It is also possible that in a certain parallel space, there is also another you and me, or to say , I just found such an opportunity in that chaotic time and space to come here to see you, but anyway, I have arranged so many here, nothing more than hope that this way can make us truly Only in this way is it possible to defeat their opponents.” He looked at Li Tian in front of him with seriousness. When the situation they were facing changed to the way they are today, this way of handling may be the same. At this stage, the most appropriate way is.

When he heard this, Li Tian also laughed. He slowly understood what was going on. After all, all this was just to fight against the dark world. He looked at Li Tian in the chaotic time and space in front of him and asked. : "Then what's next?"

"You should enter the next stage. The first stage is to merge with me, and the second stage is to evolve."


"Yes, these are everything carefully arranged. Only in this way can you truly stand on the top of the world. You can't do this with hard work alone!"

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