Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 875: Nameless palm

At this meeting, Li Tian quickly opened the yellowing Tianshu Danju in front of him.

After turning to the second graphic essay in the middle, Li Tian discovered that the graphic martial arts continued behind.

And it is a novel martial arts.

Li Tian glanced at it, and it only used black ink lines to draw a small figure with his palms advancing... it looked like a strange palm technique.

It's a pity that there is no way to put a name on this palm... No name and no surname, I don't know what the palm is.

Li Tian glanced suspiciously, and couldn't help but secretly lined up: Hey, what kind of martial arts is this? It seems to be a set of hands!

Seeing that the palms of the villain above were surprisingly weird at first, and the movements were also very different. Li Tian glanced at it and couldn't help but wonder: What kind of weird palms is this?

After thinking this way in my heart, I began to study this palm technique carefully.

But seeing this set of palm techniques is divided into five styles, and each style has a dozen weird tricks.

Li Tianxian started from this first style.

This first style seemed extremely simple and the movements were rough, but after Li Tian looked behind him, he found that it was not that simple.

The first trick is to press the top of Mount Tai. Both palms are lifted up flat, while the left palm is both front and back, which can be attacked and defended. The right palm is embracing. Both inside and outside can attack each other...

Li Tian then followed the practice of the villain above, but slowly gestured with his hands in front of him.

With the movement of his palms, he could feel the energy of his whole body also slowly flowed with his palm tricks...Gradually, he could feel a strong force in his palms. Heat flow.

Li Tian understood very much in his heart that this was the power of palm strength. Thinking of this in his heart, Li Tian began to practice more and more.

Although Li Tian does not know what this palm technique is, Li Tian has already felt that this palm technique is definitely not a normal palm technique, because the more he practiced below, the more extraordinary the palm technique he could feel. Place!

And the trick is absolutely surprising.

Now Li Tian was completely absorbed in the whole set of nameless palm techniques and began to practice.

Although there are only five styles of this palm, each style contains more than a dozen different weird moves. At present, Li Tian is studying the first set of techniques assiduously.

I don’t know how long it took. Li Tian had already got into the book of Heavenly Book Pill Scroll, indulging in the weird and weird tricks. Even when the old monster Dove returned, Li Tian even Did not notice.

But he said that after the old monster Dove returned, he saw Li Tian sitting quietly in the cave and practicing his tricks...

He first frowned and glanced at that weird Li Tian... Then he was taken aback for a moment: Hey, this kid is practicing?

Then his eyes stared deeply at Li Tiandi's tricks.

After watching Li Tian's movements for a few moments, the Dove Demon was slightly taken aback: "What kind of weird hand does this kid practice? Did you practice it like this?"

In the eyes of Jiu Mo Di, that Li Tiandi's grip is not something ordinary people have ever seen, but a completely weird grip, so he felt strange.

He looked at Li Tian who was practising palm skills for a while, and then noticed that every time this kid finished a trick, he would stare at the old "dilapidated" book in front of him.

After seeing this situation, the Dove Demon was stunned for a moment: Could it be that this kid is cultivating palm skills on that broken book?

After thinking about it this way, the Dove Demon walked towards that Li Tian in big strides.

Then Li Tian was fascinated by the practice, and this would not even notice the Dove demon in front of him.

However, after the Dove Demon arrived at Li Tiandi's side, he bent down and grabbed the Heavenly Book Pill Scroll in front of Li Tian.

Li Tian was suddenly disturbed by him in this way, and he woke up from his cultivation. When he saw that the old monster was holding his own Heavenly Book Pill Scroll, he was taken aback.

"Hey, you return the book to me!" Li Tian quickly got up from the ground and stretched out his hand to say to the old monster Dove.

But the Dove demon flew back and said with a hehe smile: "Boy, don't you be so stingy?"

"I'm just looking at what kind of weird martial arts your kid is practicing... and I'm not trying to **** your things." The Dove demon said while flipping the Tianshu Danjuan in his hand and watching.

Li Tian was afraid that this old monster would discover that this broken book was a celestial scroll from the ancient relics, and was afraid that he would take it for himself, so he hurriedly prepared to come over and said, "You give me back my things! "

"Smelly boy, if you dare to come over and grab it again, I'll scrap your book!" The demon said angrily.

Li Tian was stunned, and couldn't help yelling at the old monster in his heart: dead old pervert...dead monster.

Li Tian, ​​who was so threatened by the Dove Demon, really didn't dare to fight again. In his heart, he only hoped that this old monster would never see that this book was a heavenly book.

But what about this demon? I did not recognize that this broken book was one of the three famous ancient relics.

At this moment, he just held the broken book in his hand and watched it with frowning.

Li Tian just observed his expression every move,

From the expression on the old monster's face, Li Tian could tell that the old monster looked very puzzled and puzzled.

"Smelly boy, I'm asking you...what the **** is this broken book?" After looking at it for a few times, Dove Demon, who was dizzy by the dense tadpoles on it, frowned and looked at Li Tianwen. Say.

When Li Tian heard him say this, he finally sighed secretly in his heart, and thought to himself: It seems that this old monster really didn't recognize that this book was a heavenly book.

"Hey, boy, what shall I ask you? What the **** is your broken book?" Just listen to the Dove Demon questioning Li Tiandao at the moment.

Li Tian heard this old monster say that, hehe smiled and said, "This book is nothing special!"

"Then how did your kid learn that martial arts here just now?" The devil frowned and looked at Li Tian and asked.

Li Tiandao said: "I'm practicing for fun!"

"Hey! Are you still afraid that I suddenly learned some powerful martial arts to defeat you?" Li Tian smiled and stimulated the Dove Demon in front of him.

Hearing Li Tian's words, the Dove Demon suddenly snorted, "It's your kid? Even if you practice hard for 20 years, you won't be my opponent!"

The Dove Demon who was speaking swished and threw the heavenly book pill scroll to Li Tian again.

"Take it...broken book!" Dove demon muttered in his mouth and walked forward.

Li Tian took his own Heavenly Book Pill Scroll, and he always let out a sigh of relief in his heart.

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