Li Tian's appearance here can be said to have indirectly changed the fate of many people!

For Luke and the others, this time they felt that the plan was going to fail, but they did not expect that they would be able to see such a strong young man here. They could do this to such an extent by relying on their own strength alone. Young people still have too little understanding, and now the problems seem to have become quite interesting. Only relying on these thieves in front of them can really defeat such a terrifying young man?

The mentality of the leader of the thieves has completely collapsed, and he dared to fight like this before because he believed that he had this ability and had this opportunity. In addition, they had no choice but to continue fighting like this. Going on, thinking that he has a magical attack of the holy rank in his hands, so that he can guarantee his chances of winning in such a battle.

Of course, this kind of thing can’t be counted by anyone, and no one can count it. The final result turned out to be like this. Just relying on your own strength, you can easily handle such a thing. The battle has turned to this bottom, and at this time they can only say that many things in this world are completely different!

"In front of me, you are just a few trivial guys. If I want to deal with you, it can even be said to be effortless. Only with this strength you dare to be so arrogant in front of me. This is really true. It made me speechless, but that's okay. At this level, I think I should do something to let you know!" When Li Tian spoke, he slowly flew to the sky. In the middle, at this time, the powerful king's aura is fully revealed. For Li Tian, ​​who has perfect control of his aura, he can easily master this battle.

In the Western Continent, he didn't know a lot of things, and this might cause him a lot of trouble. Of course, he had to act low-key before that.

The best way to do it in any place is the same. When you first came to such a place, you didn’t know everything about this place very well. The best way is to look like this, keep a low profile and slightly When you accidentally arrive, you may be seen by others. This is a very important thing that needs to be eliminated for Li Tian now.

Li Tian also understands that the strong aura he has shown will most likely be found by others in a short period of time. Therefore, the most important issue at present is to be more careful. In order to avoid a series of troublesome things after this, the price to be paid in order to do such a thing is still a lot.

At this moment, in this state, they would not understand what they should do.

"I didn't expect the final result to be like this. It seems to be exactly like what I said before. Many things seem easy but in fact they are not like this. Are we really going to stay here? The leader of the band of thieves looked at Li Tian in the sky, and looked at the young man in front of him. He was very desperate. When his holy rank magic was completely unable to harm the guy in front of him, he naturally did. I understand that it is impossible for me to defeat such an opponent, and the young man in front of him is absolutely impossible to be defeated by them.

This battle has reached the level of today and it is possible to see what the final result will be like. They will become a rather tragic loser. Naturally, no one in this world still knows. There has been such a group of people in the world, and this is the most tragic thing that has happened to them. Even though they really want to change this situation, they are still as powerless as before.

"What you see now is not very satisfactory to you, but this is what you should get in return. You want the weak and the strong, and you want to rob others to strengthen yourself. Of course, this naturally requires You understand one thing yourself. Since you have shown your fangs and want to hurt others, naturally you have to be prepared to be hurt by others. I have seen guys like you many times, but this time I want to What I do is just to make you truly understand that what you think is not so easy!" When speaking, the aura enveloped here, and it was well controlled on such a venue, just to ensure that you would not It's too much publicity. If the Western Protoss discovers their existence, it will inevitably still be a little troublesome.

These are not things that Li Tian hopes to see very much. He still hopes that all of this will be able to progress slowly according to his own rules. No matter how it is now, it makes him a little bit curious. It’s already like this. At present, it is natural to teach these thieves a little lesson, and then take this opportunity to understand what the Western Continent is like, and what kind of guys these so-called Western Protoss are like. , Can be so arrogant on this continent.

The leader of the thieves group was trembling at this time. Even with his strength like this, after facing Li Tian's attack, he still felt a little desperate. Yes, standing here can clearly feel this. One point, there is a world of difference between them. Li Tian in front of him looked like an ordinary person, but he was able to display a very terrifying combat power. At this point, there was no challenge at all.

What they thought before was too simple, they tried to rely on a holy rank-level magic attack, which is impossible to achieve.

"When you raise a weapon in your hand, you naturally also need to be prepared to be slaughtered by others!" He said like this, and then beams of black lightning radiated from Li Tian, ​​covering the whole in the blink of an eye The band of thieves, these thieves were able to barely calm down at the beginning, but when they really faced such an offense, they were completely panicked. They couldn't imagine such a thing at all.

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