Li Tian did not expect that the Western Protoss would start to act so soon. It seems that his previous view of these guys was wrong. They did not have such a simple deal as they imagined. On the contrary, it was even worse than they thought before. There are a lot of troubles. Under such a situation, judging from the methods I currently master, it is indeed not easy to solve the problem.

Although the Pope here is very reluctant in his heart, it doesn’t matter whether it’s your affection or reluctance to face such an opponent. After all, you still need to look at the reality and speak. This is the thing before them. , If you want to survive after this, the final choice can only be this way.

"It seems that their cooperation today is inevitable, but it doesn't make me very worried. After that, I only need to manipulate the whole thing a little bit and it will pass in another direction. This is the real let People are satisfied. I really want to see what the goals of these Western Protoss are. Since they have achieved this point, I believe these guys must have surprised us in some respects." Such a laugh. He smiled and said, Li Tian still had a little confidence in his own methods, and looking at the situation at this time was not as easy to deal with as they thought.

But as long as there is such confidence in the heart, it doesn't matter. After all, I can handle all these things.

As for what the result will look like after this, this is not so easy for many people to handle well, and what is happening right now is to such an extent, I believe it is not easy to handle for many people. .

After there were no problems here, Thor had arranged some things and then left.

The knight commander waited until Thor left before saying: "My Pope, we really want to..."

"I know what you want to say, but we seem to have no other choice at this time. The strength of the opponent is completely different from ours. I don't know if I can handle this. Trouble, although I am very reluctant to be controlled by others in this way, of course I don’t want to be ruined in the hands of others after so many years of business, but can I really find any chance to comeback in this situation?" He smiled. When the situation in front of him became like this, he could only say that he was helpless. After all, the methods he currently mastered were simply unable to better deal with the things that happened around him.

After this, the trouble will become more and more serious.

"I didn't expect that they would come here to threaten us in pursuit of this very mysterious guy. From this point of view, the things that happened on the scene we saw before should be true. The band of thieves is Dead in the hands of one person, are we going to start an investigation?"

"Of course, we must investigate this matter clearly no matter what, and investigate what happened at that time. I believe that such a team will not appear there for no reason. Dead for no reason, this is a very important thing for us at the moment, you must hurry to figure out that this is related to the lives of many people!" The pope here also said with a serious expression.

When their knowledge of the situation reached the point it is today, the final result can only be like this. Judging from the situation they currently have, this is the best they can do at this stage. One choice.

"Okay, don't worry, we will investigate this matter in the shortest time possible. No matter what the other party we are investigating is, we will take care of the whole matter."

The knight commander also said with a serious face. At this time, naturally, there were no other superfluous thoughts. The things they were facing at this time were like this. There was no time and would not give them extra qualifications to question or something. Since this happened at that time, there must be some reasons. Since it is like this, of course, it is necessary to investigate these things clearly. What happened at that time? Based on the circumstances at that time, why did the whole thing happen? Things turned into this way?

These are all issues that they need to figure out now, and the series of troubles that have occurred after this also require serious thinking.

Li Tian smiled helplessly, just these things that happened before his eyes were really far from what he had imagined before. Many places were completely different concepts from what they had thought before. As for things turning into this way, they don't have much chance of winning to deal with such a series of troublesome things well. This is probably a very helpless thing for them.

Obviously there are still many thoughts in my heart, but the final result is still the same as before without any changes.

After hearing these guys finished speaking, Li Tian left directly. Even if he continues to be here, there is no way to know any useful news. Since it is like this, there is no need to continue wasting time here. Hurry up. It is very important to devote one's time to very precious things. The opponents are so complicated, and it is not as easy as they imagined just by looking at the methods they currently have at their disposal.

No one knows what might happen after this.

A little bit of time passed, and soon Li Tian returned to the Hillier family.

Hogg here hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Anthony, what are you..."

"I think what happened before you are all in touch. If you can't even detect such a problem at the first time, you are really not qualified to have this ability!" Li Tian said

"Yes, I didn't expect the Western Protoss to appear here. You went out because of..."

"In the past, just look at what these guys wanted to do. You can rest assured that I and them are not on the same front. I have my own things to do. They just want to stop me now. "Li Tianlai said with a smile, looking at Hogg: "Now, do you dare to continue to cooperate with me?"

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