Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 8870: determination

Li Tian and the Pope said a lot in the hall, and both parties were really not very satisfied with the scene before them.

Whether it is Li Tian or the Pope, they are all like this. They don't want to see things evolve into what they are today, but hope, and after all is just a hope. Many things happen in this world but have nothing to do with hope. Yes, for example, this time the advent of the Western Protoss. This is something that no one wants to happen, but that's how it happened.

And the most important thing at the moment is whether things after this can develop smoothly according to their previous ideas, if not, there will still be a lot of trouble waiting for them at that time.

"Now this situation is quite tricky. I really don't know what it will become after this. I didn't expect these two families before, but this time it turned out to be so ugly for me. I really want to teach them these guys a lesson, otherwise these guys will not understand at all, what they are doing and what they should do." Said this with a serious face, when the matter before him turned into When he looked like this, the pope here was already quite angry. To the pope at this time, he seemed to be betrayed by someone.

"Of course there is nothing wrong with this kind of thinking, but it is just as we said before. Since these guys have really arranged and acted like this, it is of course impossible without any reason. I believe that they also prepared a perfect plan here. I am really curious now. What are the methods of these guys and whether they can really surprise us!" Li Tian said with a smile. It may not be a good thing for many people when the situation becomes like this.

But for myself, it's not like this. This should be regarded as an absolutely good thing. Judging from the means and strength of my current state, it is indeed like this.

"Some of the things we have at present don’t seem to be what we want to see, but just looking at what’s happening in front of us can really relax me. Although their skills are not small, It’s not that we can really do a lot of things that we didn’t expect. If this is the case, the whole situation will still be under my control. I hope I can save this situation.” This said with a helpless smile. , As if these things happening before them really made them feel a little desperate.

At this time, Li Tian didn't care about these things at all. Even though it seemed impossible to many people, it was actually like this.

No matter what happens, what kind of contradictions are like this, my own strength is very strong, even in the Western Continent, not many people can defeat Li Tian, ​​just this point It can be proved that such a strong man, such as Yunguo, really wants to do something. It is enough to rely on himself. These guys in front of them, these so-called forces, they have no way to prevent Li Tian from completing. What I want to accomplish is the absolute gap in strength.

"It's a pity. It took me a long time to achieve such a balanced situation. This is what I am today, but now it seems that there is really no possibility of change. This time I decided to do something. I believe you will let them see what is real pain." The pope smiled helplessly, it is true to say that, eh, there is a little temper, originally this thing shouldn’t be like this, but So many things have happened, and the final situation has evolved into what it is today. Naturally, many people do not want to see, and they do not want to see.

However, since this is already the case, it obviously means that they have no redundant choices.

"If this goes on, the whole thing will develop in a very interesting direction. Seriously, I am also very curious at this time. What kind of surprises these guys will bring me, according to my impressions , They won't give up so easily." Li Tian said with a smile. There is indeed no problem on the Pope's side. The next thing waiting for him is the Stark family's attack.

I don’t know what the purpose of these guys are, and how they are going to do it, but for Li Tian, ​​what he can do now is that soldiers come to cover the water and earth. As long as he believes in himself in his heart, he can still find it. The way to deal with these opponents, as long as this time succeeds in gaining the upper hand, many things after that will naturally become much easier.

"Anyway, these series of things have proved one thing. The problem we are facing at this time is far from being as easy as we thought. Therefore, in this situation, we want to get rid of such troublesome things. The problem of balance is really not that simple. Since there is no way to balance them at all, now they can only toss them by themselves. I am also very curious about what they will do next!"

Pope Li Tiane left after speaking for a long time.

"Master Pope, do you really want to be like this?"

"The Hillier family and the Stark family are both very strong now. Both of them don’t want to continue to be controlled by us as before, plus the recent appearance of Anthony and the city. Some of the guys who appeared inexplicably, some monsters on the periphery, and all kinds of things made them understand that this time is the best opportunity for them to seize the time to rise. Seizing this opportunity can avoid continuing to be controlled by us as before. If it were you If so, would you give up such an opportunity?" the pope asked with a smile.

For such a thing, the answer is actually very obvious. If you want to get rid of the control of the temple, then you must look like this at this time, only such love can truly change their destiny.

I believe that the Hillier family and the Stark family think in this way, coupled with the appearance of the weight of Li Tian, ​​no matter which family this guy helps, it will instantly increase the power of this family many times.

They are not clear about the role of such a master.

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