Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 886: Embarrassed

"Xiaomi, you said that you are not depressed... We have been walking for three days, why are there not many people on the road... I can't even see a handsome guy! I thought I would meet a handsome guy or something on this trip …Hey, then a romantic great love begins, but unfortunately now it seems to be hopeless." Lin Xixi sighed while holding the camera.

Lai Xiaomi next to him laughed.


"Which handsome guy will have nothing to do as boring as the two of us? Will he come to this barren mountain to play?" Lai Xiaomi said,

Lin Xixi blinked her beautiful eyes and thought for a while and said, "Yes!"

"The handsome guy now... really boring... there is no sense of connotation!"

"Hey, I like that kind of man with connotation." Lin Xixi said.

"Xie Xi, stop being idiots, hurry up and pack things, let's continue on the road." Lai Xiaomi said.

Lin Xixi walked over quickly, and then started to clean up the tent in front of him with Lai Xiaomi.

But they said that when they were packing up the folding tent, they saw a figure on the lonely road coming step by step toward this side.

With a casual glance, Lin Xixi saw the figure behind at a glance.

"Hey, someone is here." Lin Xixi said with her beautiful eyes blinking.

Lai Xiaomi, who was packing up the folding tent, was taken aback for a moment and turned to look. She saw a figure walking lonely on the road at a distance of about a few hundred meters behind her.

"It seems to be a man!" Lin Xixi blinked with her bright beautiful eyes.

Lai Xiaomi also took a look there and said, "Really?"

"Is it a tourist too?" Lai Xiaomi asked.

Lin Xixi shook her head.

"I'll see if it's handsome." Lin Xixi suddenly giggled and said, and then used the telephoto lens of the camera to look at the figure.

But seeing that person walking alone on the road, his figure was lonely, he kept his head down from beginning to end, thinking about his thoughts all the time.

"Xixi, stop making trouble..."

"In this wilderness...we don't know that person...and don't know what he is doing? We two girls should be cautious." Just listen to Lai Xiaomi's hand slightly supporting herself Said the black-rimmed glasses on his eyes.

Lin Xixi thought for a while, put the camera in her hand down, and thought for a while, too!

After all, when the two of them meet strangers on such a highway, it is better to be careful.

"Then we don't care about him?" Lin Xixi asked, blinking at Lai Xiaomi's beautiful eyes.

Lai Xiaomi said: "Ignore it!"

"Let's pack up and go."

So the two girls began to pack their luggage and prepare to set off.

But who is the lonely figure behind that? Who is walking alone on such a deserted road?

He is no one else, but Li Tian who is going to Beitang City.

Since Li Tian left the forest sea, he has been walking alone on this road. During this period, he has been thinking about his hateful past, so he never looked at the road ahead.

He certainly didn't know that in front of him, there were two young and beautiful girls talking about him.

At this moment, looking up casually, Li Tian saw the two figures in front of him at a glance.

"Huh, there are people?" Li Tian suddenly felt lucky in his heart.

After all, on such a deserted road, it is quite good to meet one or two people who can walk together and talk together.

No, when Li Tian saw that there was someone on the same road ahead, he became happy.

Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be two women.

After seeing the two shadows, Li Tian hurriedly stepped forward to chase after him.

In fact, he only hoped to find someone who would follow the path and be a companion together, but he didn't think of anything else.

But after he accelerated his pace behind him, he made the two girls Lai Xiaomi and Lin Xixi feel scared.

After all, a strange man suddenly accelerated his pace behind and chased the two girls, making them feel a little scared.

"Xiaomi, Xiaomi... the man has caught up." Lin Xixi blinked his eyes while looking at the figure behind, while looking at Na Lai Xiaomiao with some caution in his voice.

Lai Xiaomin looked back at the figure that was getting closer and closer and said to Lin Xixi, "Don't worry... it's okay for the two of us to ignore him!"

Lin Xixi nodded silently, and then walked slowly like Lai Xiaomi.

Besides, Li Tian soon caught up.

His eyes clearly saw the backs of the two girls who were not far in front...they were two beautiful backs.

Li Tian moved in his heart, so he walked forward quickly, hoping to say hello to the two girls, and then walk with him.

Lin Xixi and Lai Xiaomi also felt that Li Tian was approaching them more and more. Although the two girls were wary inside, they both pretended to be calm and still walked slowly there.

"Hey... hello!" Li Tian, ​​who walked over quickly, said hello to the two girls from behind.

At this moment, Lai Xiaomi and Lin Xixi heard that the "guy" behind had approached, they had to stop, only to see the two of them slowly turning around and seeing Li Tian.

Li Tian looked at them with a sincere smile.

Of course they also saw Li Tian, ​​but the two beauties did not speak, and looked at Li Tian with alert in their eyes.

"Hello... Excuse me, where are you going to go?" Li Tian asked politely.

"We don't seem to know you!" Lai Xiaomin suddenly blinked her beautiful eyes and said to Li Tiandao vigilantly.

Listening to the beauty in front of me, Li Tian looked a little embarrassed, but still smiled and said: "Oh! My last name is Li, my name is Tian... I am going to Beitang City."

"It's nice to meet you here..."

"If possible, let's drop in together! I found that the road is empty and empty...so I want to find a companion!" Li Tiandao.

But then Lai Xiaomi and Lin Xixi frowned slightly.

"Sorry...We don't like walking with strangers!" Lai Xiaomi said decisively in that voice.

Hearing these two beauties decisively rejecting him, Li Tian's face appeared endless embarrassment, but he is not a shameless person after all...Since the two beauties have already said this, then he can't follow it cheeky People.

So Li Tian smiled reluctantly and said, "Oh, this way...that's okay..."


Li Tian said that it was inconvenient to stay more, so he took a step forward and walked quickly.

"Goodbye!" Lai Xiaomi also spit out a word coldly.

During the period, Lai Xiaomi and Lin Xixi did not leave. After they saw Li Tianguo really walk forward alone, their hanging heart fell.

"Xiaomi, Xiaomi, that boy also went to Beitang City? Why don't we follow him all the way?" Lin Xixi said from the lonely back of Li Tian with her beautiful eyes and low reputation.


"We don't know him, besides, in such a wilderness, do we two girls dare to come so close to him?"

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