Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9012: Holy sword

The strength of the werewolf was very strong, and the strength of this guy had already risen to a terrifying level. Under this state, Li Tian could not say that he had enough strength to deal with these troubles.

The guy in front of him has surpassed them too much in many ways, far more complicated than they thought.

Therefore, in this situation, if you want to deal with this problem, it naturally becomes a little tricky. Looking at this guy in front of you, there are many ideas in his heart.

'What a strong aura, I really underestimated this kid before. Such a state can be regarded as a real show of his strength. If I can relax a little, it would be fine, but it doesn't seem to be the case now. . The werewolf felt this kind of aura, and at this time he could clearly feel the pressure on his body.

Li Tian's kingly spirit is still very powerful, and it is not as easy as they thought to be able to cope. At this time, looking at the young man in front of him, he only felt the pressure on his body doubled. If he continues at this speed,

The werewolf also understood how difficult Li Tian was facing in front of him. When this young man showed such power, he already knew how much pressure he was under.

The combat power of this young man in front of him is very terrifying, and it is impossible to defeat such an opponent in ordinary ways. Even if he has gone all out now, he may not be the opponent of this guy.

This is the contradiction they are currently facing.

"Only relying on my strength alone can't defeat you. I understand that, but I have a great array of surprises. I believe you can't easily deal with such power!"

This guy said so righteously, and Li Tian just smiled faintly, speaking lightly. This guy seems to have good means, but the difference between his own strength has become more and more obvious. How can this guy really beat himself when he fully utilizes all his advantages?

The werewolf moved!

His speed became very fast in an instant, his hands turned into sharp claws, and dark red energy was still entwined on them. I believe that if they were rubbed by such a force, the power from this would instantly swallow him.

The speed of the werewolf is inherently fast, but compared with Li Tian, ​​there is no special place. After all, Li Tian's combat effectiveness is quite rare, so this battle is not as difficult as they thought.

"Let me see what you can do now. The battle has been going on for a long time. In my opinion, there is no need to continue wasting time like this. Ending this battle sooner is for both of us. A good thing, we don't have time to waste." After Li Tian finished speaking, he began to attack actively, one after another, the werewolf in front of him could only retreat.

Like the werewolf, he didn't expect that Li Tian could still keep up with his speed in this state. It seemed that he had underestimated this young man before.

Judging from the information they have, this young man will only become more and more troublesome in the future, and it is necessary to end the battle early. After all, if this delay continues, the trouble will only become bigger and bigger.

‘Boom boom boom’

The energy of the entire Shocking God Array began to run wildly.

Although it has a very fast speed, it is also very scary in terms of power.

Li Tian slashed down with a sharp sword, and the werewolf hurriedly blocked it.

However, he did not expect that in front of Li Tian's absolutely powerful force, his own sharp claws would be broken off, and the whole body flew out, hitting the ground heavily, and a mouthful of dark blood came out.


"My previous strength was indeed full strength, but now I have found the weakness of this formation. No matter how powerful the formation, it doesn't matter. After all, we can easily handle this formation. "Li Tian smiled disdainfully. From his own point of view, the secret of the Shocking God Formation has been slowly understood. Although this formation can help him bear a lot of attack power, it is also consuming the entire Shocking God Formation. The power of the array.

When the power of the Shocking God Array is consumed, this guy's combat effectiveness will naturally be reduced a lot. If things go on like this, they will easily solve this problem.

And the werewolf here also understood the thoughts in this guy's heart, the battle began to become more and more difficult, and the young man in front of them made them understand what a real trouble is.

The power of the Shocking God Array actually began to weaken, something he hadn't thought of at all.

It shouldn't be like this. The Shocking God Array should be able to hold on for a long time, but now it has begun to change into another state. If they continue in this state, wouldn't they be in trouble?

If you think about it, things like this are not what they want to see.

The Shocking God Array was set up for today, for them to defeat this opponent, but they didn't expect to be suppressed to such a degree by this guy, even the Shocking God Array could not handle it?

"Haha, looking at you like this, you're already incapable of skills, it makes me relax. If you say this, you will be defeated by me later!" sneered, if all you see is reality, then In this battle, Li Tian had already taken hold of it. The power of the Shocking God Array was indeed quite terrifying, and he shouldn't have completely swallowed it up so easily.

However, he himself is also a very terrifying strong man, and during this period of time, he has slowly learned the skills of this formation.

It is true that the werewolf’s combat effectiveness can be increased a lot, but it is not because this formation was originally built for the werewolf. As long as it can find a way to use it, then even Li Tian can also use it here. The power of the big formation, the wool comes out of the sheep, with this method, the shocking big formation is not only used for fighting this guy, but also used on Li Tian's body.

In this way, the werewolf naturally has many ways to cope with it, and the weakening of the shocking force is also reasonable.

It's just that this guy didn't expect that the final result would turn out to be like this.

In this state, he really thought that everything in the shocking array was his own.

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