Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9053: Continental existence

"There is indeed such a rumor, but many of us are only aware of this rumor, but no one knows that Hon Hai mainland actually exists!"

"Hon Hai Mainland?"

"Yes!" The scholar in white nodded. At this moment, they had arrived at a large tent in the center of the cottage. Inside, there was a long sandalwood table with the four treasures of the study, and a chair with a draped on it. The famous animal skin, there are two seats on each side, and it really feels like a cottage. Li Tian sat down beside him, looking at the scholar in white, ready to listen to him.

I don’t know much about this world, especially the so-called Chuwu continent and Hon Hai continent. I don’t even know what they are. If I start to walk around the rivers and lakes to find a way to heal myself, it’s not something I don’t understand at all. A smart choice, once exposed, it is very likely that you will become a cultist chased by this world, and such things have not happened before.

It is difficult for any creature to accept things that they don't understand. The first thing they think of is to eliminate such strange things.

Looking at Li Tian with a smile like this, the scholar in white said: "Looking at you like this, I can probably be sure that you are just an ordinary person. The luck is really good. I was able to escape our arrow rain just now!" While talking, he stepped forward and slowly cut the rope on Li Tian's body. He smiled and said, "But don't do this next time. If you really have bad luck, you will lose your life. !"

"At that time, if I didn't do this, I would really die." Li Tian said with a smile, and then looked at the scholar in white: "Are you really sure now? You let me go, but then..."

"We can conclude that you are not a spirit race, this is enough." Nodding, the scholar in white said: "Introduce yourself, this is Shuibozhai, I am the second master here, Feng Xingyun!"

"Brother Feng!" Li Tian said politely while composing with both hands. ,

"I haven't asked you..."

"Li Tian!"

"Well, Li Tian..." Feng Xingyun sat down, nodded, and said, "That's it. Hon Hai has always been a legend about Hon Hai, and nobody really knows it. It's just a rumor. In a very old age, the two continents were originally called the Lingxiao Continent. At that time, a monster from another world suddenly invaded here. Their dark energy walked the entire world in an attempt to erode and destroy everything. The king of the Qin Kingdom, Long Xiao, fought with him. It lasted a month before he defeated the monster and restored the peace of the entire continent."

"Monster from another world, dark energy?" I don't know why. Li Tian always felt weird after hearing the news, as if he came here not only to solve the injury left by the holy sword on his body. , At the same time, there are other missions, just the memory of this part, I can't recall it at all, it is obvious that all of this has been completely forgotten.

If you want to restore this memory, you can only heal the injuries left by the holy sword, which is back to the original point.

Feng Xingyun nodded, and continued: "This battle lasted for a whole month. It was a real masterpiece. It was said that Long Xiao was holding a sword called Shenquan to fight against him, exhausting his blood. Only after defeating the monster, the original Lingxiao Continent was divided into the current Chuwu Continent and Hon Hai Continent in this station, and Long Xiao’s blood painting of the sea, dividing the two continents, The legend is like this..."

"But this is just a legend in the end, and no one has been able to prove this dusty history, right?" Li Tian smiled.

"Yes, someone wanted to investigate this matter a long time ago, but this world is so big, the Chu Wu continent is more like never ending. Those who went out never came back, like Disappearing in this world forever, slowly and naturally no one will have this strange idea. They all understand that this is just a legend, something that normal people cannot touch!"

Feng Xingyun said it very seriously, and this matter also convinced Li Tianzhi that he was even more curious about this so-called Shenquan Sword, and wanted to find this sword to have a look.

However, since this is something in the legend, it is even more difficult to find nature. What's more, it has been so long since now, and if you want to find such a sword in this vast road, no Unlike finding a needle in a haystack, I can only see if my luck is not bad and I can find a little clue.

"What happened to the Spirit Race you mentioned earlier?"

"They were originally humans, but afterwards, I don’t know why, and they have changed differently from us. These guys began to become pale and bloodless. Except for those low-level spirit races, few spirit races would act during the day, so... …"

After hearing this, everything was finally explained clearly, why this seemingly normal village and town, instead of not having the appearance of a village, has become such a cottage.

The feelings are all because of this spirit race.

It seems that humans and spirit races must have been grieving for a long time, so in order to protect themselves, Shuipozhai would be like this.

"The Spirit Race and you..."

"Spirit races like to hunt humans, but usually the higher spirit races are what we call the so-called higher warlocks. They have high and powerful means and rarely go out hunting. In most cases, those lower spirit races attack us. It has been going on for hundreds of years. The contradiction between the spirit race and our human beings has always been like this. They tried to hunt us in vain, and under such a predicament, we slowly found our own way of survival! "

Feng Xingyun also slowly explained the whole thing clearly. In this world, humans are not the strongest existence, but these spirit races, they like to hunt and kill humans.

"It turned out to be like this. If you say it like this, you will naturally understand what happened to the Chuwu Continent." Li Tian laughed. These spirit races should be the current rulers of this continent, humans. In this world, it can only be regarded as lingering, this is indeed not a very happy thing, but it is quite difficult to be able to achieve this situation.

After all, in this process, many things are completely different from before.

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