Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 907: Sad woman

Tang Xiaolong thought for a while, yes, after all, Li Tian's arm has recovered... and his martial arts has also improved very high, so his worries are a bit overwhelming.

"Then let's wait, wait for the little boss to come back, and then ask him carefully, where did he get this awesome sword...haha."

But what about Li Tian? Now indeed looking for the leaving Duanmu Ying in Beitang City.

But the crowds go to the crowded streets, how hard is it to find them two?

But Li Tian didn't feel hard, he just warned himself side by side in his mind that he must find the Duan Muying.

Just look for it in the crowded street, look for...

The place in front is two blocks, one is an ordinary pedestrian street, and the other is a colorful entertainment block.

Li Tian thought for a while, and according to the character of the eldest lady Duanmuying, it is estimated that she would not go to the kind of pedestrian street, so he turned and walked quickly towards the entertainment district full of roaring music.

This entertainment district, most of the urban bars, KTV, and nightclubs.

Although the consumption level here is not as prosperous as that of Jinghai City, it still looks quite impressive.

When you walk into this block, you can see men and women in beautiful costumes walking here.

There was a depraved state under the neon lights.

In front of the entrance of the nightclub stood a few nightclub girls with very little dress, with heavy pink makeup, extremely charming and coquettish... They winked at the pedestrians, showing off their coquettishness.

Some people with money in their pockets go in and spend happily, holding charming and plump beauties in their hands can be very happy all night, and some without money can only stare at those female bodies full of temptation... Then one by one, **** in his eyes, went home.

This world is like this, full of endless desires.

But Li Tian is different from the people who come to entertain the neighborhood... His steps are hurried, while walking fast, while looking for the shadow of his beloved with those worried eyes.

At the entrance of the dark alley, there are women who are wearing revealing clothes... Pulling guests there, sometimes they keep whispering and charmingly hello to passing pedestrians: "Brother, can you play? It's cheap..." It’s guaranteed to make you up and down... only 200 yuan..."


Looking at these depraved people, Li Tian's heart was filled with a violent sense of rejection.

He hated it, so he thought to himself, after looking a little bit ahead, he would leave here.

When Li Tian frantically searched for Duanmuying, he said where is Duanmuying who stubbornly left because of a mistake?

A KTV doorway that looked a little more serious, but saw a shadow wobbled out of it.

It seems that there is too much to drink... even the stride is a bit unstable.

"Miss...Miss...how are you doing?"

While looking at that beautiful shadow, he heard a round-faced girl with full of worry on her face, and hurriedly followed the KTV.

Take a closer look, the person who ran from behind turned out to be that girl Xiaohuan.

And the drunk person in front of him was obviously her eldest lady Duan Muying!

It turned out that after that Duan Kiying left with stubborn sadness, she took the girl Xiaohuan to leave Li Tian...

But in such a dark sky, such a confused city, where can the two girls go? So Duanmuying found a quieter KTV by the way, and after going in, she began to drink as if she was crazy...

I've been drinking two bottles of red wine... Then I walked out of it crookedly.

This girl Xiaohuan couldn't control her eldest lady, even if she persuaded it, it was useless...So Duanmuying at this meeting was completely dizzy and drunk.

At this time, I saw that girl Xiaohuan shouted Miss, while preparing to come over and help that Duan Muying.

But what about Duanki Sakura? She was crooked and twisted, but she didn't let the little girl ring help her...

"Get out... Don't help me..." At this moment, Duanmuying's mouth was full of alcohol, and that exquisite face that was already perfect was even more blushing after she was drunk...

Beauty is simply a drunk beauty.

Watching the eldest lady walking vainly, Xiaohuan was afraid that she would fall, and hurriedly said: "Miss, you are drunk, let Xiaohuan support you."

"I don't want to..." Who knew that Duanki Ying pushed the approaching ring aside.

Xiaohuan's tears were streaming out quickly.

But Duanmuying, who was completely drunk, said in her mouth: "I'm...not drunk...I want to drink...I want to drink myself to death."

She said, squinting her dimly drunk eyes and walking crookedly.

Although this little ring was worried about the eldest lady, but was helpless and could not go up to help, she could only follow her timidly, taking care of her safety.

Suddenly, Duanmu Ying, who was walking in front, was inattentive, her feet soft, and her entire body fell to the cold concrete floor.

"Miss!" After seeing her eldest lady suddenly fall to the ground, the small ring in front of her rushed to help her worriedly.

"Miss, how are you...does it hurt?"

But just after that Duan Muying fell to the ground, she suddenly cried out sadly.

The voice was full of sadness and pain... as if something extremely sad had happened.

This girl Xiaohuan suddenly saw her eldest lady and she started crying sadly, thinking that the eldest lady had hurt herself because of the fall... So she ran over to help the sad and crying Duanmu Ying: " Miss... Are you hurt there? Where do you hurt?"

But what about Duanki Sakura?

Is it really because of physical pain that you cry like this?

Do not!

No, she was because of her heartache.

But seeing that Duan Muying lay on the ground, not letting the little girl ring support her, she was crying dizzy...

A sad voice came from her mouth.

"Miss, miss, what's the matter with you? Tell Xiaohuan?" Xiaohuan listened to her young lady crying, and her tears flowed drop by drop from her eyes...

What about Duanki Sakura? The more I listened to her advice, the more I cried.

A sad voice rang through the darkness.

Finally Duanmuying was tired from crying... She was lying on the cold concrete floor, unconscious as if she was asleep.

But she can hear a name muttering in her mouth.

"Li Tian... Li Tian... you have no... conscience..."

Suddenly hearing the young lady's voice came out of her mouth, Xiaohuan suddenly understood that her young lady was so sad because of Li Tian.

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