Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 909: Meet for a moment

"Ah? So..." the two people said there.

"Yeah! Or else, can I come here so late?" the man in the leather jacket said depressed.

"Why is that woman pulling you?" the person waiting for him asked.

"How the **** do I know?"

"It's probably because of a broken relationship... so I drank too much..."

"Forget it, forget it, don't mention it, bad luck. Go, let's go." The man looked quite depressed, so they turned and walked to the other side.

Li Tian, ​​who was already going to leave, frowned slightly after hearing the conversation of the men just now.

"Drunk woman?"

"It shouldn't be her... I have never seen her drinking before, besides, there is still that little ring around her!" Li Tiantian thought to himself.

But he still looked at the small street that the man in the leather jacket had just walked over... He hesitated in his heart... and then walked towards the small street.

He was going to go to see the situation. Although he wasn't sure what was going on there, he still wanted to see it with his own eyes. After all, he was looking for it aimlessly now.

On the cold street, but seeing the drunk Duanmuying lying on the side of the cold wall, she felt a little uncomfortable because of drinking too much.

Xiaohuan standing beside her has been supporting her worriedly.

"Miss... are you better?"

"Let's go, get out of here... Find a place for you to take a good rest first." Xiaohuan said to his lady.

Where is Duanmu Ying? At this moment, I felt a little unconscious, dizzy there.

"I won't... I won't go..."

"Miss, but you are drunk, you have to rest?" Sai Xiaohuan worried.

"I want to wait for him... wait for him..." Duan Muying said dazedly.

When talking about him, Duanmuying couldn't help being sad.

"Miss... Li Tian will not come... Besides, even if he finds... it is impossible to find us, Miss, why are you torturing yourself like this?" Xiaohuan persuaded.

Yes, in fact, what this girl said is pretty good.

The two of them left the hotel without leaving a word... After walking so far here... Then how could Li Tian find them?

Listening to the small ring in front of her, Duanmu Ying, who was already drunk, didn't care about it.

She just shook her head, her mouth full of wine said: "No...I have to wait...I have to wait for him..."

Xiaohuan knew her own young lady's temper and had nothing to do, so she could only accompany the drunk Duanmu Ying in the dark.

Li Tian had already walked over here at this time.

On the dark street, he looked around as he walked.

While he was looking for it, he suddenly heard a familiar voice over there.

"Miss... go and rest... don't torture yourself like this anymore."

When he heard this sound suddenly, Li Tian's heart suddenly thumped.


It's Xiaohuan's voice!

When he heard this familiar voice suddenly, Li Tian's whole body was boiling.

"Xiaohuan..." Then Li Tian yelled and ran towards the darkness over there as if seeing his relatives.

But it said that Xiaohuan here was comforting that Duan Kiying... At this moment, when she suddenly heard a voice calling her name, she was stunned for a moment.

Then I subconsciously couldn't believe my ears.

Is it Li Tian?

Li Tian? Is he really looking for a lady? Did you really find it?

"I'm here!" Suddenly Xiaohuan exclaimed happily like a sparrow.

Then I saw a figure from a distance, rushing towards this side like flying.

Of course he is not someone else, it is Li Tian who has been looking for him all night.

"Xiaohuan...I finally found you... Where's Duanmuying? Where's your lady?" Li Tian asked quickly after running over.

His voice is so anxious, so excited.

The moment that Xiaohuan really saw Li Tian, ​​of course he was extremely happy at the moment.

"You really found it! I didn't expect you to find it."

"Our lady is here..." said Xiaohuan happily, and pointed to the dizzy Duanmu Ying in front of her.

Li Tian saw Duanmuying lying on the cold wall over there.

"Miss...Miss...You will wake up soon, Li Tian is here...Li Tian is looking for you." Xiaohuan said while supporting Duanmu Ying in that excitement.

Duanki Ying was already unconscious, and she didn't know if she heard the sound of the small ring in front of her, she was still squinting her eyes dizzy...

"No...you lie...you lie to me...you all lie to me..."

"He has no conscience... how could... why would he come to me?" Duanmuying said with her eyes blindfolded and her mouth vomiting heavy alcohol.

The little ring said, "Miss, it's true... Li Tianzhen came to you, and he is right in front of you now!"

Listening to the small ring in front of her once again, the drunk head of Duan Kyo Sakura finally got a little sober... Then the dim drunk eyes slowly broke away, and she saw him...

Li Tian stood in front of her, looking at her with a distressed expression on his face.

"Are you okay?" Li Tian suddenly looked at Duanmuying and asked with concern.

I haven't seen each other for so many days... All the longing for so many days suddenly flooded into Duanmuying's mind.

She had red eyes in a moment.

"Who told you...you came to me? You go, you go, I don't want to see you..." Duanmuying said with a squirt of alcohol, and said in a duplicity.

Although her words were roaring, the teardrops fell drop by drop.

Li Tian did not move, but stood in front of her, looking at her caringly and said: "Fool, why don't you listen to my explanation?"

"I don't listen... I don't listen to anything... you go... you go..."

Suddenly, Muying stubbornly pushed Li Tian like crazy, and at the same time stretched out her hand and pushed towards Li Tian...

But she was already drunk, and her footsteps were vacant. Just when her two hands touched Li Tian's body, she suddenly softened and fell to the ground.

Li Tian saw that Duanmuying was about to fall down on the icy road, he hugged her tender body with quick hands and quick eyes.

Li Tian gave her tender body, which was still full of strong alcohol, hugged tightly in her arms.

After Li Tian suddenly hugged her tender body in her arms, the drunk Duanmuying seemed to wake up in an instant. Her eyes that had been completely drunk now stared wide at her. He was so close that he could even hear his breathing.

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