Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9167: You come to me (part one)

Regarding this, everyone looked at their noses and their hearts, and they all ignored Tu Qianlong's words.

Let's not talk about the good end, why should you sacrifice your own people. And many of the powerhouses in the dark world have practiced strange and strange secret methods!

If by any chance he can't bear the strong **** breath, and go crazy all of a sudden, things are not funny.

Even if Tu Qianlong is there, he can't make any waves, but no one is a fool. Why do he add to himself for no reason?

Isn't it unhappy?

Shangguan Bingki looked as usual.

Because all this doesn't involve her here.

Whether she is herself, her own soldiers, or servants, they are not simple characters or ordinary characters.

Seeing that everyone didn't mean to sacrifice their troops, Tu Qianlong also didn't force it!

In his opinion, this method is also not very good.

Afterwards, Tu Qianlong passed a paragraph to everyone.

It is actually very obscure. According to ordinary people's understanding, although they know what it means, it is extremely difficult when they chant silently!

"The text of the dark world..."

Shenquanjian recognized what the text was, and said: "The text of the dark world has its own syllables and guidelines. It is not easy to read it out! Except for Shangguan Bing kissing them, the rest are half-way monks. It’s not that simple."

Shenquanjian saw the crux of the matter at a glance.

Li Tian couldn't comment.

However, this matter is not too difficult after all.

After many attempts, it succeeded.


I saw the top of Guitou Mountain, after a series of roars, a crack was revealed, not bottoming out!

"This, this is its eyebrow position!"

Recognizing where this is, Qi Ziyan took a cold breath: "You can actually go in? It's incredible!"

"What's so strange about this, since Master Tu Qianlong has come to us, there must be a way to get in, otherwise, isn't it a waste of time?"

Shangguan Bingki said with a chuckle.

She was deliberately laughing at Qi Ziyan, although in general, there is no good joke.

But that day Qi Ziyan deliberately added blockage and confusion to her. Guan Bing kissed her on this account and remembered it!

That being the case, now there is a chance, and Qi Ziyan must be told to walk around!


Qi Ziyan wanted to scold someone, but Shangguan Bingki said lightly, "Hey, hey, hey... What do you want to do? What are you going to do? I will tell you first, Master Tu Qianlong is watching, you are going to make trouble in front of him. ?"

As soon as this remark came out, Qi Ziyan was silent again!

Yes, Master Tu Qianlong is nearby. Once a quarrel arises, he will definitely be paid attention.

Qi Ziyan didn't want to be paid attention to by Tu Qianlong because of such trivial matters.

Therefore, Qi Ziyan can only be dumb to eat coptis and can't tell!

Shangguan Bingqi smiled triumphantly...Although she also wanted to leave a good impression in front of Tu Qianlong, she would not be like Qi Ziyan, so she posted her whole person!

This is too low, she can't do such a thing.

Besides, if Qi Ziyan posted it like this, Tu Qianlong really liked it?

Not necessarily!

"He is a man again, how could Tu Qianlong like him?"

Li Tian said leisurely as if he could see Shangguan Bingki's thoughts.

Shangguan Bingqi looked surprised, but saw Li Tian's expression as usual, as if he was not talking just now.

Shangguan Bing kissed and grinned... This guy is too much to pretend, right?

Tu Qianlong naturally didn't notice what happened later.

Although he is sensitive, his abilities are not used in these places.

"It's safe inside... Let's go in in order first!"

Tu Qianlong said.

The so-called order is everyone, and their soldiers!

This order was set by Tu Qianlong before.

Qi Ziyan lined up in front of Shangguan Bingqi.

"You wait for me!"

Qi Ziyan threatened fiercely, and then took his men into the room and broke the eyebrows of the big ghost!

"You follow me, don't be afraid! Now that there is no problem before, then it should be safe."

Shangguan Bingxi said.

She was afraid that her own people would miss the opportunity because they were too afraid.

Because according to Tu Qianlong's statement, if the big ghost's head is really its body waiting to be recovered, then there should be a lot of treasures!

At the very least, Tu Qianlong told them like this.

With this statement, I naturally hope that Shangguan Bingwen, Qi Ziyan and others will be more active, and don't be too Buddhist, this is contrary to their wishes!

Why is Tu Qianlong unwilling to complete this task alone, is it because the rewards are too hot?


Just because this place is too weird, there is a kind of weird atmosphere everywhere.

Perhaps Tu Qianlong alone can complete the task, because he is Tu Qianlong!

However, if it is okay, it should be okay, but once something happens, it will undoubtedly be a big deal!

Tu Qianlong didn't want to gamble!

Therefore, Tu Qianlong would rather distinguish some benefits, and ask Shangguan Bingwen, Qi Ziyan and others for help.

Although they are not as good as themselves, the large number of them is a force of combat power after all.

"My lord, why..."

At this time, the garrison chief came forward and questioned.

I remember that Tu Qianlong first selected it, but it was not the middle of the eyebrows!

Tu Qianlong chose the entrance to the brow bone, but now he chose it at the center of the brow...This is different from the previous decision.

"There is a difference between the brow bone and the brow center. The brow bone, as long as I am strong enough, I can forcibly break in by myself, but this will increase my danger! The brow bone is difficult to walk."

"But at the center of the eyebrows, the road is wide. It just needs some sacrifices. There is not enough blood. If you want to break open, it is estimated that the difficulty is much higher than the eyebrow bones!

"In contrast, we now choose the position of the eyebrows, which is more appropriate! After all, this kind of thing is not absolutely fixed."


Tu Qianlong said without delay.

Moreover, his statement is not leaking, even the slightest mistake can not be found.

Even if the garrison chief felt something was wrong, he couldn't tell.

"Okay, I'm almost going in, you watch here."

Tu Qianlong's conversation turned around and said.

"Yes, my lord!"

The chief of the garrison clasped his fists to answer, watching Tu Qianlong go away and into the darkness between his brows.

This time they just stationed here, and Tu Qianlong handled the rest.

This is the above meaning, they can only follow.

Therefore, even if they just felt that Tu Qianlong's remarks were a bit problematic for these reasons, they were not good at continuing to investigate them.

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