Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9245: Save people

The movement was so loud that Li Hong and the others were aware of it, so everything I did was completely abandoned!

This is not the result Li Tian wants to see.

So, before it happens, it's better to be careful!

"Well...I understand, let the young master tell you everything!"

Zhao Qiang said with a fist.

"Are there Li Hong's people here?"

Li Tian rolled his eyes and said.

Stone Village is not Li Yuan’s Stone Village, nor Li Hong’s Stone Village, but Li’s Stone Village!

Therefore, besides Li Yuan's subordinates, it is not surprising that there will be Li Hong's subordinates here.

"Master, don't worry, Li Hong seems to have anticipated this step a long time ago. Before that, he had temporarily transferred his crew away... Hehe, he said he was going out for business, but who knows what he is actually doing?"

The corners of Zhao Qiang's mouth evoked an arc of mockery.

is not that right?

If Li Hong didn't hide his own men and horses in advance, then now Li Hong chasing Li Yuan are all mercenaries?


Li Hong is a suspicious person.

For such an important matter, Li Hong would not put it here as a mercenary.

In Li Hong's own words, mercenaries are just a pack of wolfhounds.

It’s not that I can’t believe it, I just can’t believe it too much,

If you believe too much in wolf dogs, maybe even the bones will be swallowed up!

Therefore, Li Hong would use wolf dogs, but he would not truly trust them.

Therefore, there are very few Li Hong subordinates who stay in Shitou Village.

Even if there is, Li Hong doesn't trust it and thinks it can be abandoned and eliminated.

"That's it... Zhao Qiang, in fact, your name, I once heard your father mention that you are a creative talent, but you have a slow start, a slow step, a slow step, and you want to impact the innate realm. It’s hard to polish it carefully."

Li Tian glanced at Zhao Qiang and said.

Zhao Qiang smiled bitterly.

How could he not know his own affairs.

Zhao Qiang is a cultivator who is half-way out of the house.

He was originally regarded as an ordinary person, and no one paid attention to him.

But one day, by coincidence, Zhao Qiang became a cultivator, so he was out of control. At a young age, he still advanced by leaps and bounds. After two or three years, he became the peak of the Nine Layers of the day after tomorrow and became Li Yuan's right-hand man.

It's just that Li Yuan said that Zhao Qiang has the qualifications, but unfortunately the foundation is not as strong as he imagined, and he rashly hits the innate realm... Instead, it will harm Zhao Qiang!

This is the reason why you can't chew too much.

If Zhao Qiang wants to smoothly transition to the Innate Realm, it is best to spend three to five years to re-grind his foundation.

Of course, if Li Tianlai gave instructions, Zhao Qiang would directly rebuild it.

It's just a mere nine, with Zhao Qiang's blockbuster aptitude at the time, at most one year... maybe half a year!

Of course, Zhao Qiang is not Li Tian, ​​otherwise the time could be shorter!

"Since there are not many Li Hong confidants here, I can try to save people."

Li Tian said.

If too many people from Li Hong go out of the tiger's mouth and enter the wolf's den, it doesn't make much sense.

"In fact, as long as the young master saves a few of them, we can also try to fight them."

Zhao Qiang thought for a while and said.

"Oh? You tell me what to do."

Li Tian asked with interest.

He knew that Zhao Qiang would not aimlessly.

Since Zhao Qiang said this, he must have his confidence.

"Actually, under the Patriarch’s command, there are five tiger generals... I, Zhao Qiang, is called the sixth tiger, because the five tiger generals are all half-step innate. I am still a little bit behind the innate."

Zhao Qiang said: "It's just five big brothers, they are really half-step innate, they may set foot in innate at any time!"

Zhao Qiang did not compare them with young geniuses.

The true young geniuses are worthy of the resources spent by the major families to cultivate. If they really have such potential, where do they need to be able to help others.

However, Zhao Qiang is also not impatient.

Everyone's life stage is different.

He was supposed to be a common man, but now he has the opportunity to cultivate, as well as his wife and children. He doesn't want so much.

"You have a good mentality... Take me to see the Five Tigers."

Li Tian said.

"Yes, master!"

Zhao Qiang responded.

In fact, they were not so careful as they thought.

Because there are not many people in Stone Village.

Although the other party is patrolling, it's just that these days, they are all safe and sound, and they have not taken this place to heart.

They think that given a chance, they can't turn the sky over!


"Big Brother Juning!"

Zhao Qiang took Li Tian to a nearby house and saw Zhu Ning, one of the five tiger generals!

Zhu Ning is a five-and-three rough man. Compared to Zhao Qiang, his condition is more serious. His lips are white and his complexion is blue. Obviously, the poisoning is more serious!

"Swallow it."

Li Tian took out one thing, said.

Zhao Qiang recognized that this was the pill before, and he couldn't help but hesitate: "Master, I don't know what these pill are..."

"What? Think it's poisonous?"

Li Tian asked.

"No... how dare you, and why does the young master want to harm us? I know I am curious, what kind of pill is this, it has such a magical effect!"

Zhao Qiang asked.

is not that right?

Li Tian didn't even know the names of their poisonings. He rescued them with a pill and detoxified them. It is fake if he is not curious or surprised.

"This, it's Qingxin Yuludan... it seems to be a newly-listed pill, which can relieve all kinds of poisons. Even if it can't cure the disease, it can greatly reduce stress."

Li Tian answered casually.

He does not fight unprepared battles.

In Li Tian's view, the opponent's ability to control Stone Village must have used certain means and methods.

As for which of these some are, the answer is self-evident.

Therefore, before coming, he had already thought out some countermeasures.

This includes poisoning.

Fortunately, there are still many medicines for detoxification. Basically, they can be bought at the expense of money.

As for money...he still has the million gold card given by the Cao family!

With the million gold card in hand, what else is there to be afraid of?

Simply fearless!

"Fresh Yuludan? This is a valuable medicine!"

Zhao Qiang was immediately shocked.

is not that right?

Such an elixir is very expensive. They may not be able to buy one for one month's income. Now the master detoxifies them casually?

I really can't believe it.

"How about high value? No matter how valuable it is, it is all dead. You are living, different."

Li Tian smiled and said.

Although this was a polite remark, Zhao Qiang was still excited!

Master still has them in his heart!

Otherwise, how could you say such a thing!


Zhao Qiang choked.

"What is this going to do?"

Li Tian frowned.

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