Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9372: Internal situation

What Li Tian was thinking about was naturally unknown to Yuncheng and others. Now listening to Li Tian’s question, the four of them thought that Li Tian was afraid, and the formation had taken shape, just as they said. That way, Li Tian couldn't escape at all, so they all seemed very relieved.

Yuncheng said, "Hehe, it's already this time anyway. It doesn't matter to tell you these things. What you said is not wrong, and you heard it right. You are here now. It is indeed impossible for you. There is a slight chance of escape, no matter what force it is can't penetrate our formation, so don't struggle!"

Once it was confirmed, Li Tian immediately felt relieved, and then he smiled and said, "It turns out that this is the case. If this is the case, the matter is much easier to handle. The four of you are planning to kill me, right? Come, I don’t have to show mercy!"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Tian waved with one hand, and then summoned the Shenquan Sword and pinched it in his hand.

Yun Cheng and the others did not discover the special ability of this Shenquan Sword. After all, they all felt that they had won, how could they still pay attention to Li Tian? In their eyes, everything Li Tiansu has done is equivalent to a dying struggle!

"Haha, what? Your kid has reached this time, do you want to keep going? But this kind of thinking is still good. We also think that you kid has a lot of future. It depends on you not begging for mercy. For the sake of this, we can give you a good time later and make you die less painful!"

As soon as the words fell, the Yuncheng four were already ready, and then they were no longer prepared to wait any longer, and each released their own cultivation base and attacked Li Tian together. They were really ready to make one move. Unite to kill Li Tian completely!

"Shenquan Sword!"

It was at this moment that Li Tian yelled directly to light up the Shenquan Sword. A bright and dazzling light radiated directly from the Shenquan Sword. It was a terrifying force. As it spread out, Yuncheng and the others were directly enveloped inside!



A huge loud noise erupted from the duel table here, and a group of people outside were all moving. Even if they couldn't see the situation inside, it was enough to imagine the scene inside!

It was also after such a loud noise came out that there were some fighting sounds in the duel, but if you listen carefully, you can find that this is not so much a fighting sound, but a unilateral one. Suppress, as if beating inside, it was the sound of fist falling.

In these voices, there seemed to be all words of begging for mercy, but these words seemed to be useless, because what followed was a scream like killing a pig!

Such a voice can be described as tragic, and various scenes are constantly appearing in the minds of people outside!

A group of people on the Fourth Peak smiled after hearing such a voice. After all, in their opinion, it was definitely Cai Yuncheng and the others who made the move, and now it must be Li Tian who screamed!

As the voice continued, they smiled and jokingly said: "You listen to this voice, it is simply too miserable. I am afraid that Li Tian is no longer a man, right?"

"Haha, this is more than just a non-adult. It's definitely not an adult anymore. The voice is terrible. I can almost think of what Li Tian is now. It must be painful, right?"

"Huh, who made this kid so arrogant? He still wants to challenge our Fourth Peak alone? It's just overwhelming. Now that Senior Brother Yuncheng and others take action, that kid will definitely not be able to eat, and we all know it. With the methods of these four seniors, I am afraid that this kid will not survive!"

The people on the Fourth Peak smiled at this point, and said in unison: "Hey, this kid is so pitiful!"

These words reached the Fifth Peak, and they were almost like a needle **** in the hearts of all the people of Fifth Peak. They were very angry and stubborn. Angry is because the people on the Fourth Peak are shameless and stubborn. Because they are in this state now, they can't do anything, even if it is guessed that Li Tian is suffering inside, they still cannot help!

"Damn it, these guys are so shameless, they really bullied the less with more, and they are so complacent about it, it's so annoying!"

"It does make people angry, but I am even more worried about Junior Brother Li Tian. Listen to this voice, he is afraid that he is enduring endless pain in it. Damn it!"

The people at Fifth Peak had already placed hope on Li Tian, ​​and now they guessed that Li Tian was enduring the pain, they were also unbearable, and they came to Chen Xu and said to Chen Xu: "Elder Chen, Can you think of a way to stop this battle? If this continues, our Junior Brother Li Tian is likely to die in it!"

"Yeah, Elder Chen, Junior Brother Li Tian is fighting for us. Now we can’t just watch him suffer. Elder Chen, if you ask us what we need to do, we will never refuse, even if it’s directly against this one. The people of Four Peaks have nothing to do with the battle. Anyway, we must save Li Tian today!"

Countless words sounded in Chen Xu's ears, but now Chen Xu didn't say any words. He stood there, his eyes fell on the duel stage, his whole body motionless, wondering what he was thinking!

When a group of people around saw Chen Xu, they didn't speak. They couldn't help it. They were very anxious, but they didn't dare to move!

In fact, Chen Xuxin is also very complicated, but as an elder of the Divine Sword Gate, everything must be done in accordance with the regulations. Challenges can be carried out here, but it is absolutely impossible to initiate a battle, so he is almost powerless. Now he can only pray for miracles!

The two camps on the outside have their own minds, but no matter who it is, they can’t guess what’s going on inside at this moment, because now on the duel arena, there is indeed a unilateral crushing battle, which is just crushed. It is not Li Tian, ​​but Yuncheng and others!

I can see that there are a lot of fighting marks on this duel platform, and now the four Yuncheng are covered in blood and have a lot of wounds on their bodies, but even if they are the same, they are clenching their teeth and constantly fleeing in this duel platform. , As for Li Tian, ​​it formed a sharp contrast with them, because Li Tian now has no scars on his body. Not only that, but he is still chasing the four Yuncheng, just like a devil, laughing!

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