Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9645: Points system

At this moment, the two of them looked at each other with fiery and strong fighting spirit in their eyes. They both had a thought and belief, that was to kill each other.

Of course, Li Tian doesn't think that Wanyan Gu is an old enemy, because in his world, the enemy is the enemy. He now hates Wanyan Gu, and is now an opponent, then Wan Yan Gu must die!

Because the rules of his assessment are very difficult, it takes 10,000 points to be successful, and only ten points for hunting a monster, and only 100 points for hunting a monster.

If you are hunting normally, you need to kill a thousand demon soldiers, and a hundred demon generals can have such points. It is simply too difficult to hunt so many in 15 days in such a city!

But if you kill the opponent, you will directly get nine thousand points, so the calculation will be much easier, so the real meaning of this assessment is to hunt the opponent, or kill the devil!

Only the two methods can be successful, and it is also the quickest and easiest way!

Therefore, for Li Tian, ​​no matter who his opponent is now, he will kill the opponent, but there are only more than 400 people in this test, and I am afraid there will be no two after this level. A hundred people, if he can really pass the assessment, and become a Demon Slayer, one hundred people are quite good.

"In the test of two thousand people, only one hundred people can pass in the end. This is really a terrifying elimination rate!" Li Tian shook his head and didn't think about it anymore. After all, his current strength has improved, and what's more in his body The cultivation base has also been completely loosened, it can be said that he can break through to the eighth layer of the innate realm at any time.


A little bit of time passed, and not long after, the four hundred people here had their own opponents, and the two women Chen Huan and Tian Yu also had their own opponents.

However, the opponents of the two women are fairly medium and their strengths are similar, so the luck of the two women is pretty good.

After Li Feixu talked about all his opponents, he immediately set his sights on Li Tian. After a while, Li Feixu suddenly said, "Before the Shi Chenfeng pass, one person got a token, right? That is a reward token, Shi Chenfeng told me, since it is a reward, then I also announced that anyone who receives the token, no matter who it is, will be able to use the token instead of five thousand points!"

"What? This token can be used instead of five thousand points? So in other words, I have now got five thousand points?" After hearing this news, Li Tian was not at all happy, but thought it was a Pit, huge pit!

It’s good that this token can be equivalent to five thousand points, but Li Feixu said that no matter who gets the token, it’s okay, which means it’s not limited to one person, and the points are at the end of the assessment. It is fully redeemed afterwards, so that whoever gets the token can get points.

In other words, the original reward instantly turned into a hot yam, no matter who gets it, it will become the target of public criticism. After all, this token is 5,000 points, and only 1,000 points are deducted for killing a person by mistake. Even if the opponent of these guys is not Li Tian, ​​they can still hunt Li Tian!

No matter how it is calculated, it is all earned, but Li Tian has countless opponents in this way, and once these opponents are killed, Li Tian will have to deduct points. It is not worthwhile to calculate!

That is to say, after Li Feixu announced such a rule, I saw that many of the contestants around were looking at Li Tian, ​​their eyes were extremely hot, they all knew that the token was in Li Tian’s His five thousand points is very attractive, and it immediately made many people very interested in Li Tian.

They were gearing up one by one, smiling all over their faces, licking their dry lips, as if they had already regarded Li Tian as a yellow flower girl, and they wished to get Li Tian right away, or the reward token in Li Tian's hands.

Seeing this, Li Tian couldn't help but shook his head, sighed and said: "It is a blessing or a misfortune that can't be avoided, and then I can only take a step and see!"

After saying everything, Li Feixu also glanced at the city behind him, and then said: "Well, now that you have your own opponents, then you can start the assessment next, but you must remember the rules. After fifteen days, those who don’t have enough points will be eliminated. Then I will let you go. You can also choose not to fight with your opponents. For example, you can use hunting demons or demon kings to achieve the points!"

"There will be nothing else. I will see your results in fifteen days. Just to prevent each of you from entering and starting to fight each other, I will set some difficulty for you, and I will take you in later. In this city, you cannot fly within the city, and cannot disturb the lives of ordinary people. In other words, you cannot completely expose yourself!"

"Then take the next step, and it will begin!"

Li Feixu didn't give everyone a chance at all. She waved her jade hand, and then countless golden runes flew out from her sleeve. These golden runes flew out and began to hit the bodies of a group of people here. The person who comes into contact with the rune will turn into a golden light, then fly to the city in front, and completely disappear in the city.

Seeing this, Li Tian suddenly understood the truth, and then he said to the two women Chen Huan and Tian Yu beside him: "After entering the city, we may have difficulty meeting each other, so if we have a chance, we Leave a mark where each passes by, so that after the other person sees it, just look for it according to the mark, and our mark will be..."

As Li Tian said, he directly took your Chen Huan's hand and drew a symbol in her palm.

As his symbol was drawn, a golden rune hit him, and then the power in the golden rune drove Li Tian's body and rushed towards the city in front.


Everything is going on in the assessment here, and on the other side, in a pagoda, there are many powerful people gathered together. All of these people are very powerful, and they have very strong repairs. Because, I wear the token of Devil Slayer on his waist!

These guys are all powerful Slayers!

If Li Tian is here, he will find one person, that is the water flow!

Broken Stream and other Demon Slayers came here together. There was a huge screen in front of them. The screen was divided into two pieces, one with two thousand names on it. These names are all contestants this time, just like Li God, the names of Chen Huan and others are on this.

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