Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9667: Different world

Everyone looked at Li Feixu without knowing why, and Li Feixu didn’t seem to want to sell Guanzi. He nodded immediately and said, “It’s very simple. The two worlds I’m talking about are not in the true sense. Two worlds, but your future life will be completely different from before!"

"After becoming the Demon Slayer, although we will not have any requirements and imprisonment for you, your purpose in the future will only be to hunt the Demon Race. In addition, other things, you are actually not very good at it. Pay attention!"

"But you have contributed to the hunting of demons, and of course there will be certain rewards. As for what the rewards are, you will all understand next, and before that, I will first belong to your own The Demon Slayer Token is given to you!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw this Li Feixu suddenly waved with one hand, and then saw more than a hundred golden lights fly out of her hands. These golden lights were separated and scattered in the hands of Li Tian and others, extremely precise , Accurate!

However, in the blink of an eye, Li Tian felt that there was something in his hand. When he looked at it, he realized that there was an extra token in his hand. This token is the legendary Demon Slayer token. The big characters are extremely conspicuous, and this token seems to be very special, there is something inside!

This is the first time everyone has obtained the Demon Slayer Token, so whether it is Li Tian or the other cultivators, they are very excited now, because this is their future identity and possesses such a token. Will be admired by thousands of people, no matter where you go, you will be greatly respected!

So even Li Tian can't help but seem a little happy!

At this moment, I could only hear Li Feixu continue to say: "Okay, you should have discovered that when you think about it, this token is not an ordinary token. Now inject your divine consciousness into this token, you naturally Some things can be clear!"

After hearing such words, almost everyone here did not hesitate, and immediately began to infuse their divine consciousness into the token!

When the divine sense entered, Li Tian felt as if he had discovered a new world in an instant, because this token really had something inside!

I saw Li Tian’s name appearing in the token, and after that Li Tian’s points were also displayed. In addition to this, there was also a chat frame. This mode was almost the same as that of the Excalibur Gate. Compared with the token of the Excalibur Gate, this is the truly complete token, and there are many modes in it!

Among the tokens, Li Tianzi carefully looked at the situation, and after a stick of incense, he already had a general understanding!

With this token, you can be regarded as the real Demon Slayer, and become the Demon Slayer. All the demon hunted will be recorded. After the demon hunted, you will get points. These points can be In exchange for some things, but as shown on this, to exchange for items, as long as there is in the Devil Slayer Tower!

In addition to this, you can also receive some missions, all of which are missions for hunting demons, and with this token, you will know where the demons appear in the first place, and there are chats inside. In places, there can be world chats and friends chatting, which means that no matter where they are, everyone can talk to each other!

Li Tian has no friends, and now he can only take a look in the world chat, all the people who can talk in it are Demon Slayers, but it takes ten points to speak in it!

Some people were chatting, some were forming teams, and some were selling things. Anyway, they had everything they needed.

In addition to these, there are also rankings in this Demon Slayer. The rankings can only see 10,000. After 10,000, you can't see it on the public screen. Li Tian took a look at his own ranking. , His current ranking is actually after 100,000!

In other words, there are now as many as 100,000 of these Demon Slayers!

"There are so many Demon Slayers? This is too scary, right?" Demon Slayer itself is extremely lacking and extremely difficult to achieve. Originally, Li Tian thought it would be good to have thousands of tens of thousands, but now His ranking is actually after 100,000, and you can see how terrifying the number of Demon Slayers!

However, it is precisely because of such a large number of groups that the Devil Slayer is so terrifying, and it makes people look forward to it!

It seems that there are some other functions in this token. Li Tian just took a look at it. Anyway, there are indeed many functions in it, and I can't finish it in a moment. Li Tian just took a look.

Just when he was about to withdraw, two friends' applications suddenly came in his token. They belonged to Chen Huan and Tian Yu. Seeing these two women, Li Tian nodded, but nothing Say anything more, after all, the three of them are friends after fighting this way, and Li Tian agreed.

After finishing all of this, Li Feixu at the top said: "Okay, you only need to know one about it. Next, you will learn about it slowly. Now I will take you there. A place, that place belongs to our Demon Slayer, and only the Demon Slayer can go, you all come with me!"

Abandoning the words, Li Feixu, Shi Chenfeng, and Ling Daozhen all flew forward at this moment, seeming to be taking the lead for Li Tian everyone!

After seeing this situation, Li Tian everyone no longer hesitated, they knocked out the token in their hands one after another, only saw the token fly out, directly began to enlarge in the air, and finally suspended in the air.

This is the best special skill of the Demon Slayer Token. This token can also be used as a flying magic weapon, it can fly manned!

Although many people here have flying magic weapons, this is the first time that everyone has obtained the Demon Slayer token and identity. Now naturally, I want to try the power of this token.

Not to mention those cultivators. Even Li Tian has used this ability now. He stands on the Demon Slayer token to fly, but he is not to show off, but because of his flying charm speed. It's too slow. This Demon Slayer Token is different. The speed of driving the Demon Slayer Token is twice as fast as the Flying Talisman, so Li Tian will naturally choose to use this Demon Slayer Token to fly!

Chen Huan and Tian Yu were also flying with the Devil Slayer token now. They followed Li Tian. Both women looked extremely happy on the way. After flying for a distance, Chen Huan looked towards Li Tian. Then he said to Li Tian, ​​"Li Tian, ​​this test is over. Now we are all the Demon Slayers, what are your plans next?"

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