Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9688: He got in?

"Excalibur Gate, First Peak, Bai Yunchang is ready!"

"Excalibur Gate, Second Peak, Luo Mingli is ready!"

"God Sword Gate, Third Peak, Xu Tianfeng is ready!"

"Shen Jianmen, Fourth Peak, Chen Xu has led his disciples to prepare!"

At this moment, I saw that the group of people in front were ready, and they had already yelled out such words with a golden accent. For a while, the overall atmosphere here was directly It began to soar, and it was still in the state of soaring to the top in an instant!

Hearing such a voice, Water Flow nodded and then said, "Well, good. Now that you are all ready, you don’t need to wait anymore. Go straight and fight against those demons. Right!"

Following the order of the water cut, more than four thousand people from the Divine Sword Sect were dispatched here, no longer hiding the slightest, and began to approach the demon camp where Li Tian was located!

Such a scene was naturally seen clearly by Li Tian. Now that he discovered that the water flow and others had acted, Li Tian was delighted, but at the same time he shouted at the surrounding demons: "No good. It's not good, you guys see what is over there?"

Without waiting for the demons to find out, Li Tian made a sound first. This sound also attracted the attention of the demons instantly. For a while, they all looked towards the place Li Tian said, only to find out. The crowd from the Excalibur Gate is coming!

After seeing this situation, these demons were also very surprised. They said, "Why are there another group of people? What are these guys here for?"

"No matter what you are here, all the cultivators must be our opponents. Now is the critical moment for us to eliminate the Shenyinmen. These guys must come here to help the Shenyinmen. Right?"

There is a monster who seems to understand all the circumstances! Now I have said all this!

That is to say, under such circumstances, the other demons here shouted one after another, and said, "Then what should we do now? Hurry up and notify Lord Demon and let Lord Demon order to deal with this matter!"

As soon as the words came out, the demon general who had just spoken shook his head and said loudly, "Don't you understand? The appearance of these people must have been somewhat noticed by Lord Demon, but Lord Demon did not come out. Paying attention to these things is naturally asking us to deal with them by ourselves!"

"So come a group of people, come with me first, and kill these offenders directly!"

Even under these words, the movements of these demons were very fast, but in the blink of an eye, these demons had already assembled, and the number of people in this collection was very large, totaling two to three thousand. There are also many demon generals. Although it seems that the number is not as large as that of the Divine Sword Gate, the demon clan still has a great and strong support, so for these demon clan, no matter how you look at it , These demons are more powerful and have a great advantage!

Naturally, Li Tian also took advantage of this moment to mix into the crowd of the demon race, and walked forward with the demon race, and began to face the broken water and the others!

When the two sides confronted each other, no one had the intention to stop. Instead, they accelerated the speed of each other’s feet. With this speed blessing, it didn’t take long for the people of both sides to meet in this way. When the time came, the two sides also stopped and stopped moving forward. The momentum released by the two sides was even stronger. The momentum was like a rainbow, and the collision was crazy. It felt like there were two sharp ones here. Sharp swords, these sharp swords are fighting desperately and colliding with each other!

Therefore, although this battle has not yet begun, the emotions of both sides have reached a peak, and the atmosphere has also become extremely hot from the cold. Moreover, the crews of both sides are also ready, as long as an order is given, then This battle may start at any time!

"Who is the one coming? Report your name!" Here, a demon general of the Demon Race stood up and yelled and asked the others!

After hearing such words, the opposite water stream chuckled, shook his head and said: "Just because you are not worthy to talk to me, call out your devil!"

"Want to see our Lord Demon? Your tone is really not small, and now you have to report your name, we won't kill the unknown under the knife!" The demon general here did not let the wind fall at all, and just broke the water flow. Under the powerful aura of, he still looks complacent, after all, he believes that the strength of their demons is the most powerful!

"Hehe, you are really funny. Maybe it's because we rarely take action recently, which made you demons feel superior, right? But since you asked like this, then I'll just tell you. Listen. , We are the people at the Divine Sword Gate here!" Broshui Liu didn’t seem to be anxious, and he also deliberately amplified the voice of the words, because he wanted to delay some time so that the people on the Shenyin Gate Attention, let the people of Shenyinmen know that the Divine Sword Door has come here, so that when the battle really starts, this Shenyinmen can combine with them inside and outside, and work together to destroy these demons!

So Duan Shui Liu was not in a hurry to see the Demon Clan, and he himself was not anxious, so he was just talking to the Demon Clan people, but he didn’t know all the conditions here, Li Tian had already given Shen Yinmen The people over there said it!

And Shenyinmen is also ready now. They gathered together, looked down from the top of the mountain, and then said, "Come on, they are really here. These are the people from the Divine Sword Gate. People come, then we are really saved!"

After seeing this situation, the crowd at the Shenyinmen were naturally very happy, but in the Shenyinmen, an old woman looked at all of this, her expression could not help but change, and she was full of noise. After that, the old woman said, "Asshole, Li Zijun, you asshole, you are really very capable. You still know to save us. I thought you, an old thing, really never Will take this step!"

The old woman was in a state of anger when she said this, but when she finished saying this, she suddenly smiled!

Seeing such a smile, everyone in the Shenyinmen including Chen Huan was astonished and inconceivable, because their suzerain hadn't laughed like this for many years!

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