Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 970: Dark gate

For so many years, masters trapped in the gate of **** like alcoholics have been serving this mysterious organization, because they have no other way, because they are all poisoned, and the master of the gate of **** will distribute it to this mysterious organization every once in a while. These masters have some antidote. These antidote is temporary and can control their toxin in time. It will be issued almost every three months. It was also the same 20 years ago, and it will still be 20 years later. in this way. There were also some masters who couldn't stand this humiliation and chose to resist, but they were killed before they had time to resist. As far as the alcoholic and Ouyang Longyan knew, the maidservants around the master of the **** gate had reached a terrifying level of kung fu, so since then, the masters have also succumbed. The reason why they gave in was that on the one hand, they did not know how strong their "master" was. On the other hand, they did not know who a master like them was? Even their teammates don’t know, so they can only give in

For such a mysterious organization, a weird organization that is so mysterious that no one can know who is the enemy and who is the friend, who is the leader behind the scenes? And how many top masters like Drunkard and Ouyang Longyan are there in the gate of hell? No one knows all of this. They don't even know it. Can you imagine how terrible this organization is? Who is behind the scenes manipulating such a terrible organization?

The drunkard of this meeting looked at the ecstasy and asked. ,

After the Ecstasy asked, Ouyang Longyan beside him suddenly turned to look at the Ecstasy.

In the cold wind, seeing the ecstasy made the tall body tremble slightly.

Then he murmured: "Actually...for so many years, I am like you, I don't know."


"Don't even know you?"

After the ecstasy said this all at once, the alcoholic in front of him and Ouyang Longyan were all taken aback.


"Because I am also one of you!"

As the ecstasy said so, suddenly he lifted his arm.

Look carefully, there are three small red moles on his white arm!

When they saw the three small red moles, Ouyang Longyan and the alcoholic were all stunned for an instant.

Because only the people at the gate of **** know what these three little moles mean.

These three small moles are also found on the arms of Ouyang Longyan and the alcoholic, because these three small moles are a sign of their poisoning. Simply put, everyone who is poisoned by the master of the **** gate will leave them on the arm. These three small blood-red moles.

The redness of the blood has not disappeared, and the poison is persistent.

So when they saw that the ecstasy who had always been indifferent and murderous was the same as their own, the drinkers and Ouyang Longyan were shocked to be honest.

"Are you also poisoned?" Just listen to the drunkard said.

Ecstasy slowly lowered his sleeves and nodded in the cold wind.

"Everyone in the gate of **** will be poisoned...so it is not unusual for me to be poisoned." Ecstasy whispered.

"But, do you know how many poisoned people like us are in the gate of hell?" the alcoholic asked again.

"I already told you, I don't know."

"Twenty years ago, since the **** battle 20 years ago, we have never seen each other again. Even if we did, we were covered with faces... The master never let us know each other, so it’s fast at the gate of hell. In ten years, except for the people I know, I don't know any of the others."

When the ecstasy said these words coldly, the alcoholic in front of him and Ouyang Longyan were completely stunned.

Could it be said that they really don't even know who their allies are in the gate of hell?

They don't even know how many masters there are?

After the ecstasy said these words coldly, he pondered, his eyes were a little weird, as if he was hesitating.

After a long time, I only heard the Ecstasy suddenly said in the cold wind: "Although I don't know how many people like you and me are in the gates of hell, I know one thing!"

When the ecstasy said so, the alcoholic in front of him and Ouyang Longyan were all taken aback.

Can't help asking in unison: "What's the matter?"

"That is, there are two organizations in our **** gate, one is called the dark gate, and the other is called the black gate.

When the Ecstasy said these two organizations, the pupils of Ouyang Longyan and the alcoholic were dilated.

Dark door, black door?

"What I can tell you is that we are affiliated with the Underworld organization, and the underworld supervises the underworld in the underworld is to listen to the troubles in the outside world and the role organization that is active outside."

"The Black Gate belongs to an organization that specializes in killing people. It is a more terrorist organization that protects the gate of **** and eliminates all threats."

"As far as I know, everyone in the Black Gate is a master, and they are all cruel. Even if they are the same, they will kill. As long as anyone dares to betray the Gate of Hell, who dares not listen to the master, do it. All of them are people in the black door."

When the ecstasy in front of them said these words, Ouyang Longyan and the alcoholic in front of them were completely shocked.

They have been at the gate of **** for twenty years, and for twenty years, they only know this now...

In the past, they didn't even know what they were doing. If the Ecstasy told them this in person today, I am afraid they would never know it in their lifetime.

So the two people in this meeting were completely shocked there.

After they were silent for a long time, they only heard the ecstasy continue to use that weird and hoarse voice to say: "So you remember to me, you must not betray the gate of hell... People can only die!"

"And it will be the cruelest way to die."

Then Ouyang Longyan and the alcoholic nodded uncontrollably, and a cold chill came from the bottom of their hearts.

"Then we are considered members of the underworld?" The drinker suddenly asked.

The ecstasy in front of him nodded slowly.


"Who else besides me and him? Who is a member of the Underworld?" Only the alcoholic continued to ask.

The Ecstasy seemed a little annoyed with so many questions about the alcoholic in front of him.

Coldly said in the wind: "Drunkard, you have asked enough today!"

"You have to know that in our **** gate, the less you know, the better for you!"

The cold words penetrated the eardrum of the alcoholic, the alcoholic smiled awkwardly, raised the huge wine gourd in his hand and took two sips without further questioning.

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