Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9763: Magic den

Deciding on the birth of this aircraft and wanting to participate in it, Li Tian directly changed his schedule. After watching everyone’s chat on the World Channel, he urged the Demon Slayer to know where the Demon Clan appeared. The token rushed towards that place.

In the World Channel at this time, everyone’s enthusiasm for the birth of the treasure this time is very high, but if you look carefully, you will find that the people who are thinking about the treasure this time are all innate realm demon killers. , The highest strength is the Nine Heavens Congenital Great Perfection Realm, which is only one step away from the Heaven and Human Realm.

The Devil Slayers in the realm of heaven and human seemed to know what the treasures that appeared this time were, and they were not interested.

"It's convenient for me."

Li Tian muttered to himself, if only a group of innate realm cultivators compete for this aircraft, he has some certainty that he can obtain the aircraft, but if there is the participation of the cultivators of the Celestial Realm, whether he can get the aircraft, he must Fate.

Flying all the way, Li Tian encountered a lot of Devil Slayers along the way, and everyone was heading to the same place. It seemed that they were all interested in the treasure that was born.

The realm of these Demon Slayers is high in the Innate Nineth Heaven Realm, and the lower is the Innate Realm Eightfold. Some of these people have just become Demon Slayers not long ago, and some have become Demon Slayers for a while!

Everyone can know that each other's purpose is for the same baby, although they are going to the same destination, but no one strikes up a conversation or chats on the way, all go to their own.

This also happens to be convenient for Li Tian, ​​he has no interest in being company.

Having been flying for a long time, there were more and more Demon Slayers encountered along the way, and it seemed that the place where the heavy treasure appeared was just ahead.

Realizing this, Li Tian immediately put away the Demon Slayer token, and then stopped flying, but began to make some preparations.

This is a place called Baicao Ji. Many Devil Slayers gather here, like a small market, where everyone exchanges information. Many Devil Slayers even set up stalls here to sell some Things that monks can use.

It seems that the birth of the heavy treasure this time has attracted not only some monks who are interested in the heavy treasure, but also a group of monks with a business sense.

"Hey, have you heard that, just two days ago, the magic energy spewed from that place again, accompanied by the magic energy spurting, and the spiritual energy overflowed with it. Then, someone saw the spiritual weapon from the place where the magic energy spurted? Someone is lucky and even got a spiritual weapon!"

"Really? I really want to pick up one or two spiritual weapons in the past, but the corrosiveness of the devilish energy is said to be quite large. If it is so abruptly past without precautions, it may not necessarily be injured.

"Furthermore, several disciples from the martial arts teamed up and sealed off that place. Without their consent, it would be very difficult to go to that place to pick up the leak."

When they were strolling to a stall on the side of the road, two companions walked by Li Tian and chatted.

According to their chat content, it seems that that place has been blocked.

"Have any school grabbed their hands and sealed the place? And there is still a boundless devilish gas, what kind of place is it..."

Li Tian looked at the back of the two people leaving, with thoughtful eyes in his eyes, and his brows wrinkled unconsciously.

He was originally on the way, thinking that this time it was just a lot of Devil Slayers competing for the treasure together, whoever is strong will win the treasure.

Who could know that some disciples of the sect had already united and sealed off that place.

The powerful sect has a large number of Devil Slayers, but if this is combined, a little Devil Slayer like him, I am afraid that the chance of getting a treasure is too small. Up.

"I don't know, which sects have united, you have to inquire."

Later, Li Tian thought of the key to this action. Since he has already come, he cannot go back empty-handed. This is not his character, and it does not conform to his rules of conduct.

But since it is intended to make a move, it is necessary to make all the preparations before making the move.

The first is to find out which sects are blocking the place, and then make a plan based on the characteristics of these sects.

Thinking like this in his mind, Li Tian put down the things in his hands and walked towards a stall surrounded by the Demon Slayers in the distance.

"Hey, don't touch it if you don't buy it!"

Here, seeing Li Tian watched for a long time, he left without saying a word. The vendor said angrily at Li Tian's back.

However, Li Tian didn't pay attention to him, and walked toward that side of himself.

After arriving at the place, he became curious.

It seems that the two people have a dispute, but what is the reason for the dispute, he has not yet figured out.

Then, seeing a person around him staring at them with unfulfilled intentions, and muttering something in his mouth, Li Tian thought for a while, patted the person on the shoulder, revealed a kind smile, and said to this person: " Dare to ask, why are these two people arguing, is there no one here?"

The man was watching the excitement, but he didn't expect that someone would shoot him behind him. He was shocked and yelled unconsciously, "Oh!"

After the call, he also heard Li Tian's words and realized that he was a little bit too radical. He put down his voice a little embarrassedly, and then looked back at Li Tian, ​​and saw that Li Tian looked good and his attitude was good. He didn't put on the general spectrum of the Demon Slayer, smiled faintly, and said to Li Tian: "The fatter Demon Slayer on the left got a magic weapon in the Demon Lair, but this magic weapon seems to be related to his practice. The Fa is not very suitable, so he decided to sell the spiritual tool here. Of course, he is bartering things and intends to exchange for a spiritual tool that suits him."

"Originally, everyone was quite interested in his spirit weapon, and wanted to change it, but the fatter Demon Slayer brothers couldn’t provide what they wanted, so they can’t be left out. I also watched. After that, it is a sword of inheritance, but the other party's asking price is too much. I can't pay that price, so I didn't change it."

"Originally, I thought there would be a local tyrant who would replace this treasure. Who knows, the tall Demon Slayer brother on the right came over. After seeing this spiritual weapon, he would immediately take this spiritual weapon and say this spirit The device is his thing."

"Of course the fatter Demon Slayer brothers refused, and the two quarreled like this."

The Demon Slayer, who was asked by Li Tian, ​​immediately told Li Tian what happened.

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