Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9769: strange

Therefore, the various factions will unite. For the time being, no one is going to touch the deep-seated things of the Demon Lair, but is groping a little bit, and when the exploration is almost thorough, will they send people to the depths of the Demon Lair.

But it takes people to go down and explore. Therefore, the various factions don’t care if outsiders go to the devil’s lair, but if you want to go to the devil’s lair, you must have disciples of each faction to act as a gateway, otherwise, you will not be able to go to the demon lair. of.

This is the reason why the Snow Eagle Heavenly King saw King Tu Mo Zhan bring an expatriate disciple, but he didn't get into trouble.

King Luoyang knew his brother's words, he was reminding himself, he immediately nodded, indicating that he understood, and then, King Tu Mo Zhan looked at Li Tian, ​​waiting for Li Tian's reaction.

Li Tian also nodded and responded, saying that he would not mess around.

Immediately, King Tu Mozhan had nothing to say, and let the two juniors continue to garrison, and he led them to the place where the devilish energy surged to the west.

Not long after they walked, they came to a cave. The opening of the cave was large enough to accommodate dozens of people to pass through. The endless magical energy was pouring out from this cave, and it seemed to be Inside the cave, there are many demons.

And just before reaching the cave, the sacred tree in Li Tian's body reacted, seeming to be jumping for joy, as if there was something in the magic cave that attracted him.

"Is there a good thing?"

When Li Tian combined with Shenmu a few times when this strange phenomenon happened, it was all good for him, and he immediately looked forward to it in his heart, but there was no expression on his face.

"Let's go."

At the entrance of the cave, King Tumozhan told them indifferently, and walked into the cave first.

King Luoyang said to Li Tian, ​​followed behind his younger brother, and entered the devil's lair.

Li Tian was the last to enter the devil's cave. When he entered the devil's cave, he still looked at the entrance of the cave before he walked in.

Inside the cave, it was very dark. After entering it, my eyes were blackened, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Fortunately, all three of them were prepared and lit the prepared special torches, and the lights illuminated the magic lair.

This is a very empty cave, the road is very rugged, and the surrounding rock walls are also rugged. The layers are scattered. There are water drops on the rock walls. When walking, you can hear the ticking water column falling on. The sound on the ground.

From time to time, there were still some Dili and Dili voices, which made Li Tian even more vigilant.

As we progressed all the way, the intensity of the devilish energy became heavier and heavier, and the feeling of depression became stronger and stronger.

Because King Tu Mozhan and King Luoyang had been here, they could say that they were very clear about their reactions here, so neither of them had any special reactions.

It is the first time for Li Tian to come here, but he has encountered this experience many times. At this time, he is not nervous. However, Shenmu’s reaction is even stronger here, and it seems that the front is not In the distance is what Shenmu desperately needs.

Li Tian wanted to ask what's going on before him, but because it was the reason why King Tumozhan led the way, he didn't ask.

As we walked, some plants appeared on the road in front of them. These plants were very peculiar in appearance and all black in color. Maybe it should be called a monster to be more appropriate.

When passing a flower, Li Tian was attracted by the appearance of the flower, and subconsciously stopped and reached out to pick the flower.

Just when his finger was about to touch the flower, Tu Demon Battle King grabbed Li Tian's hand, and at this moment, a black needle-like object suddenly shot out from the flower. He came directly to Li Tian's neck, it seemed that he was planning to pierce Li Tian's neck!

This turned out to be a murderous flower!

However, just as the needle-shaped object was about to shoot Li Tian's neck, the king of Luoyang on the side shot and cut the needle-shaped object directly.


This sword, as if hacked at a very important place of the monster, heard a stern sound, and then, the monster withered in an instant, and finally became flying ash on the ground.

After solving the monster, King Tumo looked at Li Tian at this time, and said in a cold voice, "Have I reminded you that you can't touch the things inside!"

"Sorry, I won't touch it again."

Looking at the monster on the ground that had withered and turned into fly ash, Li Tianxin was surprised. At that moment, it seemed that a confusing fragrance was secreted from the monster. He smelled the fragrance and then felt Hi, the whole person was planning to touch the flower unconsciously.

The monster inside is so strong!

With emotion in his heart, Li Tian looked at the flower that had withered and turned into fly ash and became vigilant.

Here, the King of Luoyang saw that Li Tian had already admitted his mistake, and his brother Tu Mo Zhan Wang was still trying to teach Li Tian, ​​he hurriedly stopped his brother, he laughed, and said to his brother: "Well, brother Li Tian too The first time I came here, I didn't have any experience before I was hit by these monsters. Then I'll be careful and nothing will happen."

When he came for the first time, he was also affected by these monsters. If it weren't for his younger brother, he would have died here.

But don't underestimate these monsters, these monsters have already caused several human cultivators to die here.

It is also for this reason that the various factions have united to develop this Demon Lair together, and the disciples sent here are all very powerful, all of which are some Demon Slayers.

In this way, even if you are hit by these monsters, you will not lose your life because of these monsters.

King Luoyang stopped his younger brother. Seeing that he had no plans to speak any more, he quickly asked his younger brother to lead the way. He himself said to Li Tian, ​​"Brother Li Tian, ​​these monsters, if you don’t stare at them for a long time, you won’t get caught. You must remember it."

Seeing that Luoyang Wang reminded himself so kindly, Li Tian smiled and said to Luoyang Wang: "Okay, I'll take it down."

In fact, at just a moment, he had already warned in his heart that if it weren't for the Demon Battle King's grasping his hand, the needle-like thing would have been cut off by him.

However, the two were kind, and he would not be so stupid to tell them that he would be fine without the need for two to save him.

After that, after having an experience of being recruited, Li Tian would not stare at any strange monsters again. There was no danger on the way, and nothing happened.

Soon, they came to the first fork in the cave, two diverging roads.

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