Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9785: injured

This blow was issued in Li Tian's astonishment, so when Li Tian was unprepared, almost instantaneously, the claws of the Buzz troll slapped Li Tian's body.

Li Tian immediately felt a force of gravity hit his chest, making him unable to breathe, and even a very violent burning sensation, making his entire chest hot.


One shot was shot at a distance of several meters. Just when he was about to hit the ground, Li Tian tried his best to hit the ground with the Shenquan Sword, his body floated up, and then he hit one in mid-air. Tumbled and finally landed on the ground.

After falling to the ground, Li Tian began to gasp, and was attacked by the Buzz troll, and his breath was almost shot out.

Fortunately, he activated the demon explosion ability ahead of time, so that his strength reached the top he could reach, otherwise, he would have been seriously injured by this attack from the Buzz troll.

Standing on the ground, Li Tian looked at the sky and stared at him with interest. The Buzz troll secretly squeezed his fist. This guy is really abnormal. Not only his strength has risen to a terrifying level, but his body is also horrible. The King Kong is not broken anymore, how can I fight like this...

He kept crying in his heart. Li Tian looked at the Buzz troll in the sky. For a while, he felt a sense of despair. He felt that he might be in danger today and would be buried here.

"Why don't you fight anymore, come on, your attack strength is quite strong, enough to compare with some juniors in my clan!"

In the sky, the Buzz troll saw that Li Tian didn't do anything, and said to Li Tian with some doubts that he felt that he had just started and didn't even warm up, so he wanted to continue fighting.

If he knew that just the claw he had just now, it would have made Li Tian extremely uncomfortable, would he be disappointed?

"it is good!"

On the ground, Li Tian was not a timid person when he heard the words of the Buzz troll. Now that he has fallen into a situation that seems to have no way out, then it is better to give it a try. Maybe he can make a way out?

Thinking of this, Li Tian also moved.

The power of the Magic Step Phantom was activated in an instant, and at the same time that the power of the Magic Step Phantom was activated, he also activated the power of the Demon Palm.

In the sky, a huge palm print appeared, and it slapped directly towards the Bath troll. The entire palm was bigger than the huge body of the Bath troll, as if it were the palm print of a dead demon.

"I feel the existence of a devilish energy in this huge palm print, human beings, you are very unusual, let me try it, how about your attack!"

The Bass troll looked up at the Devil's Palm in the sky, calmly felt it, and discovered the mystery, then bowed his head and said to Li Tian on the ground, then fluttered its wings and rushed directly to the Devil's Palm.

It turned out to be an active attack!

"This guy, is so confident about his own strength..."

Li Tian looked at the body in the sky and couldn't help muttering to himself, if the Bath trolls were human, they might still be friends with this character, but today the Bath trolls are members of the demons. They are born enemies, I am afraid, only one can live and one die!

At the same time, in the sky, the Devil's Palm has been fully brewed. It knows who its target is. When the Buzz troll rushes towards it, it seems to feel that its majesty has been provoked, and it rushes towards it quickly. With the Bass troll, you must beat the Bass troll from the sky and rub the energy of the Bass troll.

Just like the collision between a meteor and a meteor, the Buzz troll collided with the Devil's Palm released by Li Tian in a short time.


Almost the entire sky changed color because of this attack. The sky became extremely black, and the palm of the heavens was completely smashed, turning into a thick black air, raging around the space.

And when the Bass troll was also facing the Devil's Palm, a huge devilish energy surged out of his body. As the Devil's Palm dissipated, his devilish energy also dissipated.

In an instant, a huge black misty venue was formed around it.

In the dark fog, the Buzz troll realized that something was wrong for the first time. He couldn't detect Li Tian's breath, as if Li Tian had disappeared.

Could it be that human beings escaped when I attacked that palm print?

Thinking of this, the Bass troll immediately became angry. He hates the timid person the most. If he fights with him upright, he might let Li Tian go away if he is happy, but because it is Ai Li With the order given by Princess Si, he couldn't let Li Tian go. At most, he would save Li Tian's life.

But if Li Tian escaped and didn’t fight with him, then he would be very angry. When he was angry, he would not leave Li Tian’s life. If he chases Li Tian and finds Li Tian, ​​he will kill Li Tian directly !

"Ahhhh, **** human, you dare to run away in front of me, you will die miserably!"

The bass troll howled at the sky, releasing his anger.

"You called it a bit early, and I didn't run away!"

While the Buzz troll's voice was still being released, behind him, suddenly a cold voice came from behind him, it was Li Tian!

I don’t know when Li Tian got behind the Bass troll, and the Shenquan Sword was also in his hand. Just as he was speaking, the Shenquan Sword had already been cut out and slashed on the wings of the Bass troll. .

Demon people do not have wings. Only the existence of the Demon King level and above will have wings. It can be said that such wings are newly grown. In Li Tian’s impression, the Demon King’s wings are very fragile. Perhaps it can be said in another way.

The wings of the devil are one of the weaknesses of the devil.

As long as the Demon King’s wings are injured, the Demon King’s strength will be compromised.

Therefore, after just thinking about it for a while, he decided to focus his gaze on the wings of the Bath troll. After all, the Bath troll is a demon king and should have the same weaknesses as other demon kings.

Li Tian imagined that there was nothing wrong. Just after his Divine Spring Sword was cut out, he looked on the wings of the Bath troll. Originally, the body of the Bath troll should be very hard, but blood appeared on the wings. , Was chopped!


At the moment when the wings were chopped, the Buzz troll slapped its wings directly and moved a distance from Li Tian.

Flying in the sky, seeing that Li Tian did not escape, and even succeeded in a sneak attack, the Buzz troll was in a bad mood.

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