Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 974: Bailong is scared

What about the three beautiful girls from the art school facing this white dragon? It can only match.

Although they are still students and still in their cardamom years, they must make some coquettish moves to please this white dragon at the moment, otherwise they will end up miserably.

But seeing one of you is the tallest and most fair-skinned girl lying on the white dragon, her smooth body is against the ugly body of the white dragon, and a little cherry mouth can’t help kissing the white dragon. chest.

The other two girls are below.

What about Bailong? But I would really enjoy it, lying there like an emperor with his eyes closed slightly.

While he was comfortably enjoying the nourishing life of an emperor, suddenly a girl who was possessing her body lying on him suddenly screamed, it felt like seeing a ghost.

A yell of ah came from the girl's mouth.

Then she hurriedly covered the important part of her body with two hands, and the whole person stepped back for a moment, staying in fear.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at the person who came out in horror.


Who dares to have the courage to enter Bailong's room?

But he said that with this scream, the white dragon with his eyes closed slightly felt something wrong in an instant, and his eyes suddenly opened.

At the same time, the body's instinctive reaction suddenly began to recede.


He subconsciously felt a cold murderous aura attacking from behind him.

At this moment, the two girls beside them screamed, because they also saw people, and they didn't know when they had stood in the middle of the room like ghosts.

But who are the two strangers who suddenly stood in the room?

Look carefully, isn't that Li Tian still has Duguxie?

The two stood there coldly, looking at the naked white dragon in front of them.


The moment that Bailong saw Duguxie, his voice became trembling...and he looked at him with a pair of incredible.

Yes, he recognized it.

For more than two decades, he certainly remembered the appearance of the evil sword and the name of the evil sword.

"Fortunately, you still remember me." Duguxie said coldly, standing there.

The indifferent face revealed endless killing intent.

The Bailong felt cold for a moment.

Then he felt a dark murderous aura coming from the side.

Those are a pair of eyes, a pair of eyes that are almost cannibalistic.

When these eyes looked at the white dragon, he seemed to feel that he was torn apart.

He turned his head to look, and then saw him.

"It's you?"

The Bailong recognized Li Tian suddenly.

At the Haojue nightclub at the time, Bai Long clearly remembered Li Tian. At that time, he felt strange. Why did this kid look so familiar? Now when he saw Li Tian again, he suddenly felt a little in his heart.

Because he remembered all of a sudden, he remembered who he was like.

His face became extremely distorted in an instant, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"You...you...you...are the son of the evil god?" Bai Long exclaimed suddenly at this moment.

Li Tian looked at Bai Long and nodded lightly.

"It seems you do know me."

"How is it possible? How is it possible? You haven't died? You obviously died more than twenty years ago." Bai Long said in disbelief.

Li Tian, ​​who was swaddled at the beginning, was indeed caught by the people at the gate of hell, but how could he not die now?

Of course, Bai Long wouldn't know. Later, in order to lure the evil **** out, the owner of that **** gate gave Li Tian to the poisonous scorpion. At this moment, Bai Long was just asking inexplicably.

Li Tiandao: "How can I die? If I die, who will avenge the **** revenge twenty years ago?"

"You killed my father, and my mother. How can I not take revenge on this blood debt?"

After Li Tian finished speaking, the white dragon suddenly moved.

Since Li Tian and Duguxie in front of him had found him, of course he knew that there must be a battle today.

Either life or death.

So he just wants to save his life at the moment.

Seeing a sudden blow to his body, the iron hook on the golden hand suddenly drew a weird hook in the air, hitting Duguxie on the other side.

Duguxie didn't even look at it. The bronze sword in his hand raised slightly, and with a bang, the scabbard hit the hook of the golden hand.

Then the white dragon retreated extremely quickly, accompanied by the screams of the three naked beauties...His body retreated quickly.

"Young Master, let me deal with him." Hearing Dugu Xiecang's cry, he pulled out the bronze sword in his hand.

Li Tian nodded silently.

At the moment the bronze sword was unsheathed, the white dragon's face changed in shock.

"Come on... come on." The shouting voice came out of his mouth.

How could he be Duguxie's opponent? Although he was also a first-rate master, and he was a master of masters 20 years ago, he was invincible in the face of Duguxie, so he could only ask for help at the moment.

That Duguxie didn't care about his screaming sound, but the bronze sword pierced the void and slammed towards the white dragon.

Bailong is not a weak hand. He can be an underground emperor in Yongzhou for more than 20 years, so he is naturally not a waste.

The golden hand and iron hook in his hand suddenly stopped.

With a bang, sparks flew everywhere.

The bronze sword hit the golden hook and sparked.

Duguxie's sword flicked, and quickly attacked two swords. What about Bailong? It is the retreat of the body step by step.

Facing Duguxie’s weird swordsmanship, the white dragon seemed unwilling to collide with it, but kept backing away. Since he was not clothed on his upper body, he who had just crawled out of the bathroom at the moment appeared to be extremely embarrassed, just like a one. Like a falling dog.

In the Duguxie sword tricks, it seemed that the sword aura had been reduced a lot, which was obviously different from his previous cold sword aura, as if he did not want to kill the current white dragon.

As for Bailong, he also tried his best.

The golden hook in the right hand is extremely fierce in the air, and it is indeed a master of the master.

But Li Tian had been standing on the other side, and he didn't mean to come to help.

With a bang, the golden hook and Duguxie's bronze sword collided again, making a sound of gold and iron, but seeing Duguxie suddenly raised the bronze sword in his left hand, the word sword tactic suddenly pierced the white dragon.

Seeing this sword, Bai Long was shocked, and his body quickly backed away. At the same time, the golden hand suddenly didn't know how it was going, and it burst out from the middle of the golden arm with a dense swish of hidden weapons.

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