Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9808: Let's fight

This is a boring philosopher monk, after a lot of investigation, the conclusion reached is recognized by everyone.

"Okay, then find a place to fight."

Zhang Jingjing didn’t want to stay anymore. I don’t know why, the more Li Tian became so relaxed and so careless about the outcome of the battle with her, the more she wanted to fight Li Tian and then defeat Li in the battle. God, let Li Tian not talk so much.

As soon as the two of them stood up, the shopkeeper was dumbfounded. The food was just ready. Why are people leaving? Is the food today unpalatable?

"Guest, the wine and dishes have just been served. Do you want to leave if you don't eat? Is our wine and dishes not to your taste?"

Xiao Er from the shop looked at a table of dishes on the table with some worry, but it didn't move at all. Even if Li Tian didn't plan to pay, he still said something.

"Oh, your food tastes okay, but I have something to do temporarily and I don't plan to eat it anymore. This is the money for food and drink."

Li Tian said casually to Xiaoer Dian, threw a piece of Lingshi, and left with Zhang Jingjing, leaving only Xiaoer Dian who was alone in a daze. Looking at the Lingshi on the table, he was very surprised.

The food and beverages in this restaurant are nothing more than ordinary food and beverages, and there is no need to use spirit stones to pay the bill. Li Tian is really generous.

Li Tian doesn’t know what Xiaoer’s side thinks, in fact, he doesn’t take the spirit stone so seriously. After all, he’s been out of luck recently, and the Demon Slayer always provokes him and comes to give He gave heads and resources.

He has a lot of spirit stones just for killing people, and after possessing the Demon Slayer token, he can kill the Demon Clan people, earn points, and then go to the Demon Slayer Tower in exchange for good things, those good things, They are all exchanged for points.

Therefore, the spirit stone became the most cumbersome thing in his ring for a while. It was not usually used, but it was also useful, but it was not so useful. If you want to lose it, it is a pity.

Really tasteless.

"where are we going?"

After leaving the restaurant, Zhang Jingjing didn't pay attention to the endless stream of people.

She was only on a whim. She wanted to fight Li Tian and try Li Tian's strength, but now that she walked out of the restaurant, where to go to compete, it became a problem.

She rarely fights with others, because her father is the vice president of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, and there is no bold person who dares to provoke her on the initiative, and her temperament is not the kind of bullying temperament. , So there are very few battles with people.

She would only fight with people every month when her father set the days to fight with her master and when she tested her cultivation results.

However, the strength of Master Xiu had reached the realm of heaven and humanity. When she was fighting against her, she felt very aggrieved. She couldn't fight, and she hated fighting with those masters.

After all, the real battles with people of the same age, but also the battles with people of the same realm, seemed to be one of her few times.

She was also looking forward to it.

Hearing Zhang Jingjing's words, and then seeing Zhang Jingjing's bewildered look, Li Tian smiled faintly, and roughly guessed some information, shook his head casually, and said to Zhang Jingjing: "Let's go outside the town. Just find an unobtrusive place and just fight it. There is no need to look for a place too deliberately."

"Find an unobtrusive place to fight?"

Hearing what Li Tian said, Zhang Jingjing frowned at the time, feeling a little worried in her heart.

She and Li Tian only met in peace, knowing that Li Tian's realm was in the congenital nine-layer realm, but how to ensure that Li Tian did not have any bad thoughts on her? If there was any bad thoughts on her, she might have something wrong. what……


Seeing Zhang Jingjing hesitated, Li Tian guessed what Zhang Jingjing was thinking in his heart. After smiling, Li Tian said to Zhang Jingjing, "If you are worried about what I do to you, you can choose the place. Or you can bring some guards and go with us, and the encounter between you and me is just a coincidence. I don't need to do something bad to you, right?"

Zhang Jingjing knew that what Li Tian said was indeed the truth, and she felt a little embarrassed in her heart. She felt that she was worried about Li Tian because of her own fault, but she had a thin face and it was impossible to apologize to Li Tian, ​​and hummed. After that, he said to Li Tian: "Who would worry about what you do to me, there are secret treasures in my body. As long as you dare to do anything to me, I can guarantee that there will be no three minutes, the realm of heaven and human in our family. Master, will rush over, and you will surely kill you without leaving any scum."

Cursing his lips, Zhang Jingjing threw out an amazing message.

Li Tian didn't feel nervous when he heard such words. He didn't have any bad thoughts about Zhang Jingjing, so he didn't have to worry about Zhang Jingjing's words.

Nodded, Li Tian said: "Okay, since you have said so, why are you still hesitating? Let's go find a place. I'm in a hurry. I'm looking for someone in this town. I'm afraid of people leaving. It’s troublesome."

"Looking for someone? Humph, you won me, who are you looking for, I'll find it for you."

Hearing what Li Tian was anxious about, it was just as simple as finding someone. Zhang Jingjing curled her lips in disdain. In Xiaoguan, she was a princess. Anyone’s actions could be known as long as she wanted to know, so she didn’t care about Li Tiansuo. What's the difficulty of anxious things.

For him, it was just asking people to find the person Li Tian needed, nothing more.

Moreover, she believed that within an extremely short time, he could find the person Li Tian was looking for.

In Xiaoguan, finding someone is easy for the daughter of the vice president of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

Li Tian was waiting for Zhang Jingjing's words. With Zhang Jingjing's words, he originally planned to mention the conditions after winning. This item can be cancelled, and he can make some other requirements.

"Thank you, Miss, let's go now?" Li Tian arched his hands and looked very grateful to Zhang Jingjing. He directly blocked Zhang Jingjing's words. It was impossible for Zhang Jingjing to regret it.

Zhang Jingjing obviously realized what Li Tian's words meant.

Feeling that she was played by Li Tian, ​​she was a little angry, but did not speak any more, just dropped a sentence for Li Tian to follow, and left.

The place she went, after leaving Xiaoguan, she headed east, but she arrived at a place of two miles away.

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