Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9812: Beauty

One hundred points are added because of Zhang Jingjing's figure, and all the remaining points will be given to Zhang Jingjing's place.

It's really a cow, a big cow.

Li Tianxin secretly praised.

"Huh, hello, do you still think my body is disabled?! I'm very healthy!"

Seeing Li Tian staring at him without saying a word, Zhang Jingjing snorted coldly. In front of Li Tian, ​​he made a long circle, and suddenly, there was a heavy trembling.

Li Tian's eyes straightened immediately, he even smelled a delicate fragrance, and hurriedly shouted, "Okay, okay, you have a very good figure, I have seen it, I have seen it all, you don't need to dance anymore. Up."

He was afraid that if he didn't stop Zhang Jingjing's movements, his nosebleeds would flow out, and he even felt a warm sensation in the mouth of his nose.

Don't ask what it is, he knows, it is a man who understands that feeling.

When Zhang Jingjing heard Li Tian's anxious voice, she thought it was Li Tian's face, and immediately became proud, and said to Li Tian, ​​"It's good to see it. I will say that I have a disability in the future?"

"No, don't tell me, I have a disability, we are disabled."

Li Tian immediately shook his head and said to Zhang Jingjing, isn't he disability? Seeing Zhang Jingjing's such a beautiful and enchanting body, but can not make the slightest movement, this is a kind of disability.

Disability not strong enough.

"Then do you think now that I have the strength to participate in the martial arts contest?"

After that, Li Tian suddenly thought of what Zhang Jingjing had agreed with him, and immediately asked. At this moment, his heart suddenly became interested in the martial arts contest. If he became the winner of the conference, then he, Can he become Zhang Jingjing's husband-in-law?

Hey, this is a great beauty.

Li Tian stared at Zhang Jingjing's body and started some fantasy.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

Li Tian's thought broke down. Zhang Jingjing said a few words, but Li Tian didn't respond. Zhang Jingjing couldn't help but stretched out her little hand and swayed in front of Li Tian's face, trying to attract Li Tian's attention.

"I'm listening, you say, you say."

Li Tian's soul was summoned back, and he happily said to Zhang Jingjing that his tone of voice changed a bit when he spoke.

That's the kind of flattering tone that a woman who treats her should have.

Zhang Jingjing had never looked for a man before, but she didn't know what the tone was. She just felt that when Li Tian talked to him, that attitude had changed and she became somewhat willing to accept it.

"I said that your strength is enough, but if you want to sign up, you have to go as early as possible, because the registration time is about to end immediately. If you can't sign up before the deadline, you will not be able to participate. It's a martial arts contest." Zhang Jingjing said to Li Tian not angry.

What, the registration is about to close?

When Li Tian heard this, his expression became serious immediately. How can it be, the beauty in front of him is already his designated woman, how can the registration deadline be closed? If it is closed, it is not for other men to take him Marry your woman?

"When is the last time for registration?" Li Tian asked Zhang Jingjing immediately.

"This evening." Zhang Jingjing replied to Li Tian.

The weather at the moment is still early, and if you go back to sign up, you can still make it in time. She just reminded Li Tian and asked Li Tian to remember this matter. Don't forget, it will be delayed.


Li Tian raised his head and glanced at the time, and after a while, he became nervous and said to Zhang Jingjing: "The evening is about to end. What are we doing here, hurry up, go, and sign up!"

After speaking, regardless of Zhang Jingjing, he directly used the power of the Magic Step Phantom, and instantly disappeared in front of Zhang Jingjing.

"Hey, people!"

Zhang Jingjing was stunned. He didn't expect Li Tian to be so anxious and could not help yelling, but Li Tian had already left at this moment. No matter how she shouted, Li Tian would not return.

Seeing this, Zhang Jingjing could only squeeze her fists angrily, began to dress herself again, and then planned to go back.

While dressing up, she muttered secretly: "This guy, obviously should be something I'm worried about. Why is he so worried? It seems that he is more concerned than me."

Zhang Jingjing couldn't help shaking her head. Although she was curious about why Li Tian was so anxious, because Li Tian seemed to be indifferent to her when we met before, she was relieved that Li Tian was not greedy for her body.

Perhaps it was because Li Tian needed her help, and he was really anxious. He would do this.

Zhang Jingjing finally gave herself a reason that she thought was very appropriate.

Then, after changing her dress, she went back to Xiaoguan Zhenzi.

Li Tian went too fast. It would be impossible for her to rendezvous with Li Tian. Now she can only go home. Her father should be looking for her in a hurry and must go back.

Regarding the limit of her father's patience, she stubbornly knew that she should go out and play for a few hours and go back, and then act like a baby so that her father would not be angry.

On the other hand, after Li Tian went back to Xiaoguan Town in a hurry, without even asking, he came to the registration site for the martial arts contest.

It's really lively here, even if it's the last day of registration, there are still many people queuing up here.

After Li Tian arrived, he originally wanted to jump in the line, but after being told by a few people in the line, he endured it and went to the line honestly.

It's not that his character is just such an insult, but he discovered that Zhang Jingjing's guard was in front of a man who looked like his forties and honestly reported something.

Gu Man is Zhang Jingjing’s bodyguard. It is not Zhang Jingjing’s father who can make Gu Man report the situation honestly. It is not Zhang Jingjing’s father, but also Zhang Jingjing’s father’s extremely capable men. If there is a bad thing left in this person’s heart influences.

When the time comes, when he goes to participate in the martial arts competition, if the other party sees him coming up, he will not let him participate, then he will lose out.

After all, he is greedy for Zhang Jingjing's body.

Lined up honestly, Li Tian honestly signed up, and then left honestly.

Throughout the whole process, there was no place to go over, and he was so clever that he thought he was back when he was a child, to follow his parents and participate in the registration of elementary school students.

After the registration was over, Li Tian went back to the previous tavern, then found Xiao Er, opened a house, and went to rest.

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