Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9849: Voice falls

With the voice of the Black Wolf Demon Lord falling, the Black Wolf Demon Lord immediately turned into a cloud of black energy, and rushed towards the Heavenly Prince and King Dayan, and a group of eleven people immediately felt the threat from the Black Wolf Demon Lord. .

"No, make a defensive offensive!"

As the commander of the entire team, King Dayan was immediately shocked, and quickly told the people around him to let them make a defensive offensive to guard against the upcoming attack of the Black Wolf Demon King.

Hearing his words, the people around him immediately took action, some took out their own spirit weapons, some used their own defensive skills, and then unified protection.

Because they don't know who the Black Wolf Demon is specifically attacking, they can only make such a defensive attack.

As for Young Master Tian Sheng, he did not make a defensive offensive, but to see if King Dayan had noticed himself, and moved back slightly.

The direction he retreated was exactly behind everyone. In other words, he immediately hid behind everyone and asked everyone to come and protect him. It could be said that he was a very chicken thief.

Of course, the Big Goose King saw the small movements of the Tian Sheng Gongzi, but because Tian Sheng Gong Zi was similar in strength to him and was also a powerful snatcher of the commander, he did not pay attention to the small movements of the Tian Sheng Gong Zi at this moment.

Because at this time, the Black Wolf Demon King had already rushed over. If there was a conflict with Heavenly Prince, I'm afraid everyone here would be in danger.

Then, looking at the Black Wolf Demon King who rushed over, the eyes of the Wild Goose King were full of fighting spirit. Although the strength of the Black Wolf Demon King was strong, he was not without experience in fighting the Demon King.

At this moment, there was a huge gap between the strength of the Black Wolf Demon King and the Demon King he had fought before, so he wanted to give it a try, what would be the result of fighting this Black Wolf Demon King.

He felt that with their current posture of uniting so many people, it should be possible to deal with the Black Wolf Demon King.

"You two listened to me. When the Black Wolf Demon rushed over, I will fight back. You and I will try to get him injured. Pay attention to the target and aim at his wings. The speed of the Black Wolf Demon Quite fast, as long as his wing is injured, then his strength is basically lost in half!"

I have to say that King Dayan does have the ability to manage others. In just a moment, he judged what everyone should do based on the situation of the battle and how he could defeat the Black Wolf Demon King.

The plan he proposed is also very feasible. If it can really hurt the wings of the Black Wolf Demon King, then it will be very easy to deal with the Black Wolf Demon King.

"Okay, we listen to you, King Dayan!"

The two Demon Slayers who were spotted by the Wild Goose King immediately nodded their heads and responded. Then, they looked at the Black Wolf Demon Lord who had rushed over, and were ready with the Big Goose King, waiting for the Black Wolf Demon Lord to rush over.

The others were prepared to defend themselves and wanted to create opportunities for the three of them.

Soon, the Black Wolf Demon rushed over, and as the Black Wolf Demon rushed over, a pungent fishy and irritating smell filled the air. All the demon slayers who did a good job of defense, immediately Knowing that it was the Black Wolf Demon King who came here, all of them used their defensive abilities, and some used their defensive spirit weapons.

"Huh, is this useful?!"

The Black Wolf Demon King looked at the light that rose in an instant, knowing that this was the defensive treasure of the human monk, and snorted disdainfully, his paws directly grabbed one of the weaker ones.


The sound like tearing paper came out. The weak light film was grabbed by the Black Wolf Demon in an instant, and the Demon Slayer who built this weak light film turned pale and weak in an instant. Obviously suffered a lot of injuries.

Seeing that the black wolf demon king’s claws were about to break through the defensive offensive he had built and grabbed his head, he immediately looked at the Wild Goose King on one side with some horror, and the two Demon Slayers who were ordered to attack together by the Big Goose King. It exudes some help, and intends to let the three of them save him!

As the manager of the entire team, King Dayan is of course not just a verbal manager. After seeing the person's call for help, he immediately started it. At the same time, he said to the two people around him. : "Attack, you attack his wings on both sides!"

When he spoke to the two, the long sword in his hand pierced directly in front of the Black Wolf Demon King, and the goal was directed at the heart of the Black Wolf Demon!

This long sword looks quite extraordinary. The whole is pale yellow. With the attack of the Wild Goose King, it seems to be able to break through the limitations of space, and it flashes directly to the part of the heart of the Black Wolf Demon King, and it is about to be pierced. .

The two people who were ordered by the Big Goose King did not stop their actions at this time. They had a clear division of labor. One aimed at one wing of the Black Wolf Demon King, then quickly took out the sword and stabbed towards the Black Wolf Demon King!


The attack of the Wild Goose King was not unsharp. When the Black Wolf Demon King was about to attack the Demon Slayer, he felt an astonishing tingling sensation in his heart, and he knew it was an attack.

When fighting, this feeling is very terrible. If you don't avoid it in time, you will die.

The Black Wolf Demon King deeply knew this truth, so without the slightest hesitation, he had to evade and let the killing intent in his heart disappear.

He had just evaded, and at this moment on both wings, there was sudden pain.

Those two hands-on Slayers succeeded!

"Hi! Damn! You dare to hurt me!!"

The Black Wolf Demon King turned his head to look at the two swords that were slashing his wings, and he became angry for an instant. He flicked his wings abruptly, and the two Demon Slayers who slashed him were immediately thrown out.

At this time, King Dayan picked up a gap to attack, with a large number of eyes, and instantly pierced towards the chest of the Black Wolf Demon King.

What I have to say is that the Great Goose King’s attack does have its own way. This attack is very fast and directly assassinates the Black Wolf Demon King’s heart.

However, the Black Wolf Demon King's reaction was extremely fast. When the Dayan King stabbed him, he had already closed all the muscles in his heart, blocking the Dayan King's attack.

"This is also ok?!"

Seeing that his attack could no longer move forward, the Wild Goose King was shocked by the fighting ability displayed by the Black Wolf Demon King, and immediately prepared to pull his hand to retreat and prepare for the second stage of attack.

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