Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9890: Means of attack

Moreover, Li Tianxin didn't care about the attack methods in the slightest. What attack method was effective, he would use what attack method.

He can always find the right thing he should do on the chaotic battlefield.

Here, after Wang Batian swiftly reached the place where his brother was, he saw the blood stains left by his brother on the ground at a glance. His whole body trembled, and then he directly squatted on the ground. He grabbed the soil on the ground that was stained with his brother's blood, and said painful words again and again.

It was at this time that Li Tian's sneak attack arrived.

The Shenquan sword in his hand flashed with crazy killing intent, and the devil palm brewing in the other hand was also ready to go. Just tens of meters away from Wang Batian, Li Tian suddenly activated the magic step phantom ability. Within a thousandth of a second, he approached the side of Wang Batian's body.

Then, he directly shot the palm of the devil, and at the same time he shot the palm of the devil, the Shenquan sword in Li Tian's hand also assassinated Wang Batian.

"Just waiting for you!"

When Li Tian attacked, Wang Batian suddenly turned around, and a huge shield appeared in his hand, which directly blocked Li Tian's assassination and the bombardment of the Devil's Palm.

Then, his domineering and resolute punch hit Li Tian directly.

Li Tian never thought that Wang Batian would actually take such a countermeasure at this time. It may be said that Li Tian did not even think that Wang Batian would use Li Tian’s own ideas to attack Li Tian. A reverse attack.

Wang Batian's domineering punch directly hit Li Tian's body, and Li Tian's eyes were filled with insoluble consternation.

However, Naha Tian's fist made him no longer able to make this expression of astonishment in the next second, and the expression that replaced it was very painful.

When Wang Batian’s fist was not hit, Li Tian guessed that it might be very strong, but when he encountered it at this time, Li Tiancai understood the power of this attack.

The moment the attack hit Li Tian’s body, all the ribs on Li Tian’s body were broken. You know, this is the result of Li Tian’s use of the Heavenly Demon Armor and the Immortal Golden Body, which has been offset. In addition to the strength of the dressed up attack, Li Tian was still injured.

And after the rib was injured, Li Tian's body also rushed into an extremely powerful aura. This aura seemed to be the unique aura carried by the fist of Wang Batian and entered Li Tian. After being inside Tian's body, he rushed into an overbearing rampage, which was similar to Li Tian's devilish power that day.

"This guy!"

The violent spiritual power rushed into Li Tian's already injured body, causing Li Tian's overwhelmed body to suffer some injuries again. When Li Tian retreated, several mouthfuls of blood came out from his mouth.

These blood are all his essence and blood. With the blood spurting out of his mouth, Li Tian's aura has become a lot weaker, and it seems that he has suffered a serious illness in vain.

But here, after Wang Batian hit Li Tianzhi [biqugetv.co] with a single attack, he did not take advantage of his advantage to continue to attack Li Tian.

At this time, in his other hand, he was still holding the blood with mud. Just now, his sadness was not pretended. His feelings for his brother were true. His brother died and he was very sad.

"Brother, rest in peace, your hatred, I will hold it for you!"

Slowly, he sprinkled the blood-colored mud held in his hand on the ground. Wang Batian’s scarlet eyes slowly looked at Li Tian, ​​who was already adjusting his state on the other side. Then, he didn’t. He said, like a bison, directly holding a huge fist, smashed towards Li Tian.

He would use Li Tian's blood and human head to sacrifice his brother's death!

Li Tian, ​​must pay responsibility for his brother's death!


Li Tian was afraid of Wang Batian’s domineering fist attack, and once again saw Wang Batian holding this attack and smashed at him, he murmured secretly, and frowned. Then look to the surrounding environment.

At this moment, the environment they are in is a vast white environment. Under this environment, Wang Batian and his attacks are very unequal, because this formation is arranged by Wang Batian, so Wang Batian has some advantages over him.

Taking a look at the Skeleton King who couldn't get his hands on the side, Li Tian secretly gave the Skeleton King an order to ask the Skeleton King to find the eyes of this formation.

The purpose of their trip was originally to find the formation eye, because the appearance of Bai Yu Wushuang stopped their footsteps, and then after killing Bai Yu Wushuang, Wang Batian appeared and disrupted again. Li Tian’s plan was followed.

However, at this moment, he realized that there was still some trouble in fighting Wang Batian. Li Tian decided to implement the previous plan once again, ruining the eyes of this formation, and then fight Wang Batian again.

Because in this formation, all the abilities he used were suppressed, otherwise, he could completely evade the attack from the King Tyrant just now.

But just because at the moment he was about to evade, he felt that the space around him suddenly imposed a very huge gravity on him, causing his body to sink, that is, in that moment of neutrality, Wang Tyrant's attack hit him.

He knew that Wang Batian could not have such an ability, and the only thing that could be explained was that the formation exerted that kind of pressure on him.

But the right to control this formation is in Wang Batian's hands, that is to say, it is Wang Batian who controls the formation and exerts pressure on him.

If he didn't break this formation in the next battle, and continued to fight Wang Batian in the formation, then he would most likely encounter various unknown attacks again.

The existing enemies are not terrible. What Li Tian is worried about is the attack from that position, that is what can really threaten him.

Therefore, he planned to eliminate the threat of the formation first, and then fight Wang Batian. At that time, without the assistance of the formation, Wang Batian would definitely not be able to defeat him.

Li Tian has great confidence in his own strength.

There is no doubt about this.

The Skeleton King received Li Tian’s order, and immediately opened and closed his jaws, seeming to be giving Litian a response. Then, without waiting for Li Tian to give him any order, he left directly. To find the existence of the formation eye.

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