Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9892: Response

Li Tian responded to the Shenquan Sword, the Shenquan Sword immediately lit up, and then left Li Tian's hand alone, flew towards Wang Batian, and then fought Wang Batian in the air.

If he doesn't need human control, he also possesses some swordsmanship. At this time, when he casts it, he will fight the King Tyrant on par.

Li Tian saw that the Shenquan Sword alone attacked Wang Batian, and the effect was really good. The corners of his mouth had already evoked a hint of coldness. Knowing that Wang Batian was about to end, he could not hold on, so he directly charged at Wang Batian. Past.

At this moment, Wang Batian was already under the entanglement of Shenquan Sword, and he was distracted. Yu Guang saw Li Tian coming over, and a very bad premonition appeared in his heart, but there was no way, the entanglement of Shenquan Sword was still there. Had to deal with the attack of Shenquan Sword.

But when dealing with Shenquan Sword's attack, he still allocated some energy to deal with the upcoming Li Tian's attack.

At this time, Zhang Jingjing, who was staying in the purple-black battleship, had seen the scene of Li Tian just attacking Wang Batian through the vision of the purple-black battleship shared by Li Tian. At this time, seeing Li Tian once again. Thinking that Wang Batian attacked the past, I was very nervous and Li Tian comforted him.

Unconsciously, he walked out of the purple and black warship, and then stared at Li Tian, ​​intending to take the opportunity, if there is a chance, then to help Li Tian.

Or, when Li Tian is in danger, he also helps Li Tian.

Here Li Tian and Wang Batian fought together. Without the spiritual power to use that kind of domineering boxing technique, when Wang Batian fought Li Tian again, he was already suppressed and beaten by Li Tian.

Seeing such a scene, he already had a hunch in his heart, that is, he might not win.

With this premonition, when Wang Batian fought against Li Tian again, there was some retreat in his heart.

Thinking of running away, when fighting against Li Tian, ​​there will be some holding hands.

For Li Tian today, it can be seen all at once.

"Wang Batian, this is the time, if you don't have the heart to fight, you will probably die here!"

Li Tian looked at Wang Batian who had been retreating steadily, and seemed to kindly talk to Wang Batian.

"you shut up!"

Hearing Li Tian’s words, Wang Batian immediately became annoyed. He had the desire to live in his heart, and he would leave a way to find Li Tian’s revenge in the future, but Li Tian’s words were clearly true. Intends to arouse his murderous heart.

He already knew that after he fought with Li Tian, ​​he fell under the attack of Li Tian's words. At this time, he could not listen to what Li Tian said, which would disturb his mind.

Therefore, after Li Tian's words were finished, he became annoyed and did not intend to listen to Li Tian's words.

"Hehe, it seems that I understand what I mean."

Seeing Wang Batian's appearance, Li Tian immediately sneered, because at this moment Wang Batian understood the meaning of his words, it was very late, and Wang Batian was already injured at this moment. The attack process of Wang Batian will only make Wang Batian's injuries heavier and heavier. Even if he understands the meaning of his words, how can he improve?

Wang Batian has already lost.

"Li Tian, ​​you wait for me and I will kill you!"

When Wang Batian heard Li Tian’s words and knew what Li Tian meant, he said in annoyance, and immediately used a black pill from his hand. As the pill appeared, his surroundings suddenly More white smoke appeared.

It was originally a white cloud of smoke. With the sudden appearance of smoke, Wang Batian's body was completely hidden, and Li Tian lost Wang Batian's figure in an instant.

Moreover, being in the white smoke seemed to be able to isolate people's breath. Not only could Li Tian not see Wang Batian's figure, but he could not feel Wang Batian's breath.

At this moment, it gave him a bad influence.

However, at the next moment, the surrounding heaven and earth environment suddenly changed.

Everything around him gradually collapsed in Li Tian's eyes.

Under the collapse of layers, the real environment appeared, and Wang Batian, who was hidden in the white smoke, slowly appeared in Li Tian's eyes.

Wang Batian obviously didn't expect such a situation to happen. At this moment, he was just ready to escape, and his body was already ready to escape.

Then, the white smoke suddenly disappeared, and all of a sudden his cover-up technique disappeared.

"Damn, the formation has failed?!"

Wang Batian has great confidence in his formation, knowing that if the formation is in a normal state of operation, such a situation is definitely impossible.

And if such a situation occurs, then there is only one possibility, the formation is about to collapse.

Thinking of the formation collapse, Wang Batian's heart immediately thought of the Skeleton King who had left.

"Damn fellow, that skeleton, can actually find the existence of the eye?!"

Wang Batian couldn’t believe it, something that looked like a skeleton could actually feel the presence of the formation eye. The existence of the formation eye had a very special aura. If it were a human being, it could be felt. .

But if it is a skeleton, it is very difficult to feel.

What method did that skeleton use to discover the existence of the formation? !

The Skeleton King was very puzzled, but at a loss to understand. At this moment, the formation had disappeared, and the smoke that isolated his last figure had also disappeared.

In other words, there is no way he wants to escape.

Looking at Li Tian walking towards him, he knew that next, there was no retreat. Li Tian could only be killed here before he could leave alive.

With this thought in his heart, he gradually changed his actions, and then he was ready to attack.

At this moment, the two people hidden in the sky saw the formation suddenly disappear, and the worries in their eyes also disappeared with the disappearance of the formation.

After disappearing, one of the men with a goatee was filled with relief.

Because this formation can be broken, it must have something to do with his precious apprentice. If his apprentice breaks this formation, it has something to do with him. How could he not be pleased?

The man with a scar on his face standing beside him nodded in agreement and muttered: "Brother Ma's teaching skills are really good, this formation has really been broken."

"Hehe, there's nothing to be proud of, old tyrant, your teaching skills are also good." Tyrant shook his head with a smile, and returned a compliment.

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