When this vicious hidden weapon that flooded the sky was finally used, the density was even more terrifying than the previous two times. Obviously, this golden hand white dragon had exhausted all his power this time.

Just when this golden hand Bailong's most overbearing hidden weapon was used, Fairy Baihua suddenly rose up slightly.

Then two slender hands did not know when there was a handful of golden silver needles, and then her figure jumped into the air, and then the handful of golden silver needles in her hands were also scattered like petals in her hands. .

The graceful posture like a fairy, looks like a fairy descending to the earth.

But the golden needle in her hand was not a flower, but a deadly golden needle.

"The goddess scattered flowers!"

The most hidden weapon of Kung Fu, the goddess scattered flowers.

When the goddess' dispersal of flowers came out, the golden hand Bailong was stunned.

As a concealed weapon of Kung Fu, he certainly knows how powerful this goddess is to disperse flowers. He has always heard of the goddess' three sisters, but he has never seen it once in his life.

This time, he saw it, he saw it really.

But when he saw this trick, the goddess scattered flowers? This became the last time in his life.

Because the densely packed golden needles had all shot towards his whole body.

Bai Long couldn't hide it at all.

So only heard a scream.

All of the golden needles all over the sky shot on him... He didn't even have time to scream, the whole person instantly turned into a hedgehog, and his body fell directly to the ground with a plop like a wooden stake.


Golden Hand Bailong also died.

Where did his pupils remain hugely open, but the entire face was already filled with deadly golden needles.

The death was terrible.

At the moment when Baihua Fairy also solved the White Dragon, the Ecstasy and the remaining Ouyang Longyan saw this shocking scene at the same time.

There was a sudden thump in their hearts.

The seductive envoy roared, and attacked with a strong palm, and immediately forced the ghost servant back...then his body quickly retreated.

He wanted to escape.

Yes, now that the overall situation is set, they have lost.

Really defeated.

The four great drunkards and Bailong all died tragically, how can the Ecstasy not panic?

He underestimated Li Tian's strength too much, and he never expected that Baihua Fairy would appear here.

The ecstasy hasn't reached this point.

So he is ready to go now.

"Ouyang Longyan...Let's retreat." Only listen to the seductive envoy retreating.

That Ouyang Longyan also knew that today's battle was already divided. At this moment, the soft sword in his hand flicked, and the flowers of the sword blossomed towards Duguxie.

The Duguxie bronze sword blocked, but because the toxicity on his thighs had already restricted the movement of his body, he couldn't try his best to stop it.

Na Ouyang Longyan took this opportunity and swept back longitudinally, ready to leave this place with the ecstasy.

But just when the two of them wanted to leave, a strong wind suddenly struck them.

At the same time, a burst of shouts suddenly sounded.

"Want to go?"

With a burst of drink, but seeing the strong wind, he whistling thinking about them shooting.

Ecstasy and Ouyang Longyan looked at the strong wind that broke through the air, and the Ecstasy raised his left hand, slashing his strong palm on the strong wind... Then he saw him at a glance.

Li Tian.

Standing motionless in front of the two of them, Li Tian, ​​with fiery killing in his eyes, was standing there like a **** of murder, looking at them coldly, and a chill of death rushed to them in an instant. The whole body.

Ouyang Longyan suddenly took a step forward and wanted to make a move, but was suddenly stopped by the ecstasy.

"Unexpectedly... It turns out that the son of the evil **** has become so powerful." Only listen to the evil spirits said in that gloomy voice.

While talking, he looked around.

The ghost servants and Fairy Baihua stood at the exit. On the side is the Duguxie carrying the bronze sword. The front is Li Tian, ​​and the two corpses lying in the middle are the golden-handed white dragons. There is that alcoholic.

"Even the drunkard died in your hands...it really surprised me." The ecstasy continued grimly.

Li Tian sneered and looked at him with hatred eyes: "Tell me...who is the master of your **** gate?"

"Who killed my father in the past? And where is my father now?"

Listening to Li Tian's questioning, the ecstasy suddenly laughed wildly.

"Do you want to know everything?"

"Nonsense." Li Tianan said.

The ecstasy said: "It's a pity that I can't say it."

"If you don't say it, I will let you die here today."


"Do you think our **** gate people are really afraid of death?" Ecstasy said suddenly coldly.

"Young Master, don't talk nonsense with these bastards. We can finally get back the blood debts more than 20 years ago. Kill them and avenge the big brother." Just listen to the ghost servants saying angrily.

But Li Tian could not be impulsive.

Because this is the only clue he knows, the only clue he can know from here.

He knew in his heart that whether it was the Ecstasy or Ouyang Longyan beside him, they were just tools in the hands of the master behind the scenes...

The real culprit, the real enemy has not yet appeared, so Li Tian must ask it now.

"You really don't tell me?" Li Tian's eyes had already revealed sharp killing intent.

Ecstasy sneered, without words. Ouyang Longyan beside him is even more indifferent like a stone.

"Well, since you don't say...then I will force you to say it." When the words were spoken, Li Tian suddenly took out the sword in his hand.

Chi Lian Jian.

The black scabbard, the black hilt, and even the blade is pure black.

At the moment the red refining sword was taken out, the entire air seemed to be condensed by the terrifying chill of the red refining sword.

Everyone looked at the weird sword in Li Tian's hands.

His sword is finally about to be shot.

A sword that was once bloodthirsty and devastated was held in Li Tian's hands like this.

Even his pupils turned blood red.

At the moment when he felt the suffocating death chill in the air, the ecstasy before him and Ouyang Longyan couldn't help taking a step back.

They felt terrible like never before...

This terrible air was not emitted from Li Tian, ​​but from the black sword in his hand.

At the moment when Li Tian's Red Refining Sword was pulled out, when the world seemed to be surrounded by this cold sword aura, a weird scream suddenly sounded in the entire Haojue nightclub.

The sound was terrible, if it was in the middle of the night it really sounded like a ghost in hell.

The swish sound slowly echoed in the entire Haojue nightclub.

Who made the screams like Li Gui?

At this moment, Li Tian and his brothers stood there with shocked expressions, even the Duguxie and the ghost servants around him were stunned... and then began to look around.

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