Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 9995: Any questions?

What he means is, don't talk nonsense, the game is much more important than saying something here.

"Okay head, let's go over."

Chen Huan, Tian Yu and Yao Yun didn't know what Li Tian was thinking about. After speaking to Li Tian, ​​they immediately walked in front of Li Tian and led the way for Li Tian.

Soon he came to the Shenyin Cliff where the Shenyin Gate held the competition.

Because of the removal of Liyinxiao, the original magical scene in the Shenyin Cliff has now disappeared, and what is left is just some ordinary sceneries. Such sceneries can be seen everywhere outside, so in No one would find such a scene in the Shenyin Gate to look good.

However, Shenyinya is still very large, which can accommodate a lot of disciples for a competition. It is a very good meeting place when Shenyinmen holds large gatherings.

After Li Tian arrived at the scene, he immediately attracted the attention of the disciples of Shenyinmen. Immediately, many female disciples began to cheer, calling for Li Tian to be the head, it was very enthusiastic.

It's as if those star chasers in modern times have encountered their favorites.

Li Tian never thought that he would have received such a treatment once before.

He was very flattered in his heart, but because of his strength, plus Li Tian has some experience in dealing with such a large scene of thousands of people, he immediately smiled with these people greet.

Of course, with so many people, it is impossible for Li Tian to greet them with his throat. This is not in line with Li Tian's image.

He was beckoning to everyone, so although it seemed to be perfunctory, it was facing everyone, and everyone's feelings were taken care of.

Sure enough, seeing their newly appointed head greet them in such a novel way, the female disciples of Shenyinmen felt very strange, and even thought that such a greeting was very interesting and kind. Following the same pattern, they also raised their tender palms, and then waved to Li Tian.

Seeing thousands of people greet him like this, Li Tian, ​​a patient with intensive phobia, was a little dizzy for a while, so he looked away from these people when he was busy. If he didn't look at them, he wouldn't feel dizzy in his heart.

When they got better soon, everyone stopped beckoning, but they secretly remembered such an action in their hearts, planning to greet friends or relatives like this in the future.

After all, this was passed down from their head, and it looked very powerful at first glance.

How did the three of them know that this is just a very common way of greeting Li Tian in the world.

Li Tian didn’t know, because of his small gesture today, a very modern scene will appear in the Shenyin Gate in the future. When all the disciples meet, they will no longer say hello in this world’s etiquette. And all is beckoned.

After sitting back in his position, seeing everyone waiting for him, the game has not yet started, Li Tian said to the three of Chen Huan, Tian Yu and Yao Yun on his side: "Okay, let's start the game now, don't waste time. Up."

He was afraid of wasting his time.

"Yeah, that's the beginning."

Chen Huan, among the three of Chen Huan, Tian Yu, and Yaoyun, nodded to Li Tian and said, and then gestured to Yao Yun on one side with his eyes.

Yao Yun left immediately and went to notify the first group of disciples to let them enter the competition venue.

The first group of disciples quickly entered the scene. Unlike the hesitation and curiosity on the faces of the previous disciples, this group of disciples seems to have a lot of understanding of the grid space. Standing where they were about to enter the grid space, they didn't show the slightest nervousness, as if they knew the grid space well.

In fact, this is also the case. Last night, Chen Huan, Tian Yu, and Yaoyun learned that many disciples were confused when they first encountered the attribute space, so they deliberately asked those who had already participated. The disciples who have participated in the competition, go to explain the knowledge to these disciples who have not participated in the competition, and answer all the doubts in their hearts.

With the orders of Chen Huan, Tian Yu, and Yao Yun, those disciples who didn't tell the truth suddenly had no choice but to tell them the truth about their experience in the battle in the grid space.

The same is true. All these new disciples who have come to participate in the competition already know some specific ways to deal with the grid space.

So today's game is more suspenseful.

Soon, the first batch of disciples all entered the grid space, and they didn't have any extra nonsense who entered the grid space, and they immediately started a fight.

Li Tian looked very strange in this scene. Before, those disciples who entered the grid space were more or less curious. But today, these disciples, why are none of them curious? What is the reason?

Doubts appeared in his mind, Li Tian did not ask Chen Huan, Tian Yu, and Yao Yun for the time being, but planned to watch.

So, he just kept watching.

Originally he thought the battle would end in more than 20 minutes, but who would have thought that this time the battle would last longer than before, and it took more than forty minutes to resolve the battle.

And it’s not a single grid space that has been played for such a long time. It’s that all grid space matches have been played for such a long time. This is very scary. What has happened to make this happen? In a short period of time, what happened to such a huge change?

At this moment, Li Tian's doubts had to be asked.

He immediately called in Chen Huan, Tian Yu and Yao Yun, and then asked the three of them: "When the game was played yesterday, I remember that after the end of the game, the members of each group took almost 20 to 30 minutes. , Why do they spend more than forty minutes today, and some people even use as much as an hour?"


When the three of them heard Li Tian’s questioning, they immediately became proud, and then explained to Li Tian: “It’s such a leader. Yesterday, we didn’t see those disciples entering the grid space for a moment. The unfamiliar state of, we felt that this was a long delay in the competition, so we decided to popularize the situation in the grid space to these people, so we recruited those disciples who participated in the competition and asked them to explain... …"

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