Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 10028: White eyes

Li Tian rolled his eyes and said silently: "Okay, don't flatter me like this, aren't you embarrassed? I am still very embarrassed if you are not embarrassed."

After speaking, Li Tian said to Duan Liushui: "The Excalibur Gate has done a good job, and we should pay more attention to the next game, and let everyone know this good news."

In fact, needless to say, everyone can get an understanding based on the specific fighting situation. After all, all fighting situations happen under everyone’s eyes. They are watching the game, but if you report, It's very formal, and it's also a statement.

So it still needs to be done.

Chen Huan, Tian Yu, and Yaoyun were very uncomfortable at the moment. After they came to the place where the disciples of Shenyinmen were sitting, the disciples who watched the Shenyinmen were not in a good state. All people were very emotional. It was a downturn, and obviously knew that their record was not as good as the Excalibur Gate.

Chen Huan, Tian Yu, and Yao Yun were in a very bad mood at first, but when they saw this scene, they took a sigh of relief and said to everyone: "Okay, all cheer up. It's just one time. It’s just a loss. This time I took the top 20. Do you know how many of us are in the top 50? Twenty-one people, this has reached two-fifths. For a number of people, everyone only needs to work hard, and it’s not impossible to sprint to the top 20 at the end. You know, as long as we are in the top 20, we can get a reward for a spiritual tool. For the reward of a spiritual tool, Everyone needs to work hard too!"

This kind of encouragement is very effective. At first, everyone's mood was very depressed. When they heard this, they all raised their heads and looked at Chen Huan, Tian Yu and Yao Yun, and said : "Elders, we will work hard, please cheer for us!"

It was the disciples who had entered the top fifty Shenyinmen who were speaking. Their eyes once again brought a luster of hope and a luster of battle, because Chen Huan, Tian Yu and Yao Yun What the three said is indeed true.

After all, they have to compete for the top 20 in this competition. Now they have 21 people who have entered the top 50. If they work harder, the top 20 places can be occupied. Some!

With this hope, they all became active, and once again returned to their previous state.

At this time, on the side of the Excalibur Gate, everyone heard that the disciples of the Excalibur Gate successfully entered the top 50 competition this time reached the number of twenty-nine. They were all very happy, cheering loudly and celebrating.

However, Stealing Water estimated the mood on the side of Shenyinmen and stopped everyone's cheering in time.

After all, Shenyinmen is now also a sect of Li Tian, ​​so yelling is very detrimental to the growth of the friendship between the two sects.

Because the next game is very important, everyone must be restored to a best state to be able to play, so the main purpose of the next is to restore spiritual power.

So everyone broke up.

The disciples of the Divine Sword Sect all went straight back to their territory, and then made up for their spiritual power in their territory, planning to work hard all at once, and try their best to strengthen some strength for the next day's game.

And while they were working hard to restore spiritual power, or even increase spiritual power, some disciples of the Excalibur Gate found these 29 disciples who entered the top 50, and then sent their blessings. .

These blessings are very pure. They are some medicines to restore spiritual power, or some formations to restore spiritual power, because they also hope that their disciples can have more disciples to enter the top 20, so If it is, it is also an increase in the strength of the Divine Sword Sect. This is something that all the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect are happy to hear.

For such a friendly move by the Excalibur Sect disciples, all the disciples who entered the top 50 Excalibur Sect competitions were very concerned about it and decided to compete well and strive for a good ranking. , Don't let the minds of these brothers and sisters be wasted.

Among all the people, there is one very exception. At this moment, he is not regaining his spiritual power, but is taking a female disciple of Shenyinmen to paddling in the Pan Lake. This person is the Venerable Bafang Jintan. .

"How about, this lake of our Divine Sword Gate is still very interesting."

A few miles outside the gate of the Swordsman, in a lake with very beautiful scenery, Venerable Bafang Jintan is taking a female disciple of the Swordsman, Chang Yue, on a boat trip here. The two chatted and laughed. .

Regarding the words of Venerable Bafang Golden Altar, Chang Yue nodded very seriously, and said to Venerable Bafang Golden Altar: "You are right. The place at the Divine Sword Gate is very good, but I never knew it, you guys. There is such a beautiful place at the Divine Sword Gate. If I knew it before, I would definitely come here often."

"is it?"

Venerable Bafang Jintan was very surprised. He immediately invited and said, "Since you think this place is beautiful and you want to come often, then you must come often in the future. After all, the relationship between our two schools has been reconciled. , If you want to come, you can do it at any time, just tell me in advance, I can arrange all your itinerary properly, even after you come, all expenses will be reimbursed by me. what do you think."

Venerable Bafang Jintan said it very seriously, taking all aspects into consideration, and then talked to Chang Yue.

No one has ever cared about himself so much, and cared about himself so thoughtfully. Chang Yue was immediately moved. There were even some small stars in his eyes, and said to Venerable Bafang Jintan: "Thank you, you are so kind. , If you can always be by my side and treat me like this, how good it would be."

what? !

Venerable Bafang Jintan’s eyes suddenly widened, and he said to Chang Yue with a very surprised look: "Sister Chang Yue, are you telling me, do you like me? I actually like you too, if you If you like me, then I can go to our head and propose marriage to you!"

"Are you going to propose marriage to me? Isn't it too early..." Where did Chang Yue think of Venerable Bafang Jintan being so anxious, when he heard this, he thought of getting married, and immediately looked ashamed. It became red, and the whole person didn't know where to hide.

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