Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 10042: agree

Everyone agreed with the method mentioned by Li Tian, ​​so there was nothing to discuss. Immediately, everyone broke up. Go to [新笔趣阁www.xxbiquge.xyz] and talk to the disciples in the door about this matter. went.

Li Tian also went back to his room, but because King Huntian was cultivating, he did not disturb King Huntian, so he found a place to go to sleep.

He maintained this habit well.

In the next morning, Li Tian woke up early. There was no way. The spiritual practitioner did not doze off. He just fell asleep casually to deal with it.

When he woke up, King Huntian was practicing his moves repeatedly. Obviously he planned to use it during today's game.

After Li Tian saw it, he smiled and didn't say anything. When the time was almost up, he took King Huntian to the competition venue.

What I have to say is that because today's game is related to the final ranking, there are a lot of disciples who have come, including the disciples of the Shenjianmen and Shenyinmen.

However, it is commendable that the management of the Divine Sword Gate is still in place. Although it is a disciple of the two sects, there is no chaotic scene at all, and everything seems to be in order.

Seeing everyone sitting there in a very orderly manner, waiting for the start of the game, Li Tian was also very satisfied.

After bringing Great King Huntian to his place, he sat down, and then Great King Huntian stayed beside him, like a guardian.

Soon, all the participating personnel were on the competition venue, and Li Tian let King Huntian also go up.

However, today’s game only allows three screens to play a game at the same time, that is to say, only six disciples can be accepted for one game at the same time, which is also a convenient learning opportunity for those disciples who come to watch the game. .

Moreover, the distribution of personnel for this match is strictly in accordance with the rules of non-repetition. In other words, although every disciple will play three matches, none of their opponents in the three matches are made by one person. Do your best to ensure the fairness of this game.

Of course, such a rule has also been told to everyone in advance, and there is no need to repeat it in a special case at this time.

The disciples who were watching the game at the moment, as the game has not yet started, they all discussed nervously. The most discussed content is who the first place will be in this competition and the competition this time. What will be the ranking of the final top 20?

Also, among the top ten personnel this time, the disciples of the Shenyinmen will occupy a few, and the disciples of the Shenyinmen will occupy the few.

Of course, the content of these discussions did not happen afterwards, so everyone is not sure what they discussed and how they will eventually progress.

Soon, the six disciples in the first round went to the competition room in the eyes of everyone's expectations.

As they disappeared, all the eyes of the audience converged on the screens of the three grid spaces where they were.

These people also include the top 25 disciples who are still preparing for the battle.

It is worth mentioning that in the first round of the game, there is one person who deserves Li Tian's attention, and that is the Fool of Sand.

In this game, he also started the game in the first round, and it seemed that his mental state was still good.

In addition, yesterday, the Sand Fool used an unexpected Sand Sword, which attracted a lot of attention. Therefore, after the Sand Fool entered the competition venue, everyone had a lively discussion.

"Look at that quickly. Isn’t the person on the second fastest screen the Fool of the Sand from the Divine Sword Gate? I heard that he is very powerful. Look at his opponent, our senior sister from the Divine Yin Sect. Can you win this game?"

There are disciples of the gods of music discussing, and they are very worried about their senior sister who is playing against the Fool of the Sand.

The disciples of the Shenyinmen on the side also understand the power of the Fool of the Sand. At this time, seeing their world and the Fool of the Sand are fighting in the same grid space, they can only comfort one. It is impossible to make any substantial help.

"Hey, there is no way. Although our senior sister is very strong, this Fool of Sand is even stronger. He has played so many games, but he has lost one game to King Huntian. All subsequent games have been He has never lost. How can he be so powerful that our senior sister can be the **** of war, and his fighting moves are so peculiar, it is impossible to guard against!"

All the disciples of Shenyinmen were sighing.

On the other side, the disciple of the Divine Sword Sect had the mentality of watching a good show for the Fool of the Sand and the female disciple of the Divine Sword Sect.

Because they all know that the Fool of the Sand is stronger, they believe that the Fool of the Sand will beat the female disciple of the Shenyin Gate in their hearts, so they are not worried that the Fool of the Sand will fail. That is in their hearts. Noodles are impossible to appear.

"Hey, there is a good show to watch next. This female disciple of Shenyinmen is not weak, and I don’t know what he can bring to us if he fights with our Sand Fool. It’s a wonderful game.” The disciple with the Divine Sword Gate was very curious, and was very curious about the battle between the Sand Fool and the female disciple of the Divine Sword Gate.

Another disciple of the Divine Sword Sect smiled and said, "Senior Brother of the Fool of the Sand is so powerful. If this female disciple of the Divine Sword Sect is not able to hold on for long, she will lose the battle. , It must be the Sand Fool's Senior Brother will win!"

He said so confidently that all the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect around him nodded in agreement and said: "Yes, Brother Sand Fool is really too powerful. It's just the female of the Divine Sword Sect. The disciple is so powerful, will Senior Brother Sha Zhi Yu be reluctant to start because of his pity for Xiang Yuyu?!"

Someone asked such a question. After all, the female disciple of the Shenyinmen who fought against the Fool of Sand this time is really very beautiful. Maybe it can be called the female disciple of all the Shenyinmen games this time. The top ten people.

It is understandable to have such a question.

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