Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 1000: Situ Ningbing disappeared

But seeing the ghost, he grabbed the devil's hand.

"No hurry, no hurry... Keep this one for now, it's still useful," said the ghost woman.

"Does the hag want to bring this child back to the gate of hell?" The ecstasy in front of him asked suspiciously.

The hag smiled happily.

"Well, I meant it."

"The master would be the happiest to see the tragic death of his worst enemy son with his own eyes."

"So I am going to take him back to the gate of hell."

While they were talking these words, although Li Tian was lying there as if he was frozen, he heard all of their words clearly in his ears.

He never thought that this "ghost woman" would actually bring herself back to the gate of **** this time.

If that were the case, wouldn't he be able to see the real enemy soon? Can you see the man who is actually behind the scenes manipulating the gate of hell?

Thinking of this, Li Tian suddenly felt an unprecedented excitement in his heart.

That kind of excitement is blazing excitement, the kind of excitement that finally meets the biggest enemy of my life.

However, when the twin old ghost saw Li Tian still unharmed and frozen by the evil spirit, the devil grabbed Li Tian in front of him and threw him into the back of the car, and then they got on. After getting out of the car, the car drove further away.

What about Li Tian in the back compartment?

At this moment, all the strength of his body is gathering and he is beginning to break through the icy cold of the evil spirit... Now his upper body is almost able to move, and the ice scum on his body is slowly scattered. Just give Li Tian a little more time. , He can quickly open all the acupuncture points in his lower body. At that time, all the evil spirits will be cracked by Li Tian.

Li Tian disappeared the next day.

In Haojue nightclub, he heard a manic voice roaring uncontrollably.

"I'm looking for the little boss... I must find him..."

"If you don't **** find it, the little boss will definitely be killed by those monsters."

The voice came from the second floor.

Looking closely, a tall figure suddenly appeared from the second floor, with blood-red eyes, and at the same time there were traces of scarlet blood in the pupils, roaring there.

Tang Xiaolong.

This person is the Tang Xiaolong who has been looking for two days and two nights in Yongzhou City.

But after seeing him running out all of a sudden, a dark figure suddenly grabbed his arm.

"Xiaolong, calm down." With this screaming voice, Tang Xiaolong was caught by his arm.

It was his master, the ghost servant, who stopped Tang Xiaolong.

I saw Tang Xiaolong who was stopped by the ghost servant, his face was full of sorrow, looking at his master, he slowly turned his face away, his fist was tightly clenched, and his whole body was Shaking violently.

"Master, what should I do?"

"The little boss has been taken away by the monsters of the **** gate now. I don't know whether he is alive or dead...what can I do?" Tang Xiaolong said helplessly at the ghost servant.

There was also a silent sadness in the eyes of the ghost servant.

"Xiaolong, believe me, there will be nothing wrong with Young Master!"

"Absolutely not."

Tang Xiaolong didn't speak, just shaking violently all over.

It turns out that since Li Tian was robbed that night, the brothers have been searching for the whereabouts of Li Tian and the traces of the gatekeeper of Hell in the entire Yongzhou City. But how could it be so easy to find him in the vast crowd?

Two days.

Two days have passed, and no one of them currently knows whether Li Tian is dead or alive.

So they are worried and afraid.

This time is different from the past, you must know that Li Tian fell in the hands of the people at the gate of hell.

The people at the gate of **** have been longing for Li Tian to die tragically, and now they are finally in their hands. Can this not worry the brothers?

Duguxie was poisoned by the golden hand white dragon...Although that leg had been prevented from spreading poison in time, he couldn't move for a while now.

But the people looking for Li Tian fell to the brothers, the Baihua Fairy, the ghost servant and others.

In two days and two nights, almost the brothers and ghost servants and others have not rested.

They have been searching for Li Tian in Yongzhou City, but they have not found it so far.

At noon, the brothers who were looking for Li Tian came back in batches.

The first ones who came back were Chen Qiaozhi and Old Monster Ge.

"How is it? Have you found a clue?" the ghost servant asked there. ,

But after seeing the two people with their heads down and haggard faces, the ghost servant was disappointed, not to mention that he knew that he hadn't found it.

"Hey, I really hope Li Tian can survive this disaster." Old Monster Na Ge said with a sigh.

Chen Qiaozhi, a sick scholar on one side, bowed his head without saying a word.

"Blood robbery, blood robbery." Old Monster Ge suddenly muttered there again.

Recalling the words that Old Monster Na Ge said to Li Tian on his way to Yongzhou, he told Li Tian: This time there will be a catastrophe in Yongzhou, but he did not expect that Li Tian would not listen to it... if Li Tian still If he can remember the words of Old Goblin Ge that day, he must think deeply about it.

It is a pity that there is no turning back for some things.

In the face of this huge catastrophe, can Li Tian survive it safely? No one knows this at present.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the people brought by Fairy Baihua came back.

Unfortunately, there is still no clue for Li Tian.

Now Situ Ningbing and Duanmuying were the only ones looking for outside.

Seeing the truth in adversity, maybe that's what it says.

The person who truly loves is not afraid to work hard to find a lover.

Although Duanmuying used to be a eldest lady, extremely noble, but this time for Li Tian, ​​she didn’t close her eyes for two days and two nights. She kept looking for it. Sometimes she wanted to cry helplessly, but she finally held it back. Just looking there, looking for my lover.

Not to mention Situ Ningbing, always looking for Li Tian.

"I'm back, Miss Duanmu is back." The voices of the brothers can be heard from a distance.

Looking closely, the tired Duanmuying downstairs came back from the outside with red and swollen eyes.

The little girl ring on one side was also full of tears.

Looking at the grief of the two, everyone knows what the result will be.

The brothers who wanted to comfort the two women, but did not know how to comfort them.

"Huh, where is Miss Situ?"

"Why hasn't she come back?" Just listen to the brothers in front of you asking.

Yes, Situ Ningbing has been searching for the longest time, and she is also the most tired of searching, but now she still hasn't come back? How did that happen?

"I don't know." Duanmuying gently wiped the tears on her face with her hand.

The brothers were all stunned.

"Wait a while, maybe Miss Situ will be back soon."


Keep waiting.

They were all waiting for the killer Situ Ningbing, but did she really come back?


Time passed by minute by minute, but Situ Ningbing did not come back as if he had disappeared forever.

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