Picking Up a General is Good For Farming

196. Chapter 196 Zhao Qishan is afraid of the dark

After searching for a long time, Zhao Qishan was never seen.

Han Yingxue suddenly felt a little scared and worried.

It's so dark at night, can't we encounter something?

"Zhao Qishan, did you hear me? Where are you?"


Han Yingxue's heart tugged together.

Zhao Qishan, you idiot, if you help find someone, you will lose yourself.

Han Yingxue realized that she had never been so worried before. This feeling for the first time was actually for Zhao Qishan.


Han Yingxue paused, and saw a black figure curled up under the tree.

Han Yingxue walked over.

I saw Zhao Qishan curled up on the ground, holding his head in his hands, trembling. Beside him were torches that had just been burnt out.

"Zhao Qishan..." Han Yingxue squatted down and tapped him lightly with her fingers.

"Xue'er?" Zhao Qishan raised his head.

"What's wrong with you?" Han Yingxue asked worriedly.

The candlelight illuminated his face.

Han Yingxue saw the fear in his eyes.

Isn't it just that the torch has been burned out? Why are you so scared? Did something happen?

"Xue'er..." Zhao Qishan half-kneeled on the ground and pulled Han Yingxue into his arms.

He seemed to try his best to hug her, making Han Yingxue a little out of breath.

After the torch was burned out, he faced the darkness alone. When facing the night, Zhao Qishan suddenly felt infinite fear in his heart.

His head hurts a little, and some fragments are skipped deep in his memory. What he captured was only endless darkness.

The fear in my heart is getting deeper and deeper.

"Xue'er, it's great to see you..." Zhao Qishan's lips trembled, and his body trembled.

The arrival of Han Yingxue seemed to bring him back to the light suddenly.

Is this guy really afraid of the dark?

"I'm here, I'm fine." Han Yingxue comforted.

For some reason, Han Yingxue suddenly felt distressed.

Such Zhao Qishan would make her feel that he was as fragile as a child.

I don't know what he has experienced, so afraid of the night.

"Xue'er, thank you for coming to find me, thank you for not abandoning me..." Zhao Qishan murmured.

Han Yingxue's familiar aura made him feel more at ease.

The two hugged each other for a while.

It seems a bit ambiguous...

Seeing that Zhao Qishan's mood had stabilized, Han Yingxue snorted lightly: "That...Zhao Qishan, let me go, we're going back..."


Zhao Qishan let go of his hands greedily, really wishing that, holding Xue'er like this all the time, only in his arms would he feel the real existence.


Holding the torch, Han Yingxue walked side by side with Zhao Qishan. Even though his face was a little flushed, he didn't dare to go too far. She was worried that once Zhao Qishan fell into darkness, he would start to fear again.

The light from the torch imprinted Han Yingxue's face.

Zhao Qishan turned his head to the side and looked at Han Yingxue's profile.

If possible, I really hope to keep going like this.

Zhao Qishan's hand gently took Han Yingxue's hand.

Han Yingxue's body trembled, and she instinctively wanted to resist the strange touch. But miraculously, she didn't refuse.

The two held hands all the time, walking back...


Early the next morning, I dragged my tired body. Han Yingxue and Zhao Qishan went to the town again.

Her eyes were a little sleepy, but fortunately, when she was in the bullock cart, she leaned against Zhao Qishan's arms to catch up on another sleep.

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