Picking Up a General is Good For Farming

506. Chapter 506 Calling Papa Han to drink

Biquge www.xbiquge.bz, the fastest update Jingxiu Farmer Girl: Pick up a general to farm!

"Xue'er, what's the matter?" Seeing Han Yingxue frowning, Zhao Qishan asked.

"It looks like a severe drought is coming! It hasn't rained for a long time, and the water in this ditch is almost dry!" Han Yingxue said.

They didn't notice much before, and they didn't irrigate the fields on weekdays, so they wouldn't notice. Now that they have watered, the water in the ditch is indeed drying up.

"Maybe it's going to rain!"


"Well, let's water it!"


Han Yingxue got some beans in the field and came back with cucumbers.

There are also pheasants and hares tonight. There are many dishes, and other small dishes can be made at will.

The pheasant was stewed and eaten after returning home. A large pot of chicken soup was stewed, and the hare Han Yingxue made a dish of wine-flavored rabbit meat. At the beginning, Chen Sanpi won the championship with this dish. Now that he has rabbit meat, he also cooks it, so that the men who work at home who have never eaten this dish can eat it.

"Girl Xue, I've been talking about your rabbit meat all the time, but I didn't expect you to burn it again today! Haha, it's delicious!" Wang Shitou smiled heartily.

"Uncle Shitou, eat more, I burned two today!" Han Yingxue said with a smile.

After catching two rabbits, Han Yingxue didn't plan to sell them in restaurants, the most important thing was to let the family eat and drink well.

Mrs. Zhao needed to replenish her body. In addition to rabbit meat, Han Yingxue filled a large bowl of chicken and chicken soup.

Thinking of the fifth brother of the Han family who still had a lot of rabbit meat, Han Yingxue went to give the fifth brother of the Han family another bowl.

Now that the fifth member of the Han family is separated, there is no need to worry that the fifth member of the Han family will share the rabbit meat with others.

Pan Shi also just finished cooking, put the dishes on the table, and prepared to eat bowls. Han Yingxue carried the rabbit meat into the house of the fifth son of the Han family.

As soon as they entered the room, several people could smell the aroma of rabbit meat in Han Yingxue's hands.

"Uncle Wu! I cooked some rabbit meat and brought you a bowl." Han Jiaxue said.

"Haha, girl Xue, you are the only one who misses me all day long! Send me all the good ones?"

"Family, why are you so polite!"

"Mei'er, go and call your master over for a drink together." The fifth member of the Han family said.

"Well, okay, I'll go right away!" Han Yingxue responded.

Han Yingmei now felt that his grandfather seemed to be getting better, and he wasn't so annoying anymore. Today, I also heard his grandfather reprimanding the second uncle for not letting his father pump water for the second uncle to irrigate.

Han Yingxue ran over and called Father Han. "Grandpa, my dad called you over for dinner!"

The second son of the Han family and Mrs. Liu stretched their heads and looked out. Just now they saw Han Yingxue carrying a bowl into the house of the fifth son of the Han family. It is estimated that some delicious food has been sent over.

Lao Han's family hasn't had dinner yet, and Luo Ya'er is cooking in the kitchen. All the dishes for the banquet were finished, so what they ate at night were ordinary side dishes grown in the fields at home.

Luo Ya'er's cooking skills are good, even vegetarian dishes can be fried with gusto.

Father Han came out of the house smoking a dry cigarette.

"Mei girl, did your father call me for dinner?"


"I just ate it yesterday, and I ate it again today, haha, is there something good again?"

"Xue'er brought us a bowl of rabbit meat. Lord, you can go over and have a drink with my father."

"Haha, okay, I'll come right away!" Father Han said with a smile.

Old lady Han rolled her eyes to the sky, no matter how much she called Old Man Han to go over, she didn't call them to come together. And that silly girl, since there is rabbit meat, I gave it to the fifth son of the Han family, and I don't know how to send some to her, a milk maker.

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