Lily rose her hand into the air and she could feel her stamina drop to dangerous levels as she desperately formed even more ice columns to support the former ones. She saw how the people around were snapped out of their trances as well and quickly began to form arrays that could stop the meteorite also. The queen that was trying to understand what was going on before quickly started telling her soldiers behind her to get a defense up!

"Formation twelve! Defenses to the sky and make sure that meteor doesn't kill us!"

The soldiers quickly began to run to form a circle around everyone on the ground and then they rose their spears into the air. A large blue magic circle formed above their head and then the meteor hit!


Everybody under the defense was trying not to let their defense break down as they grit their teeth while trying to stop the meteor from hitting them! They fell to their knees or their hand while trying to keep the skill from breaking! But once the initial impact was over, they managed to breathe easy again and Lily breathed out a sigh of cold air while trying to get herself back to her feet. Han would be proud of her! She managed to stop it! He would allow her to come back now... Right?

"G-God... What kind of monster did we meet here?"

The person that said this was looking up into the sky and Lily felt a chill run down her spine as another shadow fell upon them! The people in the group were dropping weapons and fell to their knees as they knew this meteor was almost three times the size of the second one!

[Roaring Meteorites] has been activated at maximum output.

The queen had to come down from her chariot because the polar bears were becoming too frantic to control. She looked up and saw how large this meteor was and she immediately knew that there was nothing they could do to stop this one! They were going to die here!

"Hey! Did you not come here with that man! Stop him and tell him to spare us! What sort of monster is he!? Does he want to just kill all of us!?"

The queen shouted to Lily, but Lily wasn't paying her any attention. She was looking right up at Han. She squeezed her hands in anger when she saw that he was still looking down at all of them with that bored expression! He was so expressionless, it looked like this was just him killing bugs under his feet! Han had never looked down at her with an expression like that before and she couldn't understand why it made her so angry!! Was it because it was Han? Or was it because she instinctively hated people looking down on her?

"I'll beat you, Han. No matter how far I have to go! I'll beat you until you love me again!"

Han finally saw that determination he had been looking for all this while. Lily was no longer just begging him to take her back, she was determined to beat the shit out of him. This is good. It is what he has been looking for all this time. Han then spoke.

"Then I'll be waiting for you at the castle"

Just as he said that large wolves that were taller than Han suddenly appeared on both sides of him and looked down as well. These were the monsters that the chosen were supposed to be hunting for a chance to move to the next level. They were known as Polar Wolves and were one of the most vicious animals on the ice, each one could fight on par with a bronze Star! But now, they were servants to Han.

Han petted the neck of one of the wolves. After a good blast of killing intent, any animal would automatically see you as the alpha, so he was obviously capable of taming the wolves with his Bloodlust. He turned to the group below and said to them.

"If you manage to survive this, then I'll know you're worthy enough to survive fighting me. Try your hardest and experience for the first time how harsh it can be in this Temple. I wish you... Good luck"

Han then turned and began to walk away. Lily's voice followed him all the way as he left. She shouted out for him to come back and pleaded for him to stop, but Han didn't listen to anything she said. He had made up his mind since the beginning of this entire thing.

He won't be a babysitter for his girls. He needed them to realize that this wasn't a world where he could just protect them all the time. They say that a hero is only as good as their villain, right? Well, Han would be their villain sometimes if he needed to. It was only fair.

And I also need to find that weapon that Yuuma told me about. I can't exactly have her interfering with me when I'm trying to find it. I'll have to keep them busy for some time and make it difficult for them to reach the castle. Han knows that all of this was only dependent on if they survive or not. Well, it's just a big rock. I'm sure they will survive since Lily is there. She survived five years of that dealer, nothing can kill that girl if she doesn't want it to. See you at the castle, Lily.


The group of people had indeed survived, but for them to do that, they all had to use up all their free points and immediately upgrade their defensive skills to reach a higher level! Lily had about fifty free points that she had been saving in hopes of using it at higher floors, but she had to put all of it into stamina immediately because she was already out of energy!

Once they managed to stop the rock, they all had to just lay down on the ice there and try to catch their breath again. The castle that Han went to was in the opposite direction of the home of the Echo, and they didn't know how they would manage to get there if that man was the one guarding it! Isn't he meant to be helping them!? Why is he suddenly against them!?

"This is all your fault! Why did you bring that man here!?"

One of the people who almost peed his pants in the middle of everything quickly walked up to Lily and started blaming her for this misfortune. everybody else said nothing because they were all thinking the same thing. This girl came here with that monster, didn't she? She is obviously at fault for this misfortune! The man lifted a finger at her face and shouted!

"If you knew that man was insane then you should have just left him on the first floor -"


The man's face recoiled to the side as Lily's slap blasted off his cheek. His cheek got swole up immediately and when he looked at Lily again, he could see that her eyes were daring him to speak again. She wouldn't hesitate to freeze him to ice if he even tried.

"If you say anything against Han again, I'll kill you."

The queen saw this happening and decided to step forward. This isn't how the test was supposed to go and they needed someone to hold accountable for it!

"But you can't deny that your partner is out of line! How can he just attack us like that? He needs to be held accountable for trying to kill us"

Lily scoffed and everyone there was shocked when she broke into maniac laughter! She held her face and her stomach to try to stop the laughter from making her fall down! They thought Han tried to kill them!? Really!? If Han wanted to kill this trash, then they wouldn't even be alive right now! Lily eyed them all with a cold stare.

"This right now was a mercy he showed to us. If he wanted us dead, then we would be dead"

The queen took a step back in shock. Just how much power did that man have!? How can this girl be so sure that he can take them on like this? All her soldiers were silver Stars, and she is a gold Star!! If they ambushed him, then couldn't they take him on!?

The queen was about to talk again, but they suddenly heard a sound in the distance!




Oh no... They're coming!

The queen quickly moved to her chariot!

"Everyone! Move to the shelter now!! The polar wolves are on their way!"

The group of chosen quickly began to run for it as they followed after the queen and her soldiers. They were running through a forest of white trees and snow, so it was difficult for them to tell where the wolves were because of their white fur! Lily was in their midst as well, but she kept her eyes open for anything weird happening around her. She knew that Han wasn't someone that would just let anything happen for no reason. What was he planning this time?


A shout from someone ahead of her drew her out from her thoughts and Lily saw as the man was dragged into the forest by a large beast and disappeared! Lily's hand shook and she had to steel herself to keep moving forward!


Lily heard another shout from her left and she saw another beast drag a Dragonborn into the woods again! This isn't right!! What was going on! Did the wolves have some form of tracking pattern? What were they doing!?

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