When they got to the restaurant, Rina happily welcomed them all and then asked Rin to take the snake back to the storage room. Once that was done, they finally managed to get some rest while the other girls were about to go back to the restaurant to continue their business, but it was at this time that the door opened and two people entered the room. One of them was a Dragonborn wearing heavy silver armor. He had purple hair and eyes and a regal-looking face. The second one of them was a female Dragonborn that looked more fit for a modeling job than anyone the girls had ever seen! She was absolutely beautiful!

Her hair was blonde and her dress was a simple long gown with a slit on one side. She had a staff in her hand that showed she was a mage-type fighter.

They came up to the counter and Rina smiled while greeting them.

"Hello, Welcome to Luo's. What can I get for you?"

The man waved his hand to show that he wasn't there for a meal at all. From the side, Yuuma narrowed her eyes while sitting in a position that wouldn't allow her to be seen by the two newcomers. She could smell trouble. That man was a very strong silver Star that probably has almost seven or eight skills above 150 and she could tell that woman is a high-ranking gold Star. What were they trying to pull here?

The man brought out a paper and handed it to Rina.

"My name is Ragnar and I'm a representative of the Trinata guild. This is a summons for one Han Luo. We will like to question him about something that happened on the tenth floor a few days ago"

Once he said this the atmosphere in the entire restaurant became tense because all the girls suddenly thought that trouble was about to start. Some of the patrons that were eating simply left their food and walked out! These were people who didn't want to fight at all in this Temple, so they won't be getting involved in other people's fights!

Rina gave a frigid smile as she took the paper and dropped it to one side. She heard from the other girls what her brother did to this guild. Were they here for revenge or did they want to collect Han for punishment? She won't let them come close to her brother!

"Han-Oppa isn't around right now. He is out clearing a floor"

The man and woman looked at each other for a moment before nodding. Rin prepared herself and her hand tensed as she thought they were about to attack, but the man just smiled and waved again.

"Well, then we'll be in our way. Maybe we can come back tomorrow to see if he is back"

Once the man said this the two of them left and the girls watched in shock as they disappeared down the street. What the hell? They didn't even attack? Rina looked towards Rin for any sort of explanation, and she couldn't do anything but shrug. She thought the Trinata guild came to get revenge on Han for what happened on the tenth floor. Why did they just leave as if nothing happened?

Yuuma chuckled and went back to her drink. That Han must've done something very interesting this time. She had to find out more about that plan he made!

None of the girls knew about the changes Han made to Leona's memories inside that floor. It was something he kept a secret from even his girls because of how important it was to his plans! Han had to make it so everything goes exactly how he wants it to, and even if there was something that didn't work how he planned, he already had a counter plan for it too.

Han probably didn't even know that his mind was already creating plans greater than anything he could have ever dreamt of before! Even the great scholars from his world wouldn't have been able to figure out what he was planning!


Lily and the chosen on the twelfth floor were done making the plan they would be using to escape from this floor. It was supposed to be easy to get to the castle before, but Han had put many wolves around the forest and they were everywhere! So the first thing they needed to do was beat the wolves!

The queen was a bit reluctant to help out in the fight because she knew that it was supposed to be the chosen who handle everything! She isn't meant to be fighting their battles for them! But she couldn't say anything when Lily glared at her and told her that it was possible for her to also die here if they didn't beat Han quickly. She finally told her guards to join in the fight and also prepared herself to help out.

Lily planned that she would go out with two scouts. They would find out the pattern of movement of the wolves and then when they find it, they will make a plan. The three of them left once it was dark and they found out that the wolves were moving in groups of two around the entire forest in a clockwise direction. There will be about two minutes between when one group leaves and another one appears. This may seem big, but with how large these things were, two minutes was a small time for them to track you down and kill you!

The group of chosen divided themselves into groups of three and they made sure that there was at least one high-ranking silver Star in each group. The queen was in one group along with Lily and another high-ranking guard because they were going to be playing an important role in getting the wolves to back down. The groups would spread out and attack one wolf group each. There were only six groups of three chosen each, so they would only be attacking six groups of wolves. The plan was that the two groups of wolves that were furthest away from the hideout will be lured away by two groups. So that when the attacks on the groups in the middle of those two groups start, it will take about four minutes for the other wolves to come and help them. Four minutes should be more than enough time for three chosen to kill two wolves and then run for their lives, if they didn't manage to do it, then they will die because nobody is coming back for them!

The group Lily is in will make their way towards the main castle. There is only one gold Star with them - the queen - and she went with Lily and one of her guards who is already close to breaking through to the gold Star. Their mission was to lure Han away from the portal so the rest of the chosen can escape to the next floor. It was the most difficult task, so they are not going to be fighting any wolves so they can use their full strength to their advantage.

They know that Han is not going to lose. It was one of the reasons why only those who didn't have to escape were on the main team. The queen and her guard were only going to be luring Han away with tricks or illusions. They did not even think for a second of fighting him head in because the result was already obvious. But Lily is going to be the one to distract him head-on. She said she will face him in the castle, and nothing is going to stop her from doing it!

They separated into groups and charged into the forest. The two groups on the extreme ends went ahead and lured the wolves that were there away. Once they went, the other groups charged in and attacked their own groups! It will only take four minutes for the other wolves to come and back up these ones so they didn't need to waste any time! Once they started their attack, Lily, the queen, and the guard charged through the whole thing and went straight for the castle! Lily knew that Han could probably see her from the castle. She is not going to underestimate him now. But she just held onto the hope that she understood him well enough to know that he won't change his own plan to try and make it more difficult for her. She already came up with this plan using everything she had!! Please don't change it, Han! Don't be too brutal with us!

Some wolves charged for their group from the sides and Lily watched as they were about to leap at them, but the queen rose her staff, and a magic circle came to life beside them. Ice spikes shot out and impaled the wolves straight in the side! The wolves on that side backed off, but the ones on the other side were about to make a surprise attack! Lily put her hand up and activated her [Fog of Wisteria] and filled that space! She then squeezed her palm and the entire fog solidified immediately to trap the wolves inside! It was a new skill that she gained after fighting on the tenth floor with those zombies. [Flash Freeze]. She can immediately freeze any object in her vicinity with just a thought. Since it can work on anything, why won't it work on the wisteria that she created! It was perfect!

The queen and her guard were shocked by the ability, but they didn't have time to stop and gawk at it! They began to run again and hoped that all the other chosen would make it to the castle safely.

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