Lily paused and her eyes widened as she looked at Han. Han stretched his hand to the side and the sword he broke earlier rose into the air and flew towards him. He activated his skill [Frigid Tundra] and used ice to repair the sword back to its original length.

"I'm going to dangerous places, Lily! Places that I won't always have time to look over my shoulder! I won't always be there! One day, you'll have to face a monster like me on your own or even go out there and fight alone! You need this! You need this just as much as I do! I need to know that I can trust you to take care of yourself even if I'm not here! I need to know that the person I love can love herself too! So I'll fucking beat the shit out of you till you learn it! Come at me, Lily! Come at me like you want to fucking kill me or I'll be the one who cuts you down!"

Han screamed as he rose his sword into the air. He saw the anger flash through Lily's eyes and he knew he got her there! She couldn't deny that what he said was true, but she would fight to her dying breath to prove him wrong! So come and fight me! Show me that I'm fucking wrong! Show me that you can fight without me in your head!!


Lily screamed as she charged straight for Han and they clashed blades in the middle of the room. Their ice swords clanged and shaved at each other's as they danced across the room!

Clang! Clang! Clang! ClangClangClang!

Han kicked Lily back and slashed towards her torso with his sword, but Lily blocked it and gasped as she was thrown back! Her sword broke but she quickly used her powers to fix it in time to block another slash from Han!

Lily grunted in exertion as they remained locked in a test of strength that Lily didn't even bother trying to win! Her legs dug into the ground and she quickly dodged under and around Han before trying to stab him in the back. Han twirled around it like a pro and his leg connected with the back of Lily's head when she found herself off balance!

Lily flew to the other side of the room and slammed into the wall there and the guard and queen grimaced! That looked like it really hurt! The queen looked to the guard and asked a silent question. Weren't these two lovers? Is this how they settle couple fights nowadays? The guard shrugged. It has been decades since he left this floor. Only god knows what they have been up to on other floors!

Lily pulled herself out from the wall and she forced herself to run forward again! She hated this! He was still looking at her with those eyes! These eyes that said he didn't believe her! I can fucking take care of myself Han! You don't need to babysit me! Why did you have to keep looking at me like that!?

Clang! Boom!

The next hit broke the ground under their feet and Lily glared up at Han with nothing but anger in her eyes! Don't look at me like that! You aren't getting rid of me whether you like it or not! So stop looking at me like that!!

Lily's eyes suddenly changed from their light blue color to a deeper blue that looked like the ocean. The side of her face grew ice along it and when she breathed out, fog leaked out from her mouth! Han saw his sword was freezing over and he realized that she activated her [Frozen Domain]. He jumped back and saw how she stumbled once his sword was no longer supporting her weight. She looked tired and worn out. Her hand was vibrating because of how many times they already crossed swords and she was already on her last leg. But those eyes. They glared with a passion that made Han shiver in excitement. Lily looked like a fucking warrior goddess!

"Yes! This is it! Look at me as your enemy, and not like Han!!! I don't even care if you try to kill me because I'm fine as long as you to live a little bit longer! I want you to keep on walking even if I'm no longer by your side, Lily!!!"


Lily used her powers to the extreme and a giant ice spike shot out of the ground under Han. Han had to quickly jump to the side once he saw it. He already deactivated his instincts skill to give Lily a fair fight. He won't dishonor her by using it when he was testing her at her level! Han looked forward and saw two other Lily's form out of snow beside the original Lily and the two began running towards him at a fast pace! Ice sculpture! Han brought his sword forward ad slashed across the two of them! They broke to pieces once his sword touched them and he was shocked. Weren't they meant to be stronger than that! No! It was a distraction!


Han managed to turn around at the right time to stop the slash that would have hit his back at the last moment. He looked into Lily's eyes and he only saw pure determination in there! She jumped back and waved her sword forward and an entire bunch of ice spikes flew forward Han! He blocked many of them and then dodged around the rest before ducking under the sword Lily threw at him! This crazy bitch! She wants to take my head off!? Shit, I'm off balance!

Han saw as Lily formed another sword quickly and ran towards him as he was still unbalanced and he smiled. Ah, shit... if I was anyone else, I would surely be dead by now. He closed his eyes and let his defenses down as the sword stabbed deep into his stomach and came out from the other side.


Lily was breathing heavily and her entire body was shaking in pain. Her hands were red, and blisters had formed around them. She was resting her entire weight on Han now and Han knew that if he moved she would just collapse and faint from the pain! He wrapped his hand around her.

"I-I win... I win, right, Han?"

Han whispered into her hair softly.

"Yeah, Lily. You won. I'm sorry for doubting you"

A hiccup come out of Lily and Han could tell she was about to cry. He felt her twist the sword inside him and he grunted in mild pain before smiling. This yandere is crazy! Did she want to hurt me as much as possible eh? Han already put down a lot of his defenses, so he could feel the pain a little.

"So don't you dare, Han. Don't ever think of leaving me again! I don't know what I'll do if you leave me! I win, so you have to listen to me! Do you hear me, Han!!?"

Lily looked up at him and Han felt his heart squeeze. She was crying desperately and trying to glare at him at the same time. It was so cute!! But he couldn't laugh here! He had to be serious! Serious Han! Be serious! And besides, she won, so I have to give her what she wants. I'm lucky she doesn't hate me for doing all this.

Han squeezed his hands tighter around her and then buried her head in his chest. Yeah. He'll stay with her from now on. At the very least, he knows she can take care of herself now. That much is enough.

Once Han said this, Lily burst out into loud crying! She was so damn tired, but she felt so proud of herself! She actually won!!

Name - Lily

Level - 58

Strength - 105

Stamina - 90

Agility - 250

Intelligence - 150

Free Points - 0

Skills - [Frozen Domain - 140] [Ice Puppeteer - 50] [Critical Hit - 90] [Fog of Wisteria - 190] [Dominion over Ice - 210]] [Burst - 90] [Flash Freeze - 110]

[Host has survived against a vastly superior opponent. Host has gained the specific skill [Ice Queen Boost - (×5) - Host will gain a five times boost to all skills and stats when fighting on ice!]

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