Xiao Ran thought for a moment before saying his plan.

"First of all, to make it clear, fans who participate in the competition for this set of Wangyeting porcelain panel paintings must find a way to get this set of porcelain panel paintings back to China" "Now that Sino-US flights are cut off, it is impossible to send express delivery, besides, this valuable antique cultural relics and works of art cannot be expressed" "

If there is no way to get this set of porcelain panel

paintings, then do not participate in the competition, lest you rejoice in the air, and even cause huge losses!"

There was an instant wail in the live broadcast room, and many people began to protest.

"It's not fair! Fans who don't have family in the United States, can't they just dry and watch!

"If you do this, won't it become a game for the few?" Others don't even have the qualifications to participate,"

Xiao Ran shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

"The reality is such that I can't change it, I hope you can understand

" "But I will find a way to solve this problem so that everyone can participate in this game"

Everyone was silent and understood that he was telling the truth.

After a pause, Xiao Ran continued:

"Actually, I'm more anxious than everyone, I'm about to graduate, and how to return to China by then is a problem!"

"I don't dare to leave these things in my hands, or rent a safe to store them

" "Before I leave the United States, if I can't send these things back to China, I can only

cheapen the Yankees for nothing" Before the words fell, Brother Hua continued:

"It's really like this, we can't pay for it, but in the end we cheapened the Yankees for nothing"

Next, Xiao Ran explained a few more words.

He suggested that if any fan who has a strong relationship in the United States can solve this problem and benefit everyone, it will be better.

However, he repeatedly stressed that he must be careful, never be deceived, and do not trust anyone.

After the explanation, he returned to the point.

"Let's talk about this special auction, in fact, like bidding, it is a sealed

auction" "Fans who are qualified and have the strength to participate in the auction have a bidding opportunity, just bid through private messages!"

"The highest bidder wins the bid, and after the auction is completed, I will disclose all bids in the live broadcast room and strive to be open and transparent

" "Remember to keep the screenshot when you send a private message, and you can check it afterwards, so as not to say that I am operating in the dark!"

Before the words fell, the live broadcast room was already boiling.

"I'll go! Can you still play like this? It's a bit fun to play!

"You have so many tricks, you really did this as a business!"

Xiao Ran smiled, and then said:

"Remind everyone, this set of Wang Yeting porcelain panel paintings have an auction reserve price, if it is lower than the reserve price, it will be auctioned

" "At that time, I will first publicly auction the reserve price, and then open a private message to disclose everyone's bid"

"Everyone should be cautious when bidding, there is only one chance to bid Oh, you can't withdraw and rebid after bidding!"

"Everyone can now send a private message to bid, see who can win this set of Wang Yeting porcelain plate paintings in the end"

No surprise, the live broadcast room suddenly became more lively.

"Xiao Ran, you kid is such a chicken thief!"

"This is inciting the masses to fight the masses! So much fun! Everyone

teased, one by one, they joined the game.

In a moment, the message tone sounded.

Obviously, some guys were very eager and sent the offer as soon as possible.

Or it should be said that this guy who sent a private message has long thought of a quote, which is why the speed is so fast.

In the following time, the information prompt sound continued to sound one after another, and it became one.

Xiao Ran kept his promise and did not immediately check the private message, but introduced the game to Elaine.

Hearing his introduction, Elaine's eyes lit up with excitement, and she also wanted to join the live broadcast room and participate in this fun game.

Helplessly, Xiao Ran could only guide her to download the overseas version of WeChat, as well as the overseas version of Douyin.

Then he instructed her to register an account, add friends, join the live broadcast room, etc., all busy.

In this process, he did not forget to chat and fart with those guys in the live broadcast room, giggling and laughing.

After a while, Elaine had joined the live broadcast room and became a fan of Xiao Ran.

Because everyone called her French Rose, she was not polite at all, so she used this as her nickname.

As a result, as soon as she appeared on the live broadcast screen, she immediately attracted countless praise and pick-ups, all of which confessed to her and wanted to chat with her privately.

There were also a couple of stinking guys who came up and asked for photos and phone calls, claiming to have an unforgettable, cross-racial exotic love affair with her.

For a while, roses fell all over the sky in the live broadcast room.

There are also countless earthy love words of hemp, and the barrage follows one after another, sliding quickly across the screen!

Those female fans in the live broadcast room also greeted Elaine one after another, asking about various luxury goods produced in France.

Seeing such a lively scene in the live broadcast room, Elaine instantly liked the atmosphere here and had a lot of fun.

And the owner of the live broadcast room, Xiao Ran, was forgotten and snubbed by everyone.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour has passed.

The climax of the confession finally passed, and the live broadcast room was a little quieter.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Xiao Ran appeared in the live broadcast room again and replaced Elaine.

Elaine was still unsatisfied, and said with a fluttering eyebrow:

"Sean, your live broadcast room is so fun, these guys in the live broadcast room are too interesting!"

"I will often come to your live broadcast room in the future to chat with everyone!"

Xiao Ran nodded lightly, smiled and said:

"Of course no problem, you can come to my live broadcast room at any time to play, but be careful

" "There is a Chinese saying, a man's mouth, a deceitful ghost, you must not be deceived by some guy with bad intentions!"

"Hahaha, I'll be careful"

Elaine laughed and nodded.

The guys in the live broadcast room who pretend to be amorous protested one after another.

"You are a liar, Xiao Ran, buddy's sincerity can be seen from the sun and the moon!"

"This is naked slander, Xiao Ran, are you afraid that the buddy will snatch Elaine away from you?"

After making a few jokes, Xiao Ran got to the point.

"Now announce the auction reserve price, because I have to pay taxes, I will bid 15 million yuan for this set of Wang Yeting porcelain panel paintings

" "Fans who participated in the bidding, now check the private messages sent to me to see if they have been opened and read" "

Everyone confirms that the private messages have not been opened, I can open the bids publicly!"

Before the words fell, everyone responded with all their tongues.

"Me! 15 million yuan, that is, more than two million US dollars, Xiao Ran made a lot of money on this goods!

"Xiao Ran, this product is really ruthless! The knife sharpens fast! The

exclamation was mixed with several remorseful voices.

"Can I withdraw my private message now? Xiao Ran, the price tag of the buddy seems to be a little low!

"Yours is still a little low, buddy's quotation has directly become a scrapped bid, and I want to take back the restatement!"

Xiao Ran shook his head and refused the request.

"Rules are rules, how can you break them at will, otherwise this game will not be playable!"

"If you miss this time, just be careful next time"

Hearing this, the guys with low quotations immediately wailed.

In a moment, everyone was sure that the private message they sent to Xiao Ran had not been opened.

After determining this, Xiao Ran began to check the private messages he had just received.

The moment he opened his private message mailbox, he was startled.

There are actually more than 100 quotation private messages in the mailbox, which shows how enthusiastic everyone is.

However, when he opened one of the emails, he shook his head helplessly.

The offer given by this guy turned out to be $1,000, which is naturally an invalid offer.

"Friends who bid hundreds and thousands and want to pick up big leaks, don't make a splash! Isn't this adding workload to buddies!

With that, he showed the offer.


immediately burst into laughter in the live broadcast room.

The guy who gave this offer was dead-mouthed, saying that he was negligent for a while, and wrote a thousand words less, and the offer should have been $10 million!

The words did not fall, and the laughter suddenly became louder!

Next, Xiao Ran opened other private messages one by one and displayed them in the live broadcast room.

After opening more than a dozen invalid quotes in succession, the first valid offer came belatedly and finally appeared.

This offer is 16 million yuan, and it is the dog who gave this offer!

Unsurprisingly, there was an immediate exclamation in the live broadcast room.

"I'll go! 16 million yuan, big dog, what is your family doing? Is it impossible to open a bank? It's so rich!

"The beauty god sculpture is 14 million US dollars, this set of porcelain plate paintings is 16 million yuan, adding up to more than 100 million, a proper local tycoon!!"

The exclamations in the live broadcast room made the dog owners very stunned!

But who would have thought, a new offer that appeared immediately after it, but instantly shattered all his hopes of winning this set of porcelain plate paintings!

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