Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks

Chapter 25: The Force Behind

"Where are you? Can you come and save me, seven people guard me..."

"... I have nine people guarding me."


The channel of the Dark Dynasty Guild was filled with all kinds of requests for help, even the president Chu Tiange was not spared, and he couldn't get up even if he was killed.

Countless equipment was lost, and gradually, the guild channel was filled with scolding.

"Where did the president die? My equipment was exposed yesterday, when will I be reimbursed?"

"I also lost three pieces, and my level dropped by two levels. What a fucking loss."

"I heard from the people from Century Flower and Huashan that if you withdraw now, you will return the equipment that was blown up. I'm sorry everyone, I will withdraw first."


On the second day after the Dark Dynasty guild was massacred, more than 100 people quit the guild.

Chu Tiange was so anxious that he yelled in the guild channel, repeatedly promising to compensate for all losses, and only then did he stabilize the others.


Li Yi quietly touched the top of the flame by himself.

One of Chen Yang and Huo Bing'er died on the mountain, and the other died at the foot of the mountain. They were guarded by the corpse and couldn't stand up. Although they didn't ask him for help, how could he let him go?


A feather arrow flew over and hit Li Yi's chest, dealing -97 damage.

Li Yi retreated quickly, hid behind a tree, and carefully observed the surrounding environment.

All along, he was the one who kept the secret while the other party kept the light. Fortunately, this time, he became the target of others.

Where are people?

Li Yi's eyes fixed on the shadow in front of him, he drew his bow and shot.



When Li Yi shot the arrow, the opponent's arrow also shot out.



Two arrows hit both sides at the same time, Li Yi took this opportunity to put a hunting mark on the opponent.

The opponent is not an archer, but a ranger!

Li Yi immediately guessed the opponent's occupation.

In archer duels, a hunting mark will be applied to the opponent. First, it can increase damage, and second, it can lock the target.

There was a bright red hunting mark on his head, even if he hid it secretly, he couldn't escape Li Yi's eyes.

"Serial Shooting!"




Two arrows hit, almost killing the ranger in seconds.

Although the ranger's archery skills are far less comprehensive than the archer's, the ranger's HP is more than the archer's. Because of this, Li Yi was not able to kill the ranger.

The ranger got into the dense forest.

If there are trees blocking it, the archer's strengths will not be brought into play.

This guy has two brushes.

Li Yi was aroused by the opponent to be competitive, and ran up holding the bow.

A white afterimage rushed in front of Li Yi, and dizziness spread all over his body instantly.

Ranger's Charge!

Li Yi's "Dark Devouring" relieved the stun, placed a level 5 freezing trap on the ground, and immediately jumped back and used "Knockback Shot".


The repelling shot takes effect, the opponent involuntarily takes a few steps back, the freezing trap is triggered, and immediately freezes him into a popsicle.

"Go back and practice Ranger well before playing PK."

Li Yi drew his bow to aim, and was about to hit the opponent, when he suddenly saw the opponent's name, which made him startled, and he lowered the bow again.

The ranger who was frozen in front of him was none other than 'Qing Pingle', the ranger who had played two copies of "Fire Behemoth" with him.

It was him...

Li Yi didn't kill him, and left quietly before the ice was lifted.

As the ice dissipated, Qing Pingle stood there in a daze, full of doubts in his heart.

He couldn't figure out why the opponent didn't kill him.


Just as Li Yi was not far away, he received a call request from Qing Pingle.

"Century Flower and Huashan are backed by a large guild, which is why they are so arrogant. I am not a core member, and I don't know much about the inside story, but I vaguely heard them say that this suppression of the Dark Dynasty seems to be because of one person."

Li Yi was taken aback for a moment, and replied, "Thank you."

Qing Pingle smiled: "It should be me thanking you for not killing me, ha ha."

"Century Flower is not a good place, if you can withdraw from the membership, leave early."

"Well, that's exactly what I mean."


Hua Feiwu squatted on the ground, looked at Chu Tiange's body, and said, "President Chu, I have already explained the reason to you clearly. You are not a fool, and you should be able to understand the situation in front of you."

Chu Tiange sneered: "Hua Feiwu, do you think I, Chu Tiange, seem to be afraid of being threatened by others?"

"No." Hua Feiwu laughed and said, "I know President Chu is rich, but have you ever thought that Century Flower and Huashan can fight with you for so long, without strong financial support, can they do it?".

Chu Tiange sneered and remained silent.

"Do you know who the supporters behind us are?" Hua Feiwu whispered in Chu Tiange's ear.

Chu Tiange was completely silent.

"Think about President Chu. There are already many people who have withdrawn from your Dark Dynasty? Let me tell you, this is just the beginning. As long as he is still in your guild, our massacre will not stop."


Hua Feiwu left with his men.

Chu Tiange came back to life and stood there blankly.


The massacre continued. Li Yi attacked several times and killed more than 50 people, but failed to save Fatty...

There were too many people on the other side, and shooting one was like stabbing a hornet's nest. If Li Yi hadn't moved fast enough, he would have died on the ground and had his corpse guarded.

It would be great if I knew the 'Overlord Arrow'.

Li Yi shook his head helplessly.

Overlord's Arrow is the ultimate group attack skill for shooting archers, but at his current level, let alone the Overlord's Arrow skill book, even if he had one, he would not be able to learn it. The level is not enough.

Li Yi hid in the dark waiting for the opportunity, and took the time to check the private chat information.

"Brother, do you want us to help?" This is a message from the head of the God-making Guild, Stupid Fox.

"Wait for a word from you, the Holy Light and Glory Knights are all here." This is from Shengjie.

"Brother, if you can't come, we will." This is from Lao Li Feidao.

"Just say something to me." Yue Yaocanghai was more forthright than her brother.

"I'll be here on call, let's have sex together tomorrow." Even though the Wutong sisters are young, they are very affectionate and righteous.



Just as Li Yi was checking the private chat information, there was a ding in his ear, and he received a system prompt: Chu Tiange invited you to the virtual conference room, do you agree to the request?


Now start the countdown, the 60-second countdown begins, 60.59.58...

After the countdown ended, Li Yi came to the virtual conference room.

Chu Tiange sighed slightly: "There is no one else here, just the two of us."

Li Yi asked: "President Chu, what's the matter?"

Chu Tiange was silent for a long time before saying: "Just now Hua Feiwu told me a condition."

Li Yi smiled: "Let you persuade me to withdraw from the membership, right?"

Chu Tiange was stunned.

"The real purpose of Century Flower and Huashan teaming up to suppress the Dark Dynasty this time is to make me withdraw from the membership." Li Yi sneered, and then said: "The other party was afraid that the Dark Dynasty's first kill record would continue to increase and threaten the interests of the guild. I am right about this bad move, President Chu?"

"Yeah." Chu Tiange sighed, and said, "Don't worry, I have already sent someone to ask the Savage Tribe to take action, and it will take a few days to solve this matter."

The Savage Tribe is a hired guild, leading dungeons, killing and robbing, as long as you can afford the money, there is nothing they dare not do.

"The savage tribe won't come." Li Yi shook his head.


Li Yidao: "The Savage Tribe and Century Flower, the backers of the two Huashan guilds, are in the same group."

Chu Tiange was moved: "How do you know?"

Li Yi didn't answer him. He couldn't tell him that I was born again. Not only did I know all the secrets of the Savage tribe and other guilds, but I also knew that the wife of the leader of the Savage tribe stole men...

At this time, Chu Chukei sent a message to Chu Tiange: The Savage tribe refused to accept employment.

Chu Tiange was stunned: "How could this happen?"

Li Yi smiled and said nothing.

Chu Tiange fell into deep thought.

He knew Li Yi's strength better than anyone else, but if he had to choose between the guild and Li Yi, he would undoubtedly choose the guild.

The Dark Dynasty guild was set up by him with great efforts, and he couldn't just watch the guild collapse and leave it alone.

"More than 100 people have withdrawn from the membership." Another news came from Chu Chukeai.

"... Otherwise, you can temporarily withdraw from the membership and wait for the limelight to pass..."

Li Yi waved his hand and said, "Don't bother, I will withdraw!"


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