Lu Xun said well that women live for clothes and bags. Although it is too general, it is not aimless, and there is still some truth in it.

No, after listening to Chu Feng's introduction, Da Mimi and Lin Meiling's eyes lit up immediately, they glanced excitedly at Catterpie and Weedle who had already fallen asleep, and nodded repeatedly:

"Forget it, why not? It's too much!!!"

Da Mi Mi said excitedly:

"If the silk thread spit out by Catterpie and Weedle is really so good, then there is no need to worry about its sales. The major clothing brands, as well as those fashion designers, will be scrambling to buy it!"

Lin Meiling on the side smiled and said:

"Even if they don't have these advantages, Catterpie and Weedle will not worry about selling. After all, they are Pokémon Pokémon. The fact that their IQ is comparable to that of a ten-year-old human child is enough to sell well!"

Hearing this, "Four Nine Zero" Chu Feng and Da Mi Mi both nodded.

That's right, even if there are no advantages, even if the appearance is not flattering, in today's environment where Pokémon are scarce, as long as there is an opportunity and financial resources, no one will let go of any Pokémon. That is their greatest advantage.

Of course, some really disgusting ones, such as Muk, are another story.

Of course, even if Muk Chu Feng is created in the future, it will not worry about its sales. After all, it has a great effect on environmental protection, and the country will definitely pay for it.

Today is a special day.

Countless netizens across the country are sitting in front of the computer, looking forward to the arrival of 8 o'clock in the evening.

Because the Pokémon Company will be broadcasting a video on the official Pokémon website at 8pm tonight.

A promotional video.

In this promotional video, we will introduce two new Pokémon Pokémon researched by Master Chu Feng.

Although it's not yet eight o'clock in the evening, there are already hot discussions on the Internet.

"I'm really looking forward to it. I don't know what the two newly developed Pokémon look like. Are there any cute ones like Pikachu, Pichu and Growlithe?"

"I'm more looking forward to what kind of magical power the two newly developed Pokémon Pokémon will have? How strong is the combat power?"

“I’m really looking forward to the combat power of the two newly developed Pokémon Pokémon, hoping to be strong enough to solve seven drug dealers with guns alone like Growlithe.

"Uh, this is a bit of an exaggeration of Growlithe's combat power. Judging from the details disclosed by the police, a female policeman shot and attracted the attention of the seven drug dealers, and Growlithe had the opportunity to Spit Up and kill the seven drug dealers." Otherwise, in such a small space, if seven drug dealers shoot together, Growlithe will definitely be shot to death."

"That's what I said, but it's already strong enough, okay, if it's you, no, it's any creature, of course Pikachu and these Pokémon Pokémon have to be left out of them, who can fight in this situation all at once? Get rid of seven gun-toting drug dealers?"

"It's crooked, it's crooked, we are discussing two newly developed Pokémon Pokémon, how can we talk about Growlithe?"

"No way, the news about Growlithe a week ago was so shocking, I still can't believe it until now, as long as Pokémon is mentioned, who can resist mentioning Growlithe?"

"When will it start? I can't wait to meet the new two Pokémon Pokémon!"

"Isn't it already announced that it's eight o'clock?"

"Eight o'clock, now it's only 7:40, damn, there are still more than 20 minutes, I can't wait, I didn't think 20 minutes was long, but now it feels too long, it feels like time is being stretched! "

"I have this feeling too, I can't help it, I'm too excited and looking forward to it."

Soon, the hour hand slowly pointed to eight o'clock.

Countless people have already clicked on the Pokémon Pokémon official website, and when they saw that the time had come, they frantically clicked to refresh.

However, because there were too many people pouring in at a time, after post-calculation, there were more than 10 million people, and they kept clicking to refresh, which almost caused the background to crash. It took two minutes before someone uploaded the promotional video Refresh it, and then click play impatiently.

In the video, there was a moment of darkness at first, and then the light gradually brightened. A Poké Ball rolled out from the side, located in the center, and slowly swayed.

Immediately afterwards, the Poké Ball opened in half, a red light radiated, and a Pikachu jumped out of the red light, from small to large, and quickly returned to its normal size, squatting in the screen, soft and cute to the camera yelled:


"Pikachu, it's Pikachu, isn't this too cute?"

It's so cute, it makes the old man's girlish heart come out!"

"It's so cute, I really want to hug it!"

The appearance of Pikachu, the soft and cute Growl, instantly made countless people who are watching the video feel suffocated, it is so cute....

It wasn't until the words Pokémon Pokémon Co., Ltd. appeared in the middle of the screen, and then the screen began to slowly dim, that everyone gradually calmed down the girlish hearts aroused by Pikachu, and looked forward to the new two kinds of Pokémon Pokémon again.

"By the way, that red and white ball is the logo of Pokémon Pokémon Company. Pikachu jumped out of it. What's the point of designing the title like this? It can't be for no reason, right?"

"Indeed, I also feel that this design should represent something, but I really can't see what it means.

"Although it doesn't make any sense, it's inexplicably interesting!"

"You don't feel it if you don't say it, but it seems to be a bit emotional when you say it like this!"

"Whatever it means, I just want to know what the new two Pokémon look like."

"That's right, plus one!"

At this moment, the screen lights up again, and the promotional video officially starts playing.

The first screen to appear is a piece of Soaring in the sky, followed by a slow descent, and Pokémon Paradise appears in the screen.

At this time, it is in the aerial photography Contest Condition, and you can see the whole picture of Pokémon Pokémon Paradise.

In the picture, many little Pichu and Growlithe are playing carefree in Pokémon 2.3 Paradise, and from time to time there will be little Pichu and Growlithe happy Growl.

This scene immediately excited countless people.

"Oh my god, so many little Pichu and Growlithe!"

"Where is this? Does anyone know where this is?"

"I know that my cousin works here, and the Pokémon Pokémon sold to us all grew up here. I also heard that Master Chu Feng plans to expand this place and build it into a large-scale paradise. Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon Paradise, and the Pokémon Pokémon developed by Master Chu Feng in the future can be found here."

“Pokémon Pokémon Land, this is amazing, is it open to the public? I really want to go in and visit!”

"It is not open at this stage, but sooner or later it will be opened to sell tickets!"

"Looking forward to that day!"

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