After finishing the meal, Zhang Youting couldn't wait to propose to choose his own little Pichu.

Lin Meiling said:

"Mr. Zhang, the little Pichus are playing outside now. This manor is also very big, so it's not easy to find, but it's time for the little Pichus to eat soon, and they will all gather in the dining area, so we just need to wait in the dining area." .”

Hearing this, Zhang Youting nodded excitedly, and urged everyone to leave quickly.

Soon, several people came to the Pokémon Restaurant.

There are rows of small low tables in the restaurant, and each small table has a soft cushion under it.

At this time, there are staff members placing food on these small tables.

A small table is one serving.

The food was plentiful, with a small bowl of rice, a buttered bread, an apple and a bottle of milk, and a plate of meat.

As the staff finished placing the food, a broadcast sound came to the manor:

"Little guys, it's time to eat!!!"

The radio rang three times in a row.

And as the broadcast sounded, 1,000 little Pichus ran out of the small woods one after another, and gathered in the dining area with great excitement.

Before long, the first pup... well, it's Pikachu!

Relying on its fastest speed, it was the first to rush into the dining area. After glancing at Chu Feng and the others, it quickly chose a small table and started to Stuff Cheeks.

Fortunately, the staff also prepared food for Pikachu and the other four little ones, otherwise the little ones would be hungry.

Following Pikachu, little Pichu rushed into the restaurant one after another.

After a while, there was a little guy in front of all the tables.

The whole restaurant became lively.

The sound of the little ones eating and the little ones Pichu Pichu's Growl mixed together, one after another, like a bad band playing a bad piece of music.

Chu Feng, Da Mi Mi, and Fat Di are fine, they have seen this kind of scene many times, and they don't seem very excited at this moment.

On the contrary, Zhang Youting's face was congested with blood, and his whole body was trembling with excitement.

There are so many adorable Macy's dining together that anyone seeing it for the first time will be overwhelmed.

Zhang Youting is not bad.

Chu Feng remembers a new employee who arrived a month ago, a 20-year-old girl.

Saw so many cuties dining together.

Immediately screamed excitedly on the spot.

Contest then fainted from the lack of oxygen from screaming and almost went into shock.

It was also because of this matter that Chu Feng made a special rule.

The new staff, never allowed to be in the Pokémon restaurant during the previous week when the little ones were eating.

The main reason is that they are afraid that they will die in place because of excitement.

Don't think it's too exaggerated. Some people may go to see God directly because of excitement. Michael's concert has confirmed this for us.

Finally, Zhang Youting's emotions gradually eased from the excitement, and he remembered his purpose of coming here.

A pair of eyes quickly looked at these little guys.

I want to pick out a little Pichu that suits me best.

However, he soon discovered that he liked and wanted each of these little guys, and he couldn't make a choice at all.

It's really hard to pick your favorite among the nine hundred and ninety-nine cute Macy animals.

How to choose this?

Zhang Youting now somewhat understands the feelings of those patients with difficult choices.

Time passed little by little, until the little ones had eaten enough and left the Pokémon Restaurant, Zhang Youting still hadn't made his choice.

Seeing that the restaurant was empty of a little guy, Zhang Youting looked helplessly at Chu Feng, Da Mimi and Fatty, and spread his hands:

"Don't blame me, I really can't make a choice, it's too difficult!"

Chu Feng smiled:

"It's okay, I understand!"

Fatty also nodded again and again:

"I can understand it the most. When I was choosing a minibus, I couldn't make a choice when I saw so many cute Macy animals. It was so difficult until I saw the pitiful minibus hiding aside. , My heart softened, and I made a choice."

Da Mi Mi also smiled and said:

"It's okay, today we have a whole day to accompany you to choose slowly. Although it doesn't matter which one you choose is good, it's best to choose the one that best suits your wishes."

Chu Feng stepped forward and patted Zhang Youting on the shoulder:

"Let's go, let's go to the place where the little ones like to play, and when we get there, play with the little ones, maybe one of them will meet your eyes!"

Zhang Youting is naturally happy to accept this proposal, after all, there are not many opportunities to play with so many cuties.

Soon, everyone walked into a forest.

In the woods, there are many little Pichus playing around in the trees and under the trees. In addition to playing, some are leaning on the tree trunks to take a nap, very comfortable.

Zhang Youting looked at these little guys with different postures in surprise, while following Chu Feng and others to continue walking.

Soon, everyone came to a small amusement park hidden in the woods.

This is the only amusement park in the entire park, so except for meal time and rest time, there will be a large number of little ones gathering at all times.

Some of them are swinging.

Some are playing on slides.

Others are playing seesaw.

Of course some are fighting.

But they were all very measured, they didn't make any harsh moves, they were just playing.

At this time, Zhang Youting suddenly discovered an interesting thing.

I saw several generators placed abruptly in this amusement park, and they were all still working in Contest Condition.

And these generators are surrounded by little Pichu, dragging the wires extending from the generators against the red circles on both sides of his cheeks, and electricity Ember will flash from time to time.

The little guy not only did not show pain, but was very happy and enjoying, sending out a refreshing Growl.

Zhang Youting knew that electricity would definitely not hurt the little ones, but he was also very curious about why the little ones would do this.

Busily asked Chu Feng:

"What are they doing?"

Chu Feng smiled:

"Nothing, just charging!"

"Charge, Pichu needs Charge?"

Zhang Youting was stunned.

Before Chu Feng opened his mouth to explain, Da Mimi on the side said with a smile:

"That's right, it's Charge!"

"Pichu and Pikachu do not generate electricity themselves. The reason why they discharge is because the two red circles on their cheeks are a set of special organs that can store electricity. When they discharge, they just discharge the stored electricity. Just come out."

"In normal conditions, they store electricity by collecting positive and negative ions in the air, but this way of storing electricity will be very slow, so they prefer to charge directly in places with a lot of electricity, so that they can store a lot of electricity at once. The feeling will make them feel extremely comfortable.”

Chu Feng nodded:

"That's right, that's it!"

Zhang Youting was very surprised:

"So that's the case, no wonder you put generators so abruptly in this amusement park, it's really interesting!"


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