"Are you busy? How's the conversation going?"

Seeing that Da Mi Mi was talking about the acquisition of the factory, Chu Feng asked quickly.

Da Mimi's expression was a little irritable, and she shook her head:

"Everything else has been negotiated, but the money has not been negotiated, and the boss of the factory wants to have two more floors on the original basis.

Chu Feng didn't care much about money, and when he heard that it was about money, he immediately said:

"It's just two floors, just give it to him. Problems that can be solved with money are not problems."

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Da Mi Mi's eyebrows suddenly became character-shaped eyebrows, and he spat:

"Would you like to hear what you're talking about?"

"What problem can be solved with money is not a problem, what is this?"

"You really don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are!"

"Do you think we are rich?"

"Since our company opened, we have only received 249.5 million from the last sale of 998 small Pichus by "290". It sounds like a lot, but do you know how much we have already spent? "

"All kinds of projects add up to 3 billion. If it weren't for the country's 5 billion, even if I gave you all my net worth, it wouldn't be enough to fill your bottomless pit."

"It's not a problem to pay back any money. When I hear you say that, I get angry, you know..."

Da Mi Mi is full of anger, talking like a machine gun fire, leaving no chance for others to breathe.

In fact, the reason why Da Mi Mi is so angry is not entirely caused by Chu Feng's words.

It is also because the work is too busy recently, and there are too many problems and troubles encountered in the work, and Chu Feng is completely a factor of throwing away the shopkeeper.

Although Da Mi Mi once said that except for the study of Pokémon Pokémon, all other things are left to her.

This is what she said.

But when he found out that there were more and more things about the Pokémon company, and Chu Feng was really a hands-off shopkeeper, he still couldn't help but feel angry and wanted to complain.

"Stop, stop, stop, don't say it, don't say it, do whatever you want, I'll follow your orders, at worst I apologize to you, I said something wrong!"

Seeing Da Mi Mi's posture, Chu Feng quickly raised his hand to interrupt.

As a result, Da Mimi seemed unwilling to give up. He probably wanted to scold Chu Feng severely for a long time, but he couldn't find a reason. Now that Chu Feng himself sent the reason to his door, there is no reason not to seize the opportunity.

Seeing this, Chu Feng quickly changed the subject, and knew how to change the subject to stop Da Mi Mi's crazy output:

"Well, what about one degree, two degrees and three degrees? Aren't they with you?"

Sure enough, as soon as Chu Feng mentioned the three brats Pi Yi Pi Er Pi San, Da Mi Mi immediately forgot about the crazy talk about outputting Chu Feng, and said:

"In the hotel, Xiao Wu is taking care of him. You can't bring the three of them here to discuss things. With these three little bastards here, it's no wonder that you can talk about things!"

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to react, and spat out:

"You changed the subject, right? Forget it, I won't scold you anymore, and I don't bother to scold you. What's the matter with you calling? If there's nothing important, you'll hang up first. The conversation inside is intense, and I don't know what happened today. Can you chew this hard bone and sign the contract!"

Hearing what Da Mi Mi said, Chu Feng smiled and said:

"It's really nothing important, it's just that Growlithe is out of the shell!"

Da Mi Mi pouted:

"That's it, really, hang on..., wait, what are you talking about, Growlithe is out of the shell?"

A beautiful face suddenly paled.

Chu Feng chuckled:

"This matter is really not too important, let's hang up, and don't disturb your business discussion!"

While speaking, he pretended to raise his hand to hang up the phone.

"you dare!"

Da Mi Mi's stern shout sounded, and his eyebrows were raised so that they were about to fly out of his face.

Seeing this, Chu Feng is no longer teasing Da Mi Mi, and nodded with a smile:

"Yes, Growlithe has hatched and is now in my arms!"

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Da Mimi's face suddenly burst into a pleasant smile, and the speed of this face change is amazing:

"Show me quickly!"

"Aren't you going to talk about the factory acquisition?"

"It's a small matter, just leave it to the people below to discuss. "I'm in charge of signing the contract."

"Then why were you so angry just now?"

"You don't have much room to talk, do you? Hurry up and show me Growlithe!"

Not surprisingly, Da Mi Mi was offended by Chu Feng again.

Seeing this, Chu Feng quickly pointed his phone at Growlithe in his arms.

Growlithe was amazed to see Chu Feng pointing a strange machine towards him, and there was a strange little person inside the machine, which could still move...

Stretched out my little paw to touch the big Mimi on the screen, but found that I couldn't touch the villain at all, it was blocked by something!

Suddenly startled, he withdrew his hand like lightning, and the whole limp body in Chu Feng's arms became tense in an instant, and he gritted his teeth at the big Mi Mi on the screen fiercely:


At this time, Da Mi Mi was captured by Growlithe's appearance in an instant. Looking at its fierce and fierce appearance, she covered her mouth in surprise, and her pair of beautiful pupils were full of infinite surprises:

"So cute! Is this Growlithe? It's so cute!"

Hearing the villain on the screen talking, although he couldn't understand what he was saying, it made Growlithe even more frightened, and a flame spewed out when he opened his mouth.

Fortunately, Chu Feng noticed its movement and quickly moved the phone away, which prevented the phone and his hands from being burned.

"What's wrong? What happened? I thought I saw Growlithe in Eruption just now?"

Da Mi Mi's anxious voice came from the phone.

Chu Feng quickly replied:

"The little guy is probably scared by the phone!"

"It will Eruption?"

"It's a Fire Type Pokémon, so Eruption will happen naturally!"

After answering Da Mi Mi's question, Chu Feng hurriedly comforted Growlithe who was aggrieved and frightened in his arms:

"It's okay, it's a mobile phone, it won't hurt you, and the villain inside won't hurt you either, she likes you very much!"

The newly born Kati 2.9 dog can't understand what Chu Feng is saying, but through movements and tone, it can roughly understand what Chu Feng wants to express.

So under the comfort of Chu Feng, he gradually regained his calm, no longer feeling scared, but a little surprised.

Then Chu Feng pulled the phone back to face Growlithe again.

Seeing Growlithe again, Da Mi Mi hurriedly greeted with a friendly smile:

"Hello, Growlithe, how are you? You are so cute!"

Growlithe felt Da Mimi's kindness and intimacy through Da Mimi's tone and smile, so she responded happily:


"It's so cute!"

Seeing Growlithe greeting herself with a milky voice, Da Mimi was a little too cute for a while, and shouted with a smile.

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