Pikachu Was Picked Up By Boss Yang And Shocked The Country!

Chapter 69: What An Amazing Little Milk Dog

Peng Yuchang and sister Zifeng stood up quickly, their faces full of surprise.

This strange little milk dog is naturally Growlithe, and Da Mimi named it Xiaoka, and obviously he does not intend to sell it.

Xiaoka naturally also found Peng Yuchang and sister Zifeng, her small body, which was slightly bigger than a palm, stopped suddenly, stared closely at Peng Yuchang and sister Zifeng for a few seconds, and then rushed to the kitchen.

"What does this little guy want? How did he come to us?"

Sister Zifeng hurriedly asked Peng Yuchang next to her.

Seeing the little guy running straight to the kitchen, Peng Yuchang thought for a while and said:

"I think, probably because I smelled the aroma of Teacher Huang's cooking, and I was attracted here."

Hearing Peng Yuchang's conjecture, and watching the little guy's actions at this time, Sister Zifeng nodded immediately:

"It's probably true, this is too cute!"

Seeing that the little guy was about to rush into the kitchen, little h and little o, who was squatting and playing by the kitchen, also spotted the little guy.

After being stunned for a moment, he immediately rushed up to stop the little guy and yelled at the little guy.

Xiaoka stopped instantly.

Looking at the two dogs, which were more than twice as big as him, barking at him incessantly, with extremely vicious eyes, he couldn't help showing some fear on his cute little face, and took two steps back vigilantly.

Seeing this, Peng Yuchang and sister Zifeng were startled by 877-jumps, and quickly shouted to little h and little o:

"Little h, little o, don't do this, you scared the little guy!"

Hearing the shouts of Peng Yuchang and Zifeng's sister, little h and little o paused, glanced at Peng Yuchang and Zifeng's sister, wagged their tails, and then started yelling at Xiaoka again.

Obviously, they were very upset with this little guy who broke into their home. Animals are territorial, and little h and little o are no exception.

"Why, what happened, what's the name of little h and little o?"

Teacher He's voice came from the kitchen.

"He Teacher, come out!"

Hearing Teacher He's voice, Sister Zifeng yelled quickly, and wanted to go forward and hug Xiaoh.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the little guy who was forced back again and again by little h and little o suddenly rushed forward, and roared at little h and little o in a milky voice:


The small-looking grandma is fierce.

This vicious little appearance and Growl with a baby voice, under normal conditions, obviously cannot deter the enemy, but will make the enemy more excited.

It's similar to the excitement punch taught by those gangsters on the Internet.

However, the fact is just the opposite.

Little h and little o were actually frightened by the little guy's childish voice Growl, looking at the little guy's vicious and fierce appearance, his eyes showed even more fear.

The next second, there was a burst of frightened beeping, and he turned his head and ran wildly, rushing into the room, never daring to come out again.

After all, it is Pokémon, no matter how small it is, the ability endowed by genes makes them naturally have a sense of oppression when facing natural creatures with similar sizes.

It is precisely because of this that little b is scared away by Growlithe, who is still ten little milk dogs.

But sister Peng Yuchang and sister Zifeng who didn't know that the little guy was a Pokémon, were stunned when they saw this situation, and looked at each other with some doubts.

Peng Yuchang said:

"Am I not mistaken? Little h and little o were scared away by a little milk dog, what's going on, no matter how cowardly you are, you can't be afraid of a little milk dog!"

Sister Zifeng was also very surprised at this time:

"Yeah, what's going on here, did this little milk dog look fierce just now? I don't think so at all! But that's fine, I didn't fight, otherwise this little guy might be bitten by little h and little o, then Not good."

At this moment, Teacher Huang, Teacher He and Zhang Yixing also came out of the kitchen.

Just when I was about to ask what happened, I saw the small card at the door of the kitchen.

They all widened their eyes in surprise:

"What is this? Little milk dog?"

"What kind of puppy is this? It's so pretty!"

"so cute!"

Teacher He couldn't help but squat down (bdbd), wanting to reach out and touch the little milk dog.

At this moment, the little guy suddenly got under Teacher He's crotch and rushed into the kitchen:

"Oh, where are you going?"

Teacher He was startled, turned his head quickly, and saw the little guy had rushed into the kitchen, and was shocked again:

"No, the little guy must have been attracted by the smell of Huang Teacher's cooking. Everyone, grab him quickly, and don't let him ruin the dishes."

The others were also taken aback, then Teacher Huang laughed and said:

"Don't be afraid. The dishes are all placed on the table. The table is half the height of a person. It's only slightly bigger than a palm. It's out of reach."

Having said that, several people rushed into the kitchen quickly.

Then his eyes widened.

As soon as they came in, they saw the little guy staring straight at a piece of braised pork covered with a red cover on the table, and his four short legs slowly backed away alternately.

Then he took a run-up, squatted on his back feet, jumped more than one meter high beyond everyone's expectations, and jumped onto a platform that was almost 80 centimeters high with ease.

Such a small body can jump so high, which surprised everyone.

For a while, he didn't react to stop the little guy.

The little guy who jumped on the stage kept sniffing the braised pork covered by the red cover with his little nose, while circling around the red cover, wagging his tail extremely fast.

Obviously didn't know how to eat the food inside.

At this moment, Teacher Huang and the others finally recovered from their surprise just now.

Seeing this, Teacher Huang quickly wanted to go forward and hug the little guy down, and at the same time he was relieved, but fortunately he covered it with a red cover, otherwise not only the plate of braised pork in brown sauce would be ruined, but the little guy's life might also be in danger.

After all, this little guy is still a puppy, obviously just out of the nursing stage, so greasy food like braised pork is not edible, let alone pepper in it.

For such a small puppy, it can be fatal.

However, at this moment, the little guy suddenly bit the edge of the red cover with his mouth, shook his head violently, and lifted the red cover from the table to the ground.

Everyone was surprised again, and Peng Yuchang's eyes widened, and he swears:

"Fuck, it can lift the cover, so smart?!!"

And Teacher Huang was even more taken aback, and rushed forward to stop the little guy from eating the braised pork.

It's a pity that it's too late, the little guy looked at the braised pork exposed in front of his eyes, his big watery eyes were full of infinite surprises, his little nose moved a bit, he opened his mouth suddenly, and a piece of fat and thin oil came out in one bite The plump braised pork was swallowed after chewing twice, almost stuck in the neck.

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