Pikachu Was Picked Up By Boss Yang And Shocked The Country!

Chapter Seventy-Seven: Growlithe Falling Into The Water

Perhaps it was because Pikachu heard Chu Feng's shout before, subconsciously weakened the power, and the duration was very short, so it did not cause danger to Chu Feng and others.

After about two or three minutes, everyone slowly recovered, got up from the boat, looked at each other, and laughed.

At this time, everyone's image is full of exploding heads.

It's okay for a boy to have an afro, but for a girl with a big idempotence to have an afro, the image is real and a bit funny.

He hurriedly took out the mirror and comb, but unfortunately he couldn't comb it straight, so he could only look angrily at Pikachu who had an innocent face at this time.

The next second, Peng Xuchang pointed at the sea and shouted in surprise:

"Fish, lots of fish!"

Everyone quickly looked towards the sea.

I saw that the sea area with a radius of 20 meters was covered with blanched sea fish, and there were dozens of large fish weighing more than ten catties.

They all widened their eyes and opened their mouths.

After a while, Teacher opened his mouth in surprise and said:

"Here, Pikachu, are you a professional electric fisherman? If you go on with this trick, it's worth what we've gained from fishing with nets for three months.

Then he reacted and said in surprise:

"Quick, Wangdou, Wangdou, now, we don't have to worry about the funds for this season."

He Teacher, Peng Yuchang and others also reacted instantly, quickly took out the tools, and fished the whitened fish on the sea surface into the boat, the more they fished, the happier they were, they couldn't close their mouths with laughter, and even forgot to blame Pikachu Discharge dangerous behavior on the sea.

Only Chu Feng didn't forget, holding Chatter by Pikachu's ear, and didn't stop until Pikachu bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

The director team sitting in another boat was very Astonish at first, but now they are a little speechless.

They looked at each other and began to discuss how to deny it.

In any case, it is absolutely impossible for these fish that Pikachu turned over to be successfully converted into funds for the mushroom house.

Soon, Teacher Huang and others brought up these fishes. Looking at the fish in the boat, they were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths.

After a long time, everyone's excitement eased, and Teacher He smiled and said:

"These fish can already make us have enough food and clothing for this season. Since this is the case, let's go back. These fish have to be dealt with as soon as possible. They will probably die after a long time.

Da Mi Mi hasn't had enough fun yet, and said:

"He Teacher, I finally came to the beach, I haven't had enough fun yet!"

Seeing that Mi Mi has not played enough, Chu Feng also said:

"It's hard to come to the beach, and I also want to play for a while.

Hearing what Da Mi Mi and Chu Feng said, Teacher He thought for a while and said:

"How about this, let's rent another fishing boat, you get on that boat, Peng Peng and his sister will take you to continue playing, and Teacher Huang and I are interested in taking these fish back for disposal first.

Hearing what Teacher He said, Chu Feng asked:

"There are so many fish, can the three of you handle them all?"

Teacher He smiled:

"It's okay, so many fish can't be dealt with in a short time even with you, we will ask the villagers to help.

Teacher Huang also laughed and said:

In this way, you play your own game. "

As he spoke, he looked at Zhang Yixing:

"Yixing, if you still want to play, you can also play with Chu Feng and the others. Teacher He and I can just go back together.

Zhang Yixing really wants to play, mainly because there are a few Pokémon around, but after thinking about it, he said:

"Teacher Huang and I and Teacher, you all go back, no matter what you do, there must be someone who is strong."

So it was decided.

Chu Feng, Da Mi Mi, Fat Di, Zi Feng, and Peng Yuchang took the six little guys on another fishing boat.

Teacher Huang, Teacher He and Zhang Yixing drove the fishing boat full of harvest to the mushroom house.

On the fishing boat, Chu Feng and others enjoyed the salty sea breeze, chatting while fishing.

Of the six little ones, Pikachu squatted obediently beside Chu Feng and listened to their chats, not knowing if he could understand them, while the other five were playing around on the boat. It was very noisy, but everyone didn’t find it annoying at all. From time to time, I would look at them with a doting face.

It may be the reason for coming to the beach, everyone unknowingly talked about sharks.

Peng Yuchang said seriously:

"I heard from an old fisherman in the town that this place was called Shark Bay more than ten years ago. There are a lot of sharks, and they often tear up the fishing nets when the fishermen are fishing, and eat all the fish in them. Sometimes it will attack humans. I heard that in those years, more than ten people died from the mouth of sharks every year, which is very scary...

Fatty was startled by these words, and hurriedly asked:

"It's so scary, are there any sharks here now?"

...asking for flowers...


Peng Yuchang recalled what the old fishermen said when chatting with them, and said:

"Also, but very rarely, basically only fishermen can occasionally see one every one or two months, and there have been no shark attacks on humans in these years. There have been three times when sharks secretly tore through fishing nets to eat fish things."

Hearing what Peng Yuchang said, Fat Di patted his chest with lingering fear:

"Fortunately, if I accidentally met a shark, I would be scared to death after hearing you say that sharks might attack humans."

At this moment, Growlithe, who was standing by the side of the boat looking at the sea below, was accidentally touched by four little Pichus playing behind it, and fell directly into the sea.

While thumping in the sea, he barked in fright.


Hearing Growlithe's terrified Growl, everyone turned their heads and saw four little Pichus surrounding the boat, anxiously hearing the sound of Stomping Tantrum, Pichu Pichu, very flustered.

And Growlithe's terrified Growl, came from under the boat, and could still hear the sound of splashing water.

Everyone was shocked immediately.

"Small card!"

Da Mi Mi screamed and rushed over, followed by the others.

When they came to the side of the boat, everyone saw that Growlithe was thrashing desperately in the sea, and because the boat was moving, Growlithe's position was a little far away from the boat at this time.

"Quick, master, get the boat back!"

Chu Feng hurriedly yelled to the master who was driving the boat, and then looked anxiously at Growlithe who was struggling desperately in the sea. If he didn't know how to swim, he would have jumped off the boat directly.

Seeing this situation, the master who sailed the boat quickly steered the boat in the direction of Growlithe.

Growlithe was still thumping desperately in the sea, making milky sounds from time to time.

The people on board were also very anxious, stomping tantrum non-stop.

Soon, the ship approached Growlithe.

Chu Feng quickly reached out to pick up Growlithe.

However, at this time, Growlithe stopped screaming, and instead made a sound of joy.

It has learned to swim.

The four little short legs paddled the water and had a great time, completely forgetting the fear just now.

Seeing Chu Feng's extended hand, not only did he not go up to it, but after looking at it, he let out a happy cry and swam to the side.


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