Pikachu Was Picked Up By Boss Yang And Shocked The Country!

Chapter 83: Facing Thunder Shock's Powerful Punch

"Okay, minibus, get out of the way, and get out of the way!"

Seeing that Pi Yi was about to rush in front of him, and kicked towards him, Chu Feng immediately ordered.

After using Charm, the minibus who was about to take Pi Yi's move, heard Chu Feng's order, immediately rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding Pi Yi's flying kick, and then immediately backed away Put distance.

"Pi Yi, use Discharge!"

Seeing that the minibus dodged Pi Yi's attack, Da Mi Mi immediately yelled.

Immediately, a dazzling Spark shone from Pi Yi's body, and a thick bolt of lightning rushed straight towards the minibus.

Looking at Teacher Huang and others around him, they exclaimed in surprise, and at the same time raised their hearts.

Especially Fatty, he felt like he was about to suffocate.

And Chu Feng, who was going to order the minibus to use Tail Whip to further make Pi Yi negligent and lower his defense, saw that Da Mimi actually used electric-type skills in the battle with the same electric-type Pokémon, and suddenly shook his head and laughed helplessly. laugh.

But you can’t blame Da Mi Mi, after all, no one in this world except Chu Feng will know how outrageous the Attribute restraint among Pokémon Pokémon is.

"Still 13!"

Chu Feng lowered his head and smiled:

"Then take the opportunity to give you a blow!"

Immediately ordered:

"Xiaoba, don't be afraid, rush up to Thunder Shock, and give the skin-punches."

Everyone didn't understand Chu Feng's order.

In their view, such a powerful Thunder Shock is too late to hide, so why rush forward?

Fatty screamed even more, his eyes were full of worry and incomprehension, he stretched out his hand to stop it, but finally took it back, just looked at the minibus worriedly.

At this time, the minibus that received Chu Feng's order had already charged forward.

Thunder Shock hit Xiaoba instantly, and it was obvious that there was a trace of pain on Xiaoba's face.

After all, it is reality and not a game. No matter how outrageous the restraint of Attribute is, it is impossible that no damage will be caused.

It's just that the damage is very small.

Sure enough, although the minibus had a look of pain on its face, it still charged forward. The powerful Thunder Shock couldn't stop it at all.

Hitting it, Spark, under its impact, spread outward one after another, just like a peacock spreading its tail Normal, very dazzling and shocking.

Seeing such a scene, Huang Teacher and the others suddenly showed a touch of shock in their eyes.

Even Fatty, who was very worried about the minibus, couldn't help but lose his mind at this moment, and his eyes sparkled.

Before everyone could react, they had already rushed in front of Pi Yi, and in Pi Yi's slightly dilated pupils, a heavy punch hit Pi Yi's little furry face.

In an instant, Pi flew out of everyone's gradually dilated pupils, leaped five meters, and hit the ground suddenly, uttering a painful cry:


"Pi Yi!"

Da Mi Mi suddenly screamed, looked worriedly at Pi Yi who fell to the ground, and immediately wanted to step forward to comfort Pi Yi in his arms.

As soon as there was a movement, Chu Feng was heard shouting:

"Don't go over, the outcome is not yet decided, don't worry, this level of attack does not have much impact on Pokémon Pokémon."

When Chu Feng said this, although Da Mimi was still very worried and stared at Pi Yi closely, he still stopped.

Sure enough, the next second, Pi Yi got up from the ground in embarrassment, and looked at the minibus who obviously couldn't believe that he could punch Fei Piyi with one punch!

Seeing that Pi Yi got up from the ground, it seemed that he did not cause any serious damage, so Yin Mu Mu finally let go of his worries.

At this moment, Teacher Huang and the others also reacted and exclaimed.

Peng Yuchang:

"It's a shocking visual effect. It's a foul with its own special effects, right?"

He Teacher:

"What a wonderful duel, in my opinion [this exciting level has far exceeded all the current competitive events in the world."

Zhang Yixing:

"It's so shocking, especially the scene where the minibus rushed up to Pi Yi's Thunder Shock and punched Fei Pi Yi vigorously, it made my scalp tingle!"

Huang Teacher:

"It's really exciting, such a wonderful duel, I believe that if Xiao Chu starts the Pokémon contest in the future, it will definitely become the most attractive, shocking, and greatest sports event in the world."

At this moment, even Sister Zifeng, who was originally somewhat resistant to the Pokémon duel, stared intently, her beautiful eyes were full of excitement, and there was no longer any resistance, and she kept exclaiming in a low voice:

"It's amazing, it's exciting, it's shocking!"

Pi Er Pi San also stared intently, his emotions were extremely excited, and he had a faint urge to rush to the field and join the battle.

Even Growlithe, who was held in Fatty's arms at this time and who was just born and didn't know what fighting is, was also attracted by this wonderful battle, and exclaimed very excitedly:

"Wow~ woof..."

Only Fatty was still looking at the minibus worriedly.

Although the current situation on the field is that the minibus has the upper hand with a boxing and flying skin.

But at this time, the minibus was also panting slightly, with a bad expression.

Obviously a little hurt.

How can this not worry Fatty, who is the owner of the minibus?

But compared to the minibus, it is obvious that Pi Yi suffered more damage.

This can be seen from the Contest Condition of the two little guys at this time.

Xiaoba was only panting slightly, while Pi Yi was panting heavily, with a trace of pain appearing on his face from time to time.

This made Da Mimi a little distressed, but also a little confused, and asked Chu Feng:

"What's going on here? Why does Pi Yi's powerful Thunder Shock attack not do as much damage as Xiaoba's punch?"

Hearing Da Mi Mi's question, Teacher Huang and others also looked at Chu Feng, and they were also a little puzzled about it. 910

But Chu Feng frowned a little at this time.

Looking at Pi Yi who was obviously very angry at this time, he felt that his previous order was a bit miscalculated.

With the current Contest Condition, the effect of the previous minibus charm has definitely disappeared completely.

In other words, the previous Charm skill was wasted.

The most correct way to play is that you should not attack at all just now, but should dodge, keep using Tail Whip, Sweet Kiss, Charm and other skills to reduce Pi Yi's attack power and defense power to the lowest level possible, and then Another set to take away.

After all, although Chu Feng liked Pokémon Pokémon in his previous life, he was not a fan of Pokémon Pokémon battles, and he had never studied tactics.

Therefore, this mistake was perfectly normal for him.

After slightly frowning, he no longer cared, anyway, his goal is not to become the strongest Pokémon Pokémon Trainer.

Hearing Da Mimi's question at this time, facing the doubtful eyes of Huang Teacher and others, Chu Feng smiled and said:

"Normally, little Pichu's Discharge attack does more damage than a normal attack, but that's for other creatures. For the same kind and other Pokémon of the electric type, the damage is negligible. After all, they all Discharge. The resistance is definitely strong, which is understandable."

"So, when facing the same kind of Pokémon Pokémon, under normal circumstances, using normal attacks is the most correct choice.

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