The heart of the big power suddenly panicked.

Immediately I want to turn around and go back, go back to the place where I found the little one, look around and see if I can find the owner of the little one.

However, at this moment, the little guy who was looking around in the arms of the great power suddenly saw a familiar thing.

As soon as his eyes lit up, his ears stood up at once.

Everyone was caught off guard, jumped from the arms of the great power, and rushed towards the familiar thing.

The big power was startled, and the others were also taken aback, looking at the little guy who rushed wildly, and subconsciously gave way to the road.

The gaze followed the little one closely.

Then it was discovered that the little guy’s target seemed to be a bottle of An Mu Su on the director’s desk.

“It doesn’t want to drink Anmu suction, right?”

Zhang Youting asked in surprise.

The little one’s next move answered his question.

I saw the little guy quickly run under the director’s desk, jumped up, and jumped on the director’s table very easily.

Holding the bottle of An Mu, he skillfully twisted the cap of the bottle and greedily allowed it to suck.

This is its favorite food.

However, its owner always says that there are many additives in it, it is unhealthy, children can not drink more, it is rare to give it a bottle.

This makes the little one very dissatisfied.

Am I a child?

I am obviously an adult, and Pichu is a child!

Therefore, when I saw An Mu here at this time, the owner was not there, no one could control it, and it didn’t matter who it was, it was just to drink it.

Seeing that the little guy just wanted to drink An Mu Suction, everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I thought the little one was so cute when he ate, just like a three-year-old doll.

It attracted a lot of female motherhood at the scene, except for the big power.

This move of the little guy made the big power even more flustered.

Without him, the action of twisting the cap is too skillful, without the slightest rustiness, and he has definitely drunk it before.

Since you have drunk An Mu before, plus you can understand people’s words, then there is a high probability that someone raised it!

He immediately stepped forward and asked tentatively

“Little one, shall we go back to your master?”

Who knew that the little guy picked up An Mu and turned around and ran.

Just kidding, I just ran out on the sly, haven’t played enough, how can I go back.

This move of the little guy undoubtedly confirms that it was raised.

But let the power give birth to other ideas:

“Why does the little one turn around and run when he hears that he is going back to the master?”

“Could it be that its owner treats it badly?”

Although this idea was born in his heart, the big power is not a hasty person, and he will not decide that the owner of the little guy is not good for the little one just because of this small action.

Or decided to take the little one back to find its owner first.

So he started chasing the little one.

But how could the little one let her catch and take her around the theater.

Under the power of shouting, others also began to join in this chase and escape drama.

However, the little one is too agile, and somehow, whenever he is about to be caught, his speed suddenly increases and he escapes capture in an instant.

The little one is happy.

It’s really a fun place, not only with your favorite Anmu Su, but also with so many people playing chase and escape games with it.

Its owner will not play with it like this, often the owner drank hard, it did not dare to run.

The only pity is that these people are too slow to touch it at all, so they have to slow down and wait for them on purpose.

The chase lasted half an hour.

The little one has not been touched by a single hair, and the person chasing it is already exhausted and half dead.

Zhang Youting was already exhausted and panting, and he had to support the big power that was really unable to run.

Look up at the little one not far ahead.

It didn’t know where to find another bottle of Anmu Sucion.

I was drinking there with relish, and it seemed that there was no effort at all.

As if it wasn’t it at all that was chased before.

I couldn’t help but sigh:

“Depend, how can this little guy run so much, like a nobody, this endurance is too good!”

Da Mi was too tired, pushed away Zhang Youting, who was supporting her, sat on the ground with her butt, and then lay down again and shook her hand:

“Forget it, don’t chase, don’t chase!”

Since the big power is not chasing, others who have long been tired enough will naturally not chase again.

They all found a place to sit and rest.

This made the little one a little stunned.

This game is so fun, why not play it!

Immediately called out to them:

“Pickup ~ Pickup ~ Pickup ~ Chu ~”

Listening to its cute call, looking at its expression, Zhang Youting instantly understood.

This little guy is using the chase just now as a game.

I couldn’t help but be a little speechless, and then shook my hand at the little one:

“Don’t play, don’t play, can’t run you!”

The little one anxiously barked a few more times.

Lying panting on the ground in a large figure, he heard the anxious cry of the little guy, turned his head to look at Zhang Youting, who was also sitting on the ground regardless of the image, and said tiredly:

“Does it mean to say, I can run slower, wait for you!”

Zhang Youting gasped a few times, wiped the sweat oozing from his forehead, and nodded:

“I think it should be!”

No matter what the little guy calls it, no one wants to continue the chase game with it at this time.

There is no fun, the little one is very lost.

Shaking An Mu, who had been drunk in his hand, his loss turned into anger.

Lift your little foot and kick the bottle far away.

Looking at the little guy’s behavior of taking an empty bottle and puffing out gas, even if he was tired, everyone couldn’t help but laugh.

This little guy is so cute and funny!

After resting for a while, the big power got up from the ground, but he no longer went to catch the little one, and he couldn’t catch it.

Thinking, there are no people here except their crew, if the owner of the little guy is nearby and can’t find the little one, he will definitely find it here.

At that time, it should be no problem to explain to him.

The little guy saw that the big power was no longer chasing it, and slowly paced to the big power, stretched out his little hand to touch her, and called a few times.

Da Mi looked at the cautious little guy under his feet and smiled:

“I won’t chase you anymore, and I won’t take you to your master!”

The little guy was immediately relieved when he heard the big power say this, and he didn’t want to go back so soon.

Immediately afterwards, he missed the arms of the big power a little, and immediately opened his two small short hands and begged for a hug.

The big power laughed all of a sudden, bent down and picked the little one up.


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