Pink Conspiracy

Vol 4 Chapter 46: End the corruption case (two more)

After hearing this, Ye Chang looked at the two stars in Zhongtian again.

The stars gathered around the two stars, and the two stars were indeed bright and dark.

He looked at it for a moment, then turned his gaze back, looked down at her and said, "You have mentioned to me about the fortune-telling of the star stone, saying that your master gave you a fortune-telling, don't you believe it?"

Su Fengnuan blinked and murmured, "Every time he gets drunk, he grabs me and tells me fortune-telling. Is it reliable for a drunkard?"

Ye Chang laughed, "So you don't believe him in this way."

Su Fengnuan leaned in his arms, looked up at the sky, and said to him, "You can see the situation in the world by watching the stars and the lives of each person. You can see clearly with a picture of the nebula."

Ye Chang asked her, "So, everyone will have a star stone as a representative?"

Su Fengnuan said, "Well, you can say so. However, most of the thousands of galaxies are innumerable, like all living beings, without a name. Only those who can influence the situation of the world and the lifeline of the nation will be shown on the nebula map. The star stone is also very dazzling."

Ye Chang heard the words, "Then the emperor, Xu Yunchu, and Lin Zhixiao all have their own star stones?" When the words fell, he looked at Su Fengnuan, "What you are learning in Wangdi Mountain is the only Stargazing doesn’t seem to teach me."

Su Feng Nuan smiled and said, "Because I still don't believe in fate."

Ye Chang chuckled, "I don't believe in fate either."

The two sat for a while, Su Fengnuan yawned, and Ye Chang saw her sleepy and hugged her off the roof.

That night, Ye Chang obeyed what he said, and did not make trouble for Su Fengnuan. Su Fengnuan slept peacefully all night.

On the second day, before the early dynasty, Ye Xi entered the palace early and handed the emperor an account of the conclusion of the case of corruption in the Ministry of Households. The emperor had just gotten up and heard that Ye Xi had come early, so he summoned him in the emperor's bedroom.

Ye Xi presented the evidence and testimony that the King Pingjun vomited during his death to the emperor, and also explained the evidence that He Zhi, the son of Shangshufu of the Ministry of Industry, had hidden on the roof of the emperor's bedroom.

After hearing this, the emperor was shocked, looked up at his bedroom, and asked in disbelief, "You said the evidence was hidden by He Zhi on the roof of my house?"

Ye Xi nodded and pushed the matter to Ye Chang, "My cousin told me that He Zhi was hiding on the roof of the emperor's bedroom, counting from the left, the ninth tile."

The emperor yelled, "Koizumi."

Koizumi immediately rushed in from outside, "The emperor."

The emperor pointed his finger at the top of the emperor's bedroom, and instructed him, "Climb up, count from the left, the ninth tile, and get me something down."

Koizumi looked up and scratched his head, "This...the slave is not tall enough!"

The emperor said, "Climb the ladder, you go and get it yourself."

Koizumi responded with a "yes" and went quickly.

The emperor and Ye Xi waited in the hall.

After about a cup of tea, there was movement from the roof, Koizumi carefully lifted the ninth tile, and there was an iron box inside. He quickly held it carefully, got off the ladder, and returned to the hall, saying, " The emperor, but this one?"

The emperor took a look and said, "Open it."

Koizumi hurriedly opened the tin box, only to see a roll of paper inside, he checked it again, and there was nothing else, and handed it to the emperor.

The emperor stretched out his hand to take it, turned it over for a moment, his face became more and more ugly, and at the end, his face was almost ashen.

Ye Xi looked at the emperor and thought to himself how could it be easy to involve such a large case of corruption of the Ministry of Households? There are bound to be many complicated connections behind it. He Zhi has fallen for many years, and although there is not much evidence, he can still see the tip of the iceberg.

After a while, the emperor took a deep breath and passed the rolls of paper to Ye Xi, "Look at it."

Ye Xi stretched out his hand to take it, looked at it for a moment, his face became solemn, and said, "Cut off the relief funds from various places, grabbed the Shangshu Heping County King of the Ministry of Industry and the ministers of the Central Government, and used them to bring down the household department and destroy Guoji. The several big brothels in the capital are their strongholds. They gather tea dealers, human dealers, horse dealers and other figures from the world. In the end, the direction of these money flows is all in the east. It must be used to raise private soldiers. Build weapons."

The emperor furiously said, "It turns out that the crossbow arrows he used to intercept and kill Patriarch Ye, and the crossbow arrows he used in collusion with the Northern Zhou Dynasty, were all made with my treasury's disaster relief funds. What a king of Xiang County, this has been planned for many years. Bring down our foundations. Did he forget that his surname is Liu and he is also a descendant of the Liu family? Isn't he afraid that the ancestors under Jiuquan will tear him up? Something that is horrible!"

Ye Xi thought that the King of Xiang County was naturally not afraid. Colluding with the Northern Zhou Dynasty was obviously plotting evil for the country.

The emperor was anxious, and after cursing a few words, he coughed violently.

Ye Xi hurriedly persuaded, "The emperor takes care of the dragon body. It is known that the king of Xiangjun is the person who is the victim. It is not a day or two. You can't commit it and hurt your body."

The emperor coughed for a moment, sat down slowly, and said in deep pain, "The countless examples of siblings in the previous dynasties, I see the sorrow. This is the world under the rule of this dynasty. Brothers and friends are respectful, harmonious and Antai, hand in hand for the community. I trust King Xiangjun and King Jin very much, but I didn't expect it..."

Ye Xi was speechless.

The emperor said again, "I don't understand, why are they doing it? Are they trying to conspire with me? I want to be my chair?"

Ye Xi is not the King of Jin, nor the King of Xiang County, so naturally he cannot answer this question for them.

The emperor was deeply angry for a while, and said to Ye Xi, "The king of Xiang County has committed many crimes, and I am holding it down now, waiting for the right time to liquidate him. Naturally, this matter can only be suppressed first. You say, the Ministry of Households At this stage, the corruption case, how should the case be closed?"

Ye Xi said, "The Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry and the King of Xiangjun are dead. After all, they were also persecuted and arrived at this stage of the field. The officials thought that these evidences were enough to offset the crimes of the Jiu Clan, so take it seriously."

The emperor said, "Although I said so, but I have said in a golden mouth and jade, if I don't have the money for the greedy ink, I will punish the nine races. If I forgive them lightly and no longer punish them, wouldn't I become a word and no faith? People? Where is Enwei from now on?"

Ye Xi said, "The minister thinks that everything is flexible. It can be said to the outside that the Ministry of Industry Shangshu Mansion and the Heping County Prince's Mansion have taken Qizhen as mortgage to the Ministry of Households. Together with the part of the money that has been paid back, you can join the greedy The money has been paid off. You see the death of the King and Princess of Pingjun and the Shangshu and his wife of the Ministry of Industry. I hereby forgive them and will not be held accountable. The two provinces and the nine tribes are innocent people, and they must be grateful to the emperor."

After all, the emperor was not a cruel person, he was indeed kind, and nodded when he heard the words, "Well, just do what you said."

Ye Chang led the order.

After the two discussed, the time for the early dynasty had passed. The emperor got up and went to the early dynasty of the Golden Temple. He ordered Ye Xi to go to the palace with him and settle the case today.

Half an hour in the morning, the officials had heard that Ye Xi had entered the palace early in the morning. They all guessed that it was because of the end of the corruption case of the Ministry of Households. They stood on both sides, thinking of the Ministry of Industry Shangshufu and the Heping County Prince's House almost destroyed. It is certain that the huge sums of money that are not greedy for ink are certain. I don't know how to deal with these two provinces. The nine families of the two provinces may add up to tens of thousands.

When the emperor came to the hall, the officials bowed and worshipped three times.

After accepting the crowd, the emperor sat high on the Jinluan Temple and immediately issued the decree to close the case against the Huhu corruption case.

According to the imperial edict, the Prince of the Ministry of Industry, Hezhi, Hezhi, and the Prince of Heping County, Xiaojun, Qishu, paid back the money from his father's greedy ink with precious treasures.

After the imperial decree was read, the officials looked at each other and secretly guessed that they did not know what precious treasures the two men had put out, which could even cover the huge amount of money. However, the imperial decree was not clearly stated, so obviously it could not be said. Naturally, no one dared to ask the emperor.

After the morning dynasty, Ye Xi returned to Rong'an Prince's Mansion with ease, thinking about it as Ye Chang said, it was very simple.

Su Fengnuan and Ye Chang went to bed early yesterday and got up early today. When Ye Xi came back, the two had eaten their breakfast. Su Fengnuan was embroidering their wedding clothes, while Ye Chang leaned lazily on the soft couch. Holding a free book and reading.

After Ye Xi returned to the house, he went straight to the main courtyard.

Seeing Ye Xi, Ye Chang glanced up at him and said, "The case was closed smoothly?"

Ye Xi sat down and said, "As you expected, it's very simple." At the end of the word, he had to admire Ye Chang and said, "You can be considered a perfect blend in the capital, and you can thoroughly touch the emperor's temper."

Ye Chang laughed, "I have been taken care of by him since I was a child, and I have grown up under his nose. I know his temperament. Although the emperor is weak, he is wise and kind. He can't do things like the Jiu Clan. Come out. In addition, the Minister of Industry Shangshu Heping County King is dead anyway, and it is related to the Xiang County King. Now there is no perfect law to rule the Xiang County King, so I can only suppress it for the time being, and we will finish the case first."

Ye Xi said, "The King of Xiang County is also a personal thing, and if he wants to cure him, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of effort to make a good plan."

Su Fengnuan said at this time, "The Yanbei incident is that he colluded with Beizhou and used weapons to help. I always ask him to settle accounts."

Ye Xi glanced at her after hearing the words, and saw her sitting there embroidering the wedding gown stitch by stitch. The bridal gown fabric was fresh, reflecting the look on her face very vivid and ruddy. He snorted and said, "Let's take care of your own bones first! You can't get better, and everything is in vain. If you get better, the King of Xiang County is nothing."

Su Feng Nuan squashed the corners of his mouth and said nothing.

Ye Chang looked at Su Fengnuan, his eyes gentle and honest, "It will be all right."

------Off-topic ------

Monthly pass, what?

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